"Rebel...rebel!" As soon as Zhu Tao finished speaking, Chen Hao shouted again.

"Chen Hao, can you speak well, if you can't, go down first, let's come again when you can speak normally?
Or you don't want to talk to us. I don't care about your life or death, but I won't kill you either. When the matter in Fuzhou is over, we will let you go. "

Children would only care about famous officials in history. There are not many famous officials in the Qin Kingdom for thousands of years, and of course there are many jerks.

As far as the alliance's current physique is concerned, it doesn't need any famous ministers.

"A traitor, who is entrusted with the grace of the emperor to plot rebellion, everyone will be punished, and Zhou Haoyu will not let you go!" Chen Hao was obviously shocked by Zhu Tao's identity, and he still cursed when he opened his mouth.

"Carry him out, I'll have a good chat with the leaders." Seeing Chen Hao like this, Zhu Tao had expected it a long time ago, and waved for the guards to carry him away.

"Wait a minute, I want to hear what you are waiting for the traitor to say?"

Although Chen Hao was talking about a traitor, Zhu Tao didn't care at all, and waved his hand to signal the guards to retreat.

"I was originally just a sailor. In the second year of Tianqi, when I went to Dongying with my master, I encountered pirates. Fortunately, Wu Jin and other brothers worked together to kill the pirates. At that time, more than forty people on a boat killed more than seventy pirates, and only nine survived. Unfortunately, the owner was killed."

A group of refugee army leaders and Chen Hao heard Zhu Tao start telling stories, and suddenly fell silent.

"The owner died, and the nine surviving brothers and I went all the way to Dongpu with the owner's cargo and the stolen ships. Since then, it has been prosperous, because there are more than [-] taels of gold and silver on the pirate ships."

"Ahhhhh..." Hearing that he had won 30 taels of silver, a group of men suddenly exclaimed.

"Hmph, so it's just pirates!" Chen Hao couldn't help but choked.

"Then, let's take a look at the big work. This is what the court ordered officials to do. Don't you ask why we became pirates and rogues?"

Zhu Tao thought it was ridiculous. Officials of the Great Qin Dynasty had such virtues, even famous officials in history were like this.

"There are all kinds of businesses in the world, where can't you hide yourself, how can you be a thief?" Master Chen continued to speak eloquently.

"Come on, this is Wang Jiayin, brother Wang, let him tell you where you can hide in the world?" Zhu Tao pointed to Wang Jiayin and introduced it to Chen Hao.

"Save his mother's donkey ball, dog officer, look at grandpa, grandpa recruited soldiers in Ancheng County, and agreed to pay one or two per month, but the most he got was no more than three renminbi, and he was still in arrears for eight months. Save yourself, save your mother's body!"

Hearing Chen Hao's words, not only Wang Jiayin was furious, but all the other leaders of the refugee army were not angry.

"Your mother's dog official, my grandfather's family of nine only rented four acres of land to cultivate, and there was a severe drought in Shaanxi. The imperial court inevitably rented the sons and did not provide relief. They also paid back their mother's assignments and conscripted corvees. Tell me how grandpa should live. ?”

Zhang Yingjin, whose bandit nickname was Huntian King, couldn't help jumping up and cursing.

"Master Chen, please explain and show the brothers how to live?"

Zhu Tao smiled and Mimi looked at Chen Hao and asked, he also wanted to see how Chen Hao could argue?

Chen Hao obviously couldn't point it out, his family was from a prominent family in Yixing, not the kind of literati who studied hard, his family was rich, so naturally he wanted to travel and study, he had seen what the world was like.

"They are thieves, but what about you, as an important general of the imperial court, how did Daqin treat you badly?"

Seeing that the leaders of the thieves couldn't answer the words, Chen Hao pointed the finger at Zhu Tao, and all the men in the hall also looked over.

That's right, they have already achieved the title of the second-rank general soldier, so why are they still rebelling?

"Master Chen is a good question! I just said that I have already made a fortune. It is said that 30 taels of silver will be divided among the nine brothers. It is enough to spend a lifetime in Daqin Xiaoyao, not to mention that I have become the general soldier now. Why do I need it?" rebel?"

Everyone in the room looked at Zhu Tao silently, wondering what he was going to say?
"When I was in Dongying, I met an elder. After questioning, I decided to move to Quanzhou, but who would have thought that I would be killed by a gentry colluding with the commander of Quanzhou Guards and a group of pirates less than a month after I settled down in Quanzhou?" My whole family took my property."

After speaking, Zhu Tao looked at the leaders of the refugee army in the field, and saw that everyone looked disapproving. Obviously, in their cognition, things like this in Daqin were normal at all.

"I am the Great Qin Forbidden Sea, you and other pirates will naturally be punished by everyone." Chen Hao taunted as usual.

"You are all heroes in the mountains and forests, and you are not familiar with the sea, so I will tell you what is going on with the Great Qin's sea ban.

There is great profit on the sea, but as long as the goods of Daqin are shipped overseas, the profit will be at least doubled, and the farther the farther, the more. There are many barbarian countries thousands of miles west of Daqin, and the goods are sold there, as little as five times. Times, as many as ten times the profit is there. "

"Hey, there are so many?" As soon as Zhu Tao finished speaking, a group of refugee army leaders exclaimed.

"Yes, such a good thing should make many people rich, but the Great Qin banned the sea, but only for the common people, and even being caught fishing in the sea is a serious crime. Maybe it will be a serious crime for communicating with pirates. Beheading at the least, extermination at the worst.

But who can go to sea to buy and sell?Relying on the background of the government, the honored relatives, the clan, and the gentry not only forbid the common people to go to sea, but also suppressed and killed other sea-going ships that colluded with the government and the army. "

"Officer Dog..."

The leaders of the refugee army were not interested in what Zhu Tao said about people being able to go to sea for trade, because Daqin was like this.

The clan, relatives, and gentry control everything, and it is only natural to devour and manipulate all resources, but they just resent the "dog officials".


Mr. Chen, if everyone does not allow maritime trade, then forget it, and we don't have to go, but why can the clan, relatives, and gentry go, but I can't wait for the common people? "

"Hmph, it's just nonsense." Chen Hao replied coldly.

"Everyone, take a look, Mr. Chen's family is a prominent family in Yixing, and last year, a shipment of silk, tea and pottery pots were sold to Western countries through our Qin State Alliance.

With a profit of more than [-] taels of silver, he can just say that I am a "sea bandit that everyone can get and kill", but his own is not, is it ridiculous? "

"Dog officials have always been like this. They are full of male robbers and female prostitutes, but they want to pretend to be a gentleman of Taoism. Bah..."

"Ah, Mr. Chen, this is Zhao Sheng, the gangster lights the lamp, but he is a student of Daqin!"

Seeing that it was Zhao Sheng who came out, Zhu Tao smiled and introduced to Chen Hao that Zhao Sheng was from Qingjian, Shaanxi. Although he was selected as a scholar, his family was still poor.

He had no choice but to go to the temple for free, and study his studies by the way in order to continue high school. He didn't want to be accused of studying magic in the temple.

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