Xudu on the first day of the twelfth lunar month

Han Ze tiptoed into the government office, walked along the periphery to a corner and sat down, trying to minimize his presence.

Han Ze, courtesy name Taining, a branch of the Han family in Yingchuan, had just traveled to the end of the Han Dynasty, when Cao Cao's daughter Cao Jie got a strange disease, and Yao Shi had no cure, so he recruited him as a bride, thinking it was a joy.

The reason why Han Ze is so careful is because the system he carries has finally been bound successfully, but this system makes him scratch his head.

[The host cannot interfere with the historical process during the binding period of the Xianyu system. At the end of each year, if the host does not affect the historical process, a certain lifespan or an ability will be rewarded.If it affects the course of history, it will be punished, and it will be erased if it is light. 】

After carefully pondering the rules, Han Ze came to a conclusion: the longer the dog lives, the longer it will live.

So now he is worrying every day, how to reduce the sense of existence.But as Cao Cao's son-in-law, even if he is a recruiter, he will attract quite a lot of attention.

As soon as he sat down, he saw Xun You walking towards him.

"Why did Taining sit here? My lord specifically asked you to sit beside us so that we can study."

Saying that, Han Ze couldn't help but refuse, and pulled him to the third seat of the counselor to sit down.

Xun You was recommended by Xun Yu to Cao Cao's account for less than a year, and he also wanted to establish a good relationship with the lord, who was eager to cure Cao Jie, and asked for some information about Cao Cao by the way.

"Taining, do you know what the topic is today?"

Han Ze tried his best to pretend to be naive, and shook his head in a daze: "I don't know, do you know?"

Xun You looked around and said in a low voice: "Although the lord has not been made public yet, you are not an outsider. Let me tell you what to do. I will give you a lot of advice for the lord in a while."

"Do you know Wancheng Zhang Ji?"

Han Ze nodded.

"It's easy to say that Zhang Ji died the day before yesterday, and his nephew Zhang Xiu gained the military power. He used Jia Xu as his adviser and joined Liu Biao.

Han Ze was taken aback when he heard the words. Zhang Xiu, Jia Xu, Wancheng, a series of key words were connected together, and he immediately remembered which battle this was.

Han Ze complained in his heart.

[Hold the grass!Why did I encounter the Battle of Wancheng when I first came here, please don't let me go, or I might die so badly that it would be a waste of time. 】

Cao Cao, who had just entered the government office, was stunned for a moment. What was the answer to the voice that suddenly appeared in his mind?
Could it be that he has worked too hard recently and suffered from brain disease?
Rubbing his temples, Cao Cao entered the meeting room of the government office and sat in the upper seat.

[Yo Ho, Boss Cao is here, please don't send me to Wancheng, you can't see me. 】

Cao Cao frowned, and heard that voice again. Could it be a hallucination, someone talking?
Han Ze lowered his head slightly and bowed his body a little. Xun You, who was at the side, saw it and frowned.

What's wrong with this person, whether he is sitting or not, why is he still piled up, you should just shrink into a ball.This is the person who cured Miss Cao Jie by Chongxi?
Xun You shook his head secretly in his heart, a little contemptuous of Han Ze.

Cao Cao, who was at the top, was still looking for the speaker in the crowd, but everyone waited quietly for him to speak, and no one spoke.

Scanning around, only one person with bowed body and head bowed looked abnormal.

Cao Cao had never seen a person sitting in such a posture when he was discussing matters, and he looked carefully and found that it was Han Ze who was called by him to sit in and study today.

Sighing, Cao Cao was a little disappointed. He usually looked so naive, but he didn't expect to be so cowardly.

Cao Cao didn't delay any longer, and talked about the topic of this discussion.

"Everyone, if you think about it, everyone should have heard that Zhang Jixin died recently, and his nephew controls Wancheng, and wants to invade Xudu with troops to seize the holy car."

"This is an act of great injustice. We will fight against disobedient ministers on behalf of Your Majesty to show the majesty of the Son of Heaven."

As soon as the generals below heard that they were going to fight, they immediately became excited and shouted for a fight one by one.

"My lord, let me go, I will take Zhang Xiu's head."

"My lord, I only need [-] soldiers and horses to capture Wancheng, and make that little Zhang Xiu obediently surrender."

"My lord, I..."

Cao Cao looked at those generals who were all bloody, thinking that the morale of the army was available, and when he was comforting himself, the discordant voice sounded again.

[Arguing ass, fighting to die? 】

Cao Cao: "!"

Who is so bold, dare to disturb my army's morale and destroy my morale.

Cao Cao glanced at the crowd with an unhappy expression, except for Han Ze, everyone was excited, and even the counselors were thinking about how to defeat the enemy.

Only Han Ze was alone, with his face slung across his face, looking like a concubine in mourning.

It seemed to be him.

Cao Cao narrowed his eyes, and his murderous intentions gradually rose.

Feeling the murderous intent from Cao Cao, Han Ze quietly raised his head and glanced at Cao Cao's fierce eyes.

Han Ze's heart trembled [Holding the grass, why are you staring at me so viciously, you just complained in your heart, can you still kill people for no reason! 】

The voice sounded again, but Cao Cao was startled suddenly.Yes, these are the voices in my head. If I kill someone at this time, I will be disappointed.

But how did I hear Han Ze's inner voice, could it be a demon method?

Thinking about his thoughts, his eyes gradually calmed down.

Many of the counselors below were afraid to speak when they looked at Cao Cao just now, thinking that they were angered by Zhang Xiu.Now that the boss has calmed down, he offers advice one by one.

It was Xun Yu who spoke at the moment: "My lord, I believe that if we want to conquer Zhang Xiu, we need to deal with one person first."

Cao Cao sent a searching look: "Who is it?"

"Liu Bei! Liu Xuande."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the hall was shocked.

Cao Cao was very surprised by Xun Yu's remarks. He never thought of harming Liu Bei, and now he even agreed with him to besiege Lu Bu together.

Seeing that Cao Cao was silent, Guo Jia hurriedly came out and said, "My lord, you can't. Your lord is a soldier of benevolence and righteousness. He cuts off evil and violence with the people. The only guard of honor is faith and righteousness. Some people hesitate to come."

"Liu Xuande has always been known as a hero, and now he has nowhere to go to the lord, but the lord beheaded him, which is to harm a virtuous person, so that the counselors of the world will doubt the lord's credibility when they hear this news, and who will the lord use to calm the world? Woolen cloth."

"A husband who eliminates one person's troubles can block the hope of the whole world: the opportunity of safety and danger must be observed."

Cao Cao nodded after hearing this: "Feng Xiao's words are right with my heart, Wen Ruo is too hasty."

"This time Lu Feng occupied Xuzhou first and directly threatened me in Xudu. If you don't get rid of it, it will be difficult for you to feel at ease. And you have made an agreement with Xuande to attack Lu Bu. If you delay, you may be criticized. Do you have any strategies to teach me?"

Xun You got up and replied: "It's better to let Xuande Gong clean up the remnants first, recruit troops and buy horses, and wait for our army to return from the west before going to war."

Cao Cao hesitated, when the voice sounded again.

[What is there to discuss? Give Liu Bei an official post and give him some food so that he can go back and recruit troops.Then give Lu Bu an official position and no food, and when the two sides are evenly matched, Boss Cao will be a peacemaker and let them reconcile. 】

Cao Cao was worried, when he heard the words, his heart suddenly brightened.This plan is in line with the personalities of the two, and reconciliation is likely to be feasible.

Rejoicing in his heart, he turned his head to look at Han Ze, and was a little surprised to see that he still had a naive look.

What the hell is this kid doing?

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