"Brother Dong, how have you been? I miss you very much."

After saluting with Zhu Tao, Zhou Haoyu couldn't help hugging Dong Xian.

"Zhou Haoyu, I miss you too!"

Since the two big men passed away one after another in the fifth year of the apocalypse (1625), Dong Xian has never returned to the south, and he was very excited to see Zhou Haoyu at this time.

"Go, let's go back and talk."

After seeing Zhou Haoyu and a group of military and government personnel on the pier saluting and greeting respectively, Zhu Tao greeted and took the lead towards the carriage.

Because Zhou Haoyu led a long-distance voyage, and now in the Pacific Ocean, the fleet he leads is a large fleet that cannot be organized by any country, so the possibility of being attacked is extremely small.

Although the Pacific Ocean in winter is much gentler than the Atlantic Ocean, no one knows what dangers will be encountered during the voyage. Zhu Tao arranged a grand banquet for the advance team of Meizhou in Lushun.

Of course, this kind of banquet is not free-flowing. After the dinner, the former Eguchi trio sat together in a small conference room in Lushun as they did back then.

"Zhou Haoyu, it's too late to regret it now, if you don't want to, you can change."

Zhou Haoyu now has three sons and two daughters. Although Zhu Tao hopes that he can go to Meizhou to sit in town, after all, he has been treated like a son since he was a child, and he still wants to confirm his thoughts.

"Brother, there is no one more suitable than me to develop Meizhou. Don't worry, as long as you don't... as long as you don't die, I will definitely help us Qin to run Meizhou well!"

Zhou Haoyu was also very aware of the importance of Mei Zhou to Qin, and he also understood that Zhu Tao asked him to go to Mei Zhou not only to develop, but also to hope that he and Caier would be less criticized.

"What are you talking about dead and alive? Your elder brother and I survived all the hardships and dangers at sea. You must be fine."

Seeing that the little brother from back then had become a calm and dignified man, Dong Xian couldn't help but patted Zhou Haoyu on the shoulder.

"There will definitely be dangers, but we can't shrink back from this. Think less about everything. I believe we can all be safe."

Zhu Tao smiled and stretched out his hand to pat Zhou Haoyu's head, but he shrank his hand in the middle and landed on his shoulder.

"We have discussed the beauty week issue many times before, and this time I want to meet with you because my thinking has changed, let's discuss it again."

Hearing that Zhu Tao started to talk about business, both of them straightened up and stared at him.

"Ma Kang, take the world map, let's talk about Ou Zhou's situation first."

Zhu Tao called out to the meeting room, and waited for the adjutant Ma Kang to bring the map to signal him to sit down too, and the four of them sat around a table.

Ou Zhou's situation is complicated and chaotic, but the core is the dispute over resources and religion.

Catholic and Protestant countries are constantly at war, and it seems that they are divided into two camps, but the countries in the camp are also conquering each other.

"Spanish, the Holy Roman Empire, and Francis originally belonged to the Catholic camp, but the contradictions between the Spanish and Fallances were deep.

Especially now Spain is bent on launching a war against Falrance, hoping to get out of the Pyrenees and occupy this plain. "

Zhu Tao pointed on the map, and the three nodded while listening.

"Yinggelan has always hoped to seek territory on the Ouzhou Continent, but their bridgehead has been occupied by Falance, while Yingwang Chali wants to completely defeat Xipanya, these three countries are now entangled.

Spain and Valance are traditional powers with powerful armies, while Yinggelan is an emerging power, which gained an advantage at sea after defeating Spain.

But at present, the most powerful navy is not these countries, but the small Helan. Now the navies of all other countries in Ouzhou can’t compare with Helan. Therefore, Ouzhou’s maritime trade is currently controlled by Helan people. "

Ou Zhou's basic situation is actually understood by everyone here. Of course, Dong Xian has relatively little contact with him. Zhu Tao's words are actually explained to Dong Xian.

"Although these Ouzhou countries have camps, they can be allies today, and they can fight each other tomorrow. In view of this situation, it is unwise for us to clearly support any country for these Ouzhou powers."

"Well, it's like the current Jiannu, although they don't fight like Ou Zhou, the conflicts between them are very deep.

Recently, the two white flags of Dorgon and Duoduo have been deliberately bought from me, and the gold and silver women have sent a lot of them, just begging us not to conquer them, and also want to obtain the trade monopoly of Houjin. "

After hearing Zhu Tao's explanation, Dong Xian also explained Hou Jin's current situation to Zhou Haoyu.

"Dong Xian is right, but the situation in Ouzhou is different from ours here. We must destroy the slaves, but it is difficult for us to go to Ouzhou for ground combat. The cost ratio is really not worthwhile.

Therefore, I hope that Ouzhou will be in chaos, but not completely chaotic. Even at present, we should not have too much conflict with Ouzhou's major powers.

In the past our strategy was to help Protestant countries suppress Jupa and HRE, but now I have changed my mind.

Helping a Protestant country is bound to stand in an opposing position with Xi Panya and Shinra. This is obviously not in our interests. After all, these two countries are the most powerful on the Ouzhou Continent.

Therefore, not only in Ouzhou, we cannot deliberately help Protestant countries to fight against Catholic countries, but also in Meizhou. "

"But according to the news that Lin Feng and the others sent back, although Shenluo is still victorious in the current war, they are already at the end of their battles, and it is inevitable that they will fall apart. Then why don't we help the Protestant countries to work harder? What if he overturned it?

In this case, not only those Protestant countries will know our importance, but it will also deter Spain and France. "

Zhou Haoyu raised his own question when he heard this.

"This is good, but there is a problem. Once we do this, the nobles and common people in the main territory of Shenluo will definitely regard us as enemies, and even the Spanish people will think so. trade is unfavorable.

Moreover, the defeat of Shinra and the decline of Spain will definitely give rise to the desire for hegemony in other Ouzhou countries, especially Francois, and Ouzhou's emergence as a hegemon is not good for us at all.

Therefore, what we need to do most is to keep the Ouzhou countries always hostile, but never allow the emergence of a hegemon. "

After being glanced at by Zhu Tao, Ma Kang explained Zhu Tao's thinking to Zhou Haoyu.

"Well, I probably understand what the governor means. If Shinra is defeated, Ou Zhou will be in chaos, because everyone wants to dig some meat from him.

Although Xipanya has declined, he still has a large number of territories overseas, especially in Meizhou. His decline will inevitably make the current Ouzhou power try to seize these overseas territories.

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