Emperor System: Gain the power of Xiang Yu at the beginning

Chapter 53 Nanyue is coming to question Luo Bei

"What?" Zhao Gaoyao was the first to jump up, tightly grasping the scout's arm, "Did your lord say anything?"

At this moment, he heard that Zhao Qi had personally led an army to the southern border, not to mention how excited he was, if Luo Bei hadn't come again, he would have shouted to the sky: "You are really my real parents!"

Ever since Zhao Gaoyao got Luo Bei's promise to let him be the monarch of South Vietnam, he has been full of longing in his heart, but just now he heard Luo Bei's arrangement in the square of Yinyuetai, and he became disheartened.

He couldn't think of any reason to trick Luo Bei to go to South Vietnam, help him kill the monarch Zhao Qi and push him to the throne.

Well now, the Nanyue King came in person. If he gave a little guidance, he would definitely stir up conflicts between Luo Bei and Zhao Qi. When Luo Bei accidentally killed Zhao Qi, he would have a chance to take over directly.

"No...it's nothing." The scout looked at Zhao Gaoyao in a daze and kept raising his eyebrows at Luo Bei.

The other scout had a keen mind and seemed to have thought of something. He hurried forward and said in a deep voice, "He said that Xiangguo should take everyone to plead guilty."

"Presumptuous! Doesn't he know that the crown prince is here too?" Zhao Gaoyao cursed out of righteous indignation.

"I know, what's the matter with the prince? Even the emperor of Dachu treated him courteously. Now that he has killed so many soldiers in South Vietnam, it has also ruined his painstaking efforts for the people of southern Xinjiang. If it comes to Dachu, Too... the crown prince..." The scout didn't dare to make up what he said next.

"Ah? That's really too much. Why did he ask the prince to do it?" Zhao Gaoyao encouraged the scout with eyes full of admiration.

But the scout was afraid that the scene he did was too real, so Luo Bei shot him to death in a fit of anger.

"Does it mean that the prince bowed his head to admit his mistakes, or... is it more excessive than this?" Zhao Gao said the words to guide, and the scout nodded subconsciously.

"Your Highness, I am afraid that my imperial brother has been the monarch of South Vietnam for too long, and I am afraid that he no longer takes Da Chu seriously."

Zhao Gao must feel that the information he has guided is enough, and the current situation is already in front of Luo Bei, and he must give him the initiative in time.

"Hehe... Is Zhao Xiangguo good at acting?" Luo Bei felt that Zhao Gao's gesture was too strong, so he couldn't help but tease him.

"Your Highness is wise, this minister is thinking about Da Chu's face." Zhao Gaoyao started to kneel in front of Luo Bei regardless of everything, and kowtowed hard until his forehead was bleeding.

"Your Highness, Mr. Zhao is thinking about Da Chu, let him get up!" Li Taibai couldn't stand it anymore, so he stepped forward to persuade him.

"Okay, get up, Mr. Zhao." Luo Bei floated in a light tone, then stared at him with a frightened face, and added, "I will fulfill my promise to you today, but you must also remember that I The king can let you rise today, and he can let you abdicate tomorrow."

"Your Highness, don't worry! This life of this minister is yours from now on, and the whole of Nanyue will respect you like a god."

When Zhao Gaoyao heard Luo Bei's threatening words, his whole body trembled, and he immediately stood up and made sure to stand down.

Now he has no intention of fighting Luo Bei at all, and what he always thinks about is how to live a happy life under Luo Bei's protection.

"Xiaobai, you and Shanzi don't follow, go directly back to the sacrificial hall to arrange things, pack up your things, and come directly to the border to find the king."

"After finishing the business in South Vietnam, let's go directly back to Dachu together."

Luo Bei turned around and stared at Li Taibai and Qiao Shanzi to arrange things, and rubbed Qiao Yinger's head affectionately, comforting in a gentle voice: "Brother Bei is gone, when you grow up, let you Brother brought you to Dachu to find me."

"Well, brother Bei is waiting for me!" Qiao Yinger nodded with red eyes.

"Go! Let's go meet the domineering monarch of South Vietnam for a while."

Luo Bei scolded and waved his arm.

The group changed direction and headed towards Wanglong Town.

Wanglong Town, on the south side.

The military tents are like blooming mushrooms, spread out of the small town, and there are countless black heads, extending into the distance.

At the intersection of the town, there are eight flat tables, headed by a middle-aged man in a Tibetan orchid robe, with blazing eyes and a tall figure.

This person is the monarch of South Vietnam——Zhao Qi.

On both sides of him sat four generals in battle armor.

"Come on, raise your glasses, everyone, let's celebrate the upcoming occupation of southern Xinjiang."

Zhao Qi held the wine bottle and opened his mouth, nodding to each general in turn.

"Okay! Congratulations to my king for further progress in his great cause." The first general on the left with a rough beard led everyone to make a statement.

"Haha! The journey of this thousand-mile territory is just one step further, and there will still be generals and lonely people working together in the future."

"Definitely, Your Majesty! The last general respects you." Everyone drank their glasses of wine together.

"Hey, General Qi, why are you frowning?"

Zhao Qi was all smiles when he saw everyone, but the white-faced young general at the bottom on the right was silent.

"Reporting to the king, the last general has privately received the news that the prince of Dachu is also in southern Xinjiang. Are we going to have a conflict with him this time?" General Qi hurriedly got up and replied to Zhao Qi.

"Hmph, why should you be afraid of a young waste? We have pacified the southern border, and our strength will inevitably increase. Now the emperor of Dachu treats my king with three respects, and he will be afraid of him as a prince in the future."

"That's right! General Qi is still too young, and he does things submissively. How can he follow the king to crusade against the Quartet in the future."


Before Zhao Qi could reply, the rest of the generals began to criticize General Qi.

"The last general wants to know the king's attitude." General Qi naturally knew what the rest of the generals meant.

Monarch Zhao Qi aligns with the generals because of his knowledge and understanding. Zhao Qi knows that other generals are capable of attacking bravely, but when it comes to governing the army strictly, from conquering the city to calming the people, only Qi Siming can do it under his command.

Therefore, other people would always seize the opportunity to ridicule Qi Siming, whom they looked down upon, and everyone always believed that he got the position of general just by playing tricks.

"I just want to take this opportunity to try Da Chu's attitude, and make a thorough preparation for the future."

Zhao Qi raised his hand to stop the generals from chattering, and glanced at everyone with squinted eyes.

"Okay! That old Ding will take the lead first, and help the king teach this waste prince a lesson."

The rough bearded general spoke again, from which it can be seen that the generals are still very loyal to the king.

"General Qi, what do you mean?" Zhao Qi did not immediately agree to General Ding's request, but asked Qi Siming first.

"The final general thinks that Zhao Gaoyao can be attacked and treated as a traitor to the country; if he wants to escape to death, it depends on whether he can be sensible, saying that the matter of killing the king's cronies was instructed by that useless prince .”

"Wonderful, in this way, Gu Na's useless brother can take the blame and make meritorious service, and the queen mother can also explain something."

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