Above the court!

After a few days of fast-paced news, Zu Long looked at the envelope, stood up abruptly, his face was heavy, and all the officials had a bad feeling. Afterwards, Zu Long laughed loudly, his voice full of joy.

"I didn't expect that Zhou Haoyu really surprised me, not bad, not bad!"

Zu Long nodded with affirmation on his face.

The following ministers seem to have something in their hearts, they are constantly tickling, and they also want to see the battle report in Zulong's hand. What kind of battle report can make Zulong so happy under the rage, many people are heartbroken curious.

Afterwards, Zu Long threw the envelope to the father-in-law next to him and began to read aloud!
"Zhou Haoyu formed a small combat force, took the initiative to go out of the city to fight, and wiped out more than a thousand Huns. There were no casualties on our side, and a few people were slightly injured!"

After the words fell, everyone's faces showed disbelief, they swallowed, and they were shocked when they recalled the young man who would rather die than submit in the court.

"Unexpectedly, Zhou Haoyu still has such strength. It is a bit inferior to the court, and the Huns are able to resist it!"

Chen Hao showed a smile on his face, looked at Zu Long and said with a bow.

Standing on the other side, Bai Qi nodded affirmatively, feeling more and more in his heart that his decision to find a way to release Zhou Haoyu was right, even if he stood in Zhou Haoyu's position, he couldn't kill so many Huns.

The Huns' combat power on horseback can be said to be invincible, holding a scimitar, they are even more defiant, and cavalry is invincible.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty. Congratulations to Your Majesty. It must be His Majesty's blessings that move the heavens and make the Huns so vulnerable!"

Taishi Zhu showed hospitality on his face, watching Zulong flatter him and said.

Zu Long smiled and nodded.

Although Zu Long knew that Zhou Haoyu's contribution was not small, but he was unwilling to admit it, and he was very grateful for Master Zhu's flattery, so he kept nodding his head.

above the border.

Zhou Haoyu appeared on the city wall, watching thick smoke rising from the side of the Huns, he must have started cooking.

They have been hoarding soldiers here, and their food comes from here. Just looting the caravan on the grassland can't keep them attacking for so long.

Zhou Haoyu looked through the attack records of the border. These Huns had never stayed here for such a long time like this time.

And it's going to be winter soon, and they haven't stored any food yet, so it's very suspicious how they can occupy such a long time here.

"Xiang Yuan, do you think it is possible for them to obtain the food provided by a certain party, and then stay here all the time, trying to conquer the border!"

Zhou Haoyu looked at Xiang Yuan standing next to him, and asked in a low voice.

As the city lord of this pass, Xiang Yuan should understand the habits of the Huns better than he imagined.

Xiang Yuan's face was also slightly stunned, and he suddenly realized.His face changed, he actually forgot such an important thing, damn it!

"Master Zhou, you are right. If you don't tell me, I will almost forget. They have never done anything like this, because the Huns only herd herds and never grow grain, so they have no grain at all. How can they Persist here for so long?"

Xiang Yuan showed annoyance on his face, and said in a deep voice.

It is not easy to place spies among the Huns, so it is impossible to know the situation on the other side. Zhou Haoyu can only guess,

A few days later, the reinforcements arrived. The soldiers were normal, but they were all listless and looked like they were going to die. Many soldiers at the border gate couldn't help complaining when they saw it.

They are all the leaders of the recruits, and they are probably summoned temporarily. It seems that Zulong still doesn't have much hope for this place.

The subsequent supply made Zhou Haoyu even more furious. He didn't even have a military doctor, and the medicines were so scarce, and even a little food, it didn't look like a reinforcement, but a debt collector.

"Damn it, look at what they sent, we are working so hard here that we can't even get food!"

After seeing this batch of supplies, Xiang Yuan's face turned pale instantly, and he couldn't help scolding "Mother,

The same is true in the hearts of many people.

Zhou Haoyu's face was gloomy, and he looked coldly at the general who brought the food this time.

"What's the matter, you dare to send this kind of thing over, just open the door and let the Huns pass by a team, so that you can taste their power?"

Zhou Haoyu had no expression on his face, his eyes were bright red, he stared at the officer in front of him, and said in a cold voice.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked. They couldn't believe that Zhou Haoyu said such words.

Many military officers in the pass have heard of Zhou Haoyu's deeds. He is a man who dares to hate even Zulong. He is still alive and kicking, and his tone does not seem to be joking at all.

"You, what are you talking about, you are rebellious, be careful to cut off your head!"

An adjutant with anger on his face looked at Zhou Haoyu and accused him.

In an instant, the entire granary was extremely quiet, and the border soldiers behind them stood silently at the door, blocking the back of everyone, with their wrists on their weapons, and their eyes fixed on them.

When the leading officer saw this scene, cold sweat flowed from his forehead. The group of people actually had murderous intent in their eyes, and they were not joking at all. They were shocked.

"Damn it, why do you talk to Mr. Zhou like that? Do you want to die? Do you want to die! Huh?"

The officer kicked down the adjutant who had just spoken, punched and kicked continuously, and cursed continuously.

It took a long time to stop, the adjutant on the ground was dying, and his eyes showed a puzzled look.

Even so, the surrounding border soldiers did not speak, and a pair of eyes fell on them like sharp knives.

"Master Zhou, everything is a misunderstanding, don't worry, we have a strict mouth and won't say anything. We are not in charge of this thing, we can only serve as an escort, it's all the decision of the higher-ups!"

The officer had a look of embarrassment on his face, and said to Zhou Haoyu in a deep voice.

Zhou Haoyu watched blankly.

Make the officer's scalp numb,

Afterwards, Zhou Haoyu waved his hand, signaling to let him go.

"Don't be in a hurry, stay here for a few more days, and let you see the attack of the Huns! In case when you go back, others will say that you have never seen it!"

Just when the officer breathed a sigh of relief and was about to leave, the voice behind him made him instantly fall from the top of the cloud into the abyss, with a bitter expression on his face.

After leaving, looking at the adjutant being carried on the stretcher, his face was gloomy.

"Who do you think you are? It's your fifth-rank official's father. You don't dare to speak like that in front of Zhou Haoyu. Are you courageous or a fool? It's all right now, we all have to stay!"

Looking at the adjutant, he said fiercely.

After the adjutant heard the officer's words, his whole body was cold and his heart was terrified.

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