Li Shimin took people out this time, and he didn't deliberately conceal his whereabouts. For him, it is completely unnecessary now.

and so.

The aristocratic family, who had been paying attention to the emperor's actions, immediately learned of the relevant news.

Wang Shan is different from Li Yuankai, he does things swiftly and swiftly, and will not delay too long in anything.

After getting the news, Wang Shan immediately ordered to arrange corresponding people to monitor along the way, and no matter what happened, they should report to him as soon as possible.

"The emperor's undisguised going out this time must be aimed at that other courtyard!" Duan Lun whispered while standing beside Wang Shan with a gloomy expression.

in fact.

They have never stopped monitoring the other courtyard, and they all want to find out what happened in it.


Because Yuchi Jingde arranged for people to guard closely, no one was allowed to enter or leave, so they didn't get any news related to the other courtyard.

"According to past experience, every time the emperor goes to a place related to King Sheng, he will get different results, so this time we must take care of the emperor!"

"Even if we can't get those things, at least we must know what the emperor got, and then prepare for it in advance. We must never be like before, and there is no response after being dug in front of us!" Wang Shan took a deep breath, Squinting to look at the blue sky.

He just took Li Yuankai's seat, and everyone's attention was on him.

There must be no problem with this incident, otherwise, I will soon end up in the same fate as Li Yuankai.

"Let the emperor search for it carefully. I also really want to know what secrets are hidden in this other courtyard!" The corner of Duan Lun's mouth was curved.

At this moment, all eyes are on that other courtyard...


Li Shimin and his party traveled very fast, and at noon that day, they had already arrived outside the other courtyard.

Since the time interval is not too long, all traces here are quite clear.

It wasn't the first time Yuchi Jingde came here, so he didn't pay too much attention to all this.

But Li Shimin, Cheng Yaojin and others are different!

They also have rich combat experience, and they also have different opinions on the battlefield in front of them.

Li Shimin has been silently observing the details on the battlefield since he came here.

Li Shimin just swept away those neat or messy horseshoe prints, and he didn't need to waste too much thought to see these things clearly.

His attention was on the charred clods and some shotgun marks.

The extremely rich war experience told him that these things are definitely not simple!
"Jingde, Zhijie, come and see!" Li Shimin pointed to a pothole that had obviously been hit by shotguns, looked at Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde and said in a low voice.

"This thing can't be caused by bows and arrows or big knives..."

"It's natural!" Cheng Yaojin expressed his thoughts directly.

"No weapon we have now can cause such a mark. It must be some weapon that we have never seen before, and this result has appeared!"

Yuchi Jingde had noticed this a long time ago, so he didn't express his opinion.

to be frank.

He still hasn't figured out what it is that can cause such strange marks, and at the same time it is accompanied by the ability to scorch the ground.

"This must be a weapon, but I don't know how it works and how it caused such a great deal of damage!" Li Shimin took a deep breath and whispered, smelling the smell of scorched earth remaining in the air.

"Your Majesty, one thing is certain, that is... the two thousand troops that were wiped out are definitely related to this mysterious weapon!" Yuchi Jingde was silent for a moment, and then his eyes fell on those horseshoe marks.

"I believe His Majesty has already seen that at the very beginning, the two thousand troops surrounded this place neatly, so calmly!"

"That is to say, from the very beginning, these people had the absolute upper hand. Perhaps in the eyes of these people, it is not a problem for them to win here!"

When saying these words, Yuchi Jingde stood on those neat horseshoe prints.

Perhaps it was a coincidence that the position where he was standing happened to be the place where Sun Guan commanded the army.

"Your Majesty will come and see..." Yuchi Jingde ran a few times, and came to the position at the back.

"From here, the horseshoe prints began to become denser and quite chaotic. Many grounds were trampled in a mess. We have all seen cavalry combat!"

"There is only one possibility for such a situation to occur, and that is the chaos in the army, and it is precisely in these places that the traces that His Majesty just mentioned appear the most!"

"This also proves that the appearance of that mysterious weapon directly disrupted the deployment of the family's coalition forces, thus completely changing the situation!"

What Yuchi Jingde said was well-founded, even Li Shimin couldn't help nodding secretly, the opponent is indeed a veteran general.

These details are simple to say, but they require a lot of experience to analyze them.

It was at this time that Cheng Yaojin, who had been silent all along, spoke.

"The emergence of this weapon is not the main problem. The situation at that time may be even more weird. It is very likely that the number of people protecting this house is far lower than this army!"

Cheng Yaojin also followed Yuchi Jingde's example, pointing to the traces on the ground while analyzing.

"If you want to mess up such an army in a short period of time, either the number is much higher than them, or the number is quite small, which disrupts their deployment by surprise!"

"According to the situation here, there is absolutely no way that there will be more people than those 2000 people, otherwise, the scope of traces of turmoil will be much larger!"

Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde brought their own experiences into full play, and after analyzing each other, they almost simulated the situation at that time.

Li Shimin seemed to have witnessed that weird battle with his own eyes!
So the question is, where did these mysterious troops and that mysterious weapon come from?

Since this other courtyard belongs to Li Jian, all of this is naturally related to him.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

"It looks like...Jane is hiding something good here again!"

Hearing what the emperor said, Cheng Yaojin also quickly forgot the analysis just now, and turned to look at the other courtyard with piercing eyes.


What they said just now is not important, what is important is this other courtyard in front of them.

Judging from their past experience, there is definitely something good hidden here.

Maybe, the mysterious weapons they just analyzed are hidden in it...


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