Zhu Tao immediately stopped what he was doing, and seeing Zhou Haoyu's expression, he knew that something big must be happening.

How could the black man easily confess these things? He didn't speak but looked elsewhere.

Seeing his expression, Zhu Tao kicked him hard without saying a word. It was already at this time, and he still wanted to hide something.

It has been cleaned up like this just now, and I still refuse to say if I am being honest.

"Your mouth is too hard. It has been cleaned up like this, and you still refuse to say anything, am I still too soft-hearted towards you? If you dare not say anything now, I will Cut off your tongue, it's useless to keep your tongue!"

After Zhu Tao finished speaking, he was ready to make a move, pinching his chin tightly with his hands
At this time, the man in black was struggling desperately.

Zhou Haoyu gave him a look, motioning for him to let go.

"I am asking you these things for your own good. What I am saying now is just to know who this jade pendant belongs to, whether it is someone sent by Li Jiuzheng, or whether there are other people behind it. You'd better Tell me the truth so that your life can be saved!"

Zhou Haoyu looked at him seriously and said.

At this time, the man in black sneered.

He also said that he must save his life. He has already failed in all missions. Even if he goes back, he will die. It is impossible to let him live. Now he is still saying to save his life.

This is simply a joke, it is absolutely impossible for him to believe what Zhou Haoyu said.

"You also said that you want to save my life. How is this possible? Now that the mission has failed, what do you use to save my life? Even if I go back, I will die. You should understand what my identity is, so don't do it again." Keep asking, I can't say anything!"

The man in black said with a sneer, just as the two of them relaxed their vigilance.

The man in black immediately bit his tongue fiercely.

When Zhou Haoyu came to his senses, he was already out of breath.

Zhu Tao looked at his expression of biting his tongue and killing himself now, with a disgusted expression on his face, this kind of death is too miserable.

"Why bother, if he says everything, maybe we will let him die, and he doesn't have to commit suicide. This way is too miserable!"

Zhu Tao shook his head and walked towards him, checking whether there were other items on him.

After searching all over, he didn't find anything. It seems that he can't find anything on his body, only this jade pendant.

"Who is this jade pendant? I seem to have seen it before. Could it be that guy Li Jiucheng? But I don't think these people were sent by him at all. He is dead now. How could he send dead men?" To get rid of us?"

Zhu Tao looked at him suspiciously, like Zhou Haoyu next to him.

He felt that there must be something tricky in it.

Zhou Haoyu has no way to explain it to him now, the matter is a bit complicated, anyway, the owner of this jade pendant is definitely not Li Jiucheng, there must be someone else.

So many strange things have happened before they arrived in Nagasaki. It seems that when they arrive in Nagasaki, things will definitely be more complicated.

At this moment, his subordinates hurried in from the outside. They didn't know why they fainted suddenly.

When they woke up again, the surroundings were in a mess.

"My lord, General, I don't know what happened just now, I just know that a thick smoke is floating over, I don't know what happened next, and I didn't expect someone to break in..."

"Okay, there's no need to explain anymore, I already know what's going on, hurry up and check if we have any other losses, and report to us immediately after checking!"

Zhu Tao waved to him and greeted him away.

Zhou Haoyu touched the map in his pocket, it seems that the next thing is more complicated, and now it is just the beginning.

Now he is looking forward to the next trip more and more, he wants to see what strange things will be waiting for him after he arrives in Nagasaki.

Zhu Tao checked his surroundings and found nothing. The men in black had all been dealt with.

There are about [-] of them in a group, and there is no one alive, and the swords they are equipped with are all the same.

"Their bows and arrows are all covered with poison, and this kind of poison is not common. I have only seen this kind of poison when I was in the Western Regions, and the antidote is very difficult to refine. If you accidentally come across this poison The poisonous skin will fester immediately, and die on the spot, and death from poisoning is only a moment!"

Holding the bow and arrow in his hand, Zhu Tao said solemnly, he still rarely sees this kind of poison. I really didn't expect these people to be so capable and able to get this kind of poison.

This kind of poison is not common, and the antidote is even more difficult to find.

If you are poisoned, you will definitely die, so don't even think about it, because you won't be able to wait for the antidote.

"Since they are so well prepared, they must want to take our lives, but they have miscalculated!"

After Zhou Haoyu finished speaking, he walked outside.

The sky is bright.

He also took a deep breath at this time, it was time to leave here.

"My lord, the surrounding area has been checked. We have no other losses. Those people just fainted us, so we didn't lose too much. It's just that we don't know where these people came from. We can't find out now." to anything!"

The people under him reported the current situation to him.

Zhu Tao picked up a clean handkerchief, wiped the stains on his hands, and finally threw it aside, sighing deeply.

They left here soon, and there was no need to stay here, so they hurriedly packed their things.

After leaving here, other people will naturally take over, and they are not needed, and Zhou Haoyu and the others have other things to do.

A little Dunley didn't need him to spend a lot of trouble at all.

"We are still a few hundred kilometers away from Nagasaki, and it should take another day!"

Zhu Tao calculated the current time.

Zhou Haoyu also nodded slightly.

He went back to the room and took the map out of his pocket and put it on the table
He is now going to study this map seriously, to know what secrets this map hides.

He deliberately took out an ordinary sea map for comparison. On the surface, there seems to be no difference between the two maps, but they are actually very different.

There will be coordinate instructions on every map, but the coordinate instructions on this map are different.

He specially marked the location of the island, as if he was guiding Zhou Haoyu.

It seemed to be guiding him in this direction.

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