Seeing Luo Bei's cannon-like love talk, Luo Yingying's face changed from disgust at first to envy at the end, especially the little stars in her eyes were about to fly out.

Not only that, but her right hand was still pinching Guan Suiying's arm desperately, and complained bitterly: "Look at you, you are like a lump of wood, and you are not like my brother who is learning to talk about love, you see Lian Er is smiling so happily now!"

"Well, here's your favorite orange." Guan Suiying didn't seem to feel the pain, but instead passed the peeled orange to the corner of Luo Yingying's mouth in a daze. .

This frightened Guan Suiying, he made a move that surprised everyone in the lobby in a daze.

He put the peeled oranges on the table, and raised his arms, revealing his bronze skin, and there was a black purple piece that Luo Yingying had pinched.

Guan Suiying stretched out her arms in front of Luo Yingying steadily, and said in a low voice, "I can't figure out how to offend you again. This time, you can pinch your arms hard. I pulled off my clothes for fear that your nails will hurt you." uncomfortable."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was stunned instantly.

Luo Bei didn't even hold back, and spit out a mouthful of wine with a puff.

Li Qinglian, who covered her mouth and giggled, hammered Luo Bei several times, and complained: "Your Highness, my concubine did not expect that such a smart leader of our Holy Lotus Sect would like this idiot."

"What do you know? This is true love coming, and you can't stop it!" Luo Bei gave Li Qinglian a blank look, but in the end he suffered a more deadly counterattack.

"So, Miss Shen is His Highness, the unstoppable true love?"

Luo Bei's sip of wine spit further away, followed by constant coughing.

Besides Guan Suiying's side, even if he stayed still, he also understood that the silence of the hall was caused by him. He blushed with embarrassment, his neck was thick, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

For a moment, he didn't know whether to withdraw his arm, until he looked eagerly at Luo Yingying.

"Hmph! What are you looking at? Believe it or not, this princess will goug out your eyes?" Luo Yingying was also moved by Guan Suiying's stupid appearance, and immediately scanned the surroundings viciously, wanting to protect Guan Suiying.

Li Taibai and Lu Shang clinked a glass in embarrassment, covering up their embarrassment with their drinking sleeves, and they also wanted to avoid the sour taste of love.

Unfortunately, they escaped too early.

Because at this moment, Luo Yingying was gently imprinting her bright red lips on Guan Suiying's dark purple skin.

"Does it still hurt?" The gentle tone made everyone at the scene suffer from [-] lightning strikes.

Of course, Guan Suiying, who sticks out from the middle of the sea of ​​thunder, is the most "miserable".

His cheeks were already hot, and his Adam's apple rolled up and down, and his shoulders trembled slightly.

If this continues, something will happen.

"Ahem, okay, let's eat first." Luo Bei did this to spoil the atmosphere.

Li Taibai and Lu Shang, who had been pardoned, stood up again and again, "What Your Highness said is absolutely true, Lao Lu Xian and I celebrate Your Highness's triumphant return."

The two of them were almost choked to death by being fed dog food, so they immediately found a chance to have a drink and rush.

In this way, the entire Crown Prince's Palace drank happily, and Luo Bei finally relied on a thousand cups to survive Li Taibai, Lu Shang, and Guan Suiying's turn.

Especially Li Taibai and Lu Shang, they are both like wine celestial beings.

Luo Bei, who was tossing all the way, also fell asleep lying on the hall.

In the early morning of the second day, the caring Li Qinglian ordered the kitchen to cook millet porridge and made many delicious breakfasts.

At the same time, she asked people to tidy up the hall, and prepared warm washing water and soft towels.

After waking up, everyone hurriedly washed up in embarrassment, Luo Bei cleared his throat, "Hurry up and eat, father and all the officials are probably waiting in the main hall in a hurry."

Fengtian Hall, on the court hall.

With a helpless expression on his face, Luo Jingde growled at Eunuch Wei: "Why haven't the people sent to Prince Chu's Palace come back?"

"Your Majesty, why don't the old servants urge you again!"


With an irritable face, Huang Wuji stood up and cupped his hands to Luo Jingde and asked, "What do you mean, Brother Huang? Are you making fun of Yudi early in the morning?"

"My younger brother misunderstood, but it is my prince, who is extremely stubborn. I have to trouble my younger brother to educate me when I go to Shanhaiguan."

Luo Jingde had said this sentence ten times this morning, and he almost couldn't resist it.

If it weren't for the three people in the Qing Dynasty who attached great importance to the fact that the prince went to Shanhaiguan as a hostage, Huang Wuji would throw his sleeves and leave before Luo Jingde said it a second time.

"Hmph, it's clearly to humiliate us, the Emperor of Chu is so insincere!" Although the prince's entry into Shanhaiguan is important, Ji Dai can't let his master suffer such embarrassment.

Hesha burst out with murderous aura, and stepped forward, "That is, if Prince Da Chu doesn't show up within ten breaths, we will go crazy."

Seeing the silly ghostly figure and his palm surrounded by cold air, Luo Jingde panicked, stood up hastily and was about to say something when there was a loud noise from the palace door.

"Bold, who in Fengtian Hall is so rampant." It was Guan Suiying who spoke, but it was Luo Bei and him who appeared in the hall at the same time.

"What a handsome kung fu, let Lao He try you!"

When He Sha saw Guan Suiying appearing with the prince, he subconsciously thought that it was a master who brought Luo Bei to the stage to pretend. Under Huang Wuji's hint, he immediately attacked Guan Suiying.

"It came just right!"

Guan Suiying also imitated and stretched out her palm in a foolish manner, urging her ghostly body skills, and collided with him three times.

The two of them returned to their original positions again. Compared with their silly flushed faces, Guan Suiying was most out of breath.

"How is it? Has the other party been poisoned?" Luo Bei asked in a low voice when he saw the cold air surrounding He Silly's palm and couldn't see clearly.

With a smile, Guan Suiying turned his head sideways, and sneered: "Hehe, don't worry, Your Highness, the more that kid uses his palm technique, the faster the poison will soak."

"Haha, that's good. Xiaobai told us in advance that we borrowed their poisonous gold cotton gloves from the Youzi Department this time."

Luo Bei, who was relieved, walked forward quickly, respectfully saluted Luo Jingde on the stage, and shouted: "My son, I have seen my father. This trip to Pingyao is fortunate to fulfill my mission. The rebellion of the Xiongnu and the Northern Wei Dynasty was overthrown, and the glory of the three cities was restored."

"Well, Bei'er, you did a good job this time, and Qin Si's book is full of praise for you." At this time, Luo Jingde saw Luo Bei as a savior, and his eyes were full of sympathy for Huang Wuji.

Luo Jingde coughed lightly and walked down, took Luo Bei's hand and said to Huang Wuji, "Bei'er, this is your second uncle of Man Qing, come on, quickly salute your second uncle."

Luo Bei, who saw through everything, slandered in his heart: "Father, your tricks to anger me are a little too much. My son is still counting on good words to persuade my second uncle to give me a golden mountain."

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