Emperor System: Gain the power of Xiang Yu at the beginning

Chapter 77 Luo Bei Makes Sakura Brand Snake Oil

After the snowflakes in Shuofang fly, they will always be like powder, like sand, they will never stick together, and they will be scattered on the house, the ground, and the withered grass.

On the fourth day of the restoration and restoration of the ancient city of Pingyao, the craftsmen in their [-]s and [-]s finally delivered the supplies that the capital had sent to purchase.

After the Snow Valley Hot Pot that day, Luo Bei obtained Luo Yingying's consent, and wrote a handwritten instruction, urging Li Taibai and Lu Shang to withdraw the silver taels from the emperor's internal treasury and treasury, and hurried to Changshan County, the nearest big city to Pingyao.

Luo Bei's original words were that the more winter supplies the better, any unscrupulous trader who dared to sit on the floor and raise the price would be sent to prison for punishment and property confiscated.

At the same time, he also asked the members of the Holy Lotus Sect who stayed in Kyoto, especially those who were good at making laminated iron pots, to rush to Pingyao City.

Today, Luo Bei finally got everything he asked for, leaving half of the supplies to help the soldiers and civilians in distress, and the rest were divided into two parts and shipped to the Northern Wei Dynasty and the Xiongnu.

Luo Bei took the chef from Zuichuan Pavilion and Shen Yue'er to follow Da Shanyu to retreat back to the Huns, while Luo Yingying and Guan Suiying led another group of people to go back with Tuoba Ming who had withdrawn to the Northern Wei Dynasty.

As for Zhu Lize and Shen Yueer's father, Shen Kuozhi, they stayed in Pingyao City to prepare for the opening of the hot pot restaurant.

Under sunny days, when the whirlwind comes suddenly, the snow on the branches will fly vigorously.

The helmets of the cavalry also glowed brilliantly in the sun, like enveloping flames.

Luo Bei looked at the endless wilderness, under the bitter sky, the glistening snow flakes passing through the rattling iron cavalry, he sighed in his heart.

"There are hundreds of flowers blooming in spring, and thousands of horses are galloping on the green grass."

"It snows heavily in winter and goose feathers, lonely and hard to find in the white land!"

Shen Yueer drove forward wearing a red cloak, and asked suspiciously: "Your Highness, what's the matter? Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing? I'm just lamenting that such a large plain is a bit wasteful." Luo Bei squeezed the neckline to prevent the cold wind from blowing in.

Shen Yue'er smiled sweetly: "Your Highness is here, this prairie is no longer alone. I first wish His Highness a prosperous business, and thank Your Highness for giving father a chance."

"It's okay, shopkeeper Shen is already a talented cook, I definitely can't let him be buried." Luo Bei didn't care, turned his head to look at the big Shanyu behind him, "How long do we have?"

drive!Upon hearing Luo Bei's question, Da Shanyu put his legs between the horse's belly and followed him forward.

"Your Highness, according to this itinerary, it will take four hours to reach the place!"

Luo Bei was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked in confusion: "Didn't the imperial court say that the Xiongnu had already moved the golden tent of the king's court very close to the ancient city of Pingyao for the convenience of harassing Dachu? It has been two hours away, why are there still four hours?"

"Uh, Your Highness was joking. We Huns moved away from the king's tent just to facilitate trade with Da Chu. Is there any other meaning?"

Shen Yue'er at the side sneered when she heard this, but didn't speak.

The ugly big Shanyu couldn't get angry, so he continued to explain: "It's snowing heavily now, and if it's a normal season, Wang Zhang's supplies can reach Pingyao Market in three hours."

"Oh!" Luo Bei did not intend to expose the Great Chanyu, and continued to ask, "Where will our army rest before arriving at the King's tent in Jinting?"

"Return to Your Highness, in an hour's time, we can go to my brother's Maodun tribe, where we can camp and rest." Da Shanyu raised his whip and pointed to the vast mountain in the distance.

"Let's go!"

Luo Bei narrowed his eyes slightly, and sighed secretly in his heart, looking at the mountain and running to death.

An hour later, the army and his party arrived at Modun's tribe.

Luo Bei was shocked when he saw the yurts collapsing everywhere and the herdsmen hiding in the cattle and sheep pens.

He and Shen Yue'er looked at each other, and they both sighed silently, Ruixue heralds a good year?
Those who can bear it are good years, and those who cannot bear it are human sticks.

"Oh, Your Highness, have you seen it? My Xiongnu is almost extinct this year!" Da Shanyu suddenly showed a look of concern, and arranged for people to lift Maodun off the carriage, "You Hui people arrange a reception! "

"Yes!" Mao Dun glanced at Luo Bei evasively, but did not dare to greet him.

Da Shanyu held his whip and saluted, "Your Highness, forgive me, he returned to the disaster-stricken tribe and was disturbed."

"It doesn't matter, as long as I don't get scared." Luo Bei frowned without paying attention to the twitching corner of Da Shanyu's mouth, "Da Shanyu, let the soldiers go up and help clear the ice and snow."

"Yes!" Da Shanyu dismounted and commanded the cavalry to separate around to help the Modun tribe clear the snow.

Luo Bei turned around, stared at Shen Yueer and said, "You guys also get moving, set up the boiler to boil water, right on that ice and snow field."

"Okay!" Shen Yue'er jumped off the horse, and led the cook and helpers of Wangchuan Pavilion to the place designated by Luo Bei.

In less than half an hour, after everyone was busy, the tribe was restored to its former appearance.

Mao Dun knelt down in front of Luo Bei excitedly, he didn't expect Luo Bei to personally give some of the supplies to his tribe.

Now hundreds of large tents have been set up around the tribe, and the felt bags of the tribe are surrounded by the military tents.

The smell of traditional Chinese medicine floated in the felt bag. It turned out that dozens of long hibernating snakes were found after everyone cleared the snow.

This is good news for Luo Bei. The oil in the snake's belly is mixed with more than ten Chinese herbal medicines to make snake oil ointment, which is very beneficial for treating chapped hands and feet.

After tossing for a long while, Luo Bei took out some fruit and lightly wiped it on Shen Yueer's red and swollen fingers.

This is Shen Yue'er who volunteered to test the medicine herself. You must know that Luo Bei has no confidence, and it will be done all at once.

Fortunately, before time travel, he liked to study the manual for everything he used.

"Your Highness, it's done, it's very comfortable."

Shen Yueer carefully stared at her frostbite, and felt that what Luo Bei smeared was refreshing and not greasy, and seemed to feel good.

Luo Bei also held Shen Yueer's hand carefully, watching the changes in the wound, and found that the greasy surface disappeared after a while, and he knew it was done, and the skin absorbed it well.

"Haha! From now on, when you come to Laochu Restaurant to eat hot pot and stay in winter, you will be given a can of snake ointment."

Luo Bei excitedly picked up an inch-high bamboo tube, scraped a layer of snake oil into it, wrapped the mouth of the tube with oiled paper, and tied it with red string.

The witty Shanyu also hurriedly asked his younger brother Maodun to take out the Langhao brush from his collection, and brought it to Luo Bei with an inkstone.

"Huh? If you are interested, the hot pot for the Maodun tribe will be free today, but the beef and mutton they froze to death will still be used as ingredients for Benwang Restaurant!"

Luo Bei was in a good mood, so he picked up a pen and wrote three large characters on the bamboo tube - Cherry Blossom Card.

This name can be regarded as a special gift for the third sister Luo Yingying!

Da Shanyu didn't expect that he could get such a huge benefit in exchange for a little effort. He was so happy that he knelt down and thanked him again and again: "Your Highness can take the beef and mutton for himself!"

In the city of Pingyao, Shan Xiongnu's army was asked for 2 taels of silver after eating hot pot.

Before the banquet started today, Da Shanyu rejected Luo Bei's offer of a hot pot banquet and asked all the soldiers to eat in the original way.

Now that it's free, he can still have a meal with the victims of the Modun tribe.

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