late at night.

Several black shadows drifted silently towards Dai Wang's mansion.

This time, six people in three-foot black clothes were mobilized just for the purpose of investigating information. This kind of situation is quite rare and has never happened before.

To know.

Everyone in this organization is a dead fighter, especially good at detecting intelligence and assassinating specific targets. Everyone is a very capable existence.

So many people were mobilized in the small Daiwangfu, which was enough to see how nervous Li Yuankai was.

He urgently needs an answer now. If he is sure of what he thinks in his heart, then I will do whatever it takes to eliminate this potential threat.

of course.

These people, including the entire organization, cannot see the light at all, and absolutely must not let the emperor and others know, otherwise, once the emperor catches the handle, it will cause great trouble.

The six men in black quickly marched through the Daiwang Mansion, searching every room with extreme care.

They also have specific methods for detecting information. In the current situation, if they can't get the information they want, they will take action to catch the people in the house.

Regardless of whether there is a result or not, those caught will disappear forever, and no flaws will be revealed.

As they gradually investigated, they were shocked to find that there were no clues here. As time went by, they gradually began to find that something was wrong.


When they first came here, they could still see walking servants one after another.

But now the place they went was empty, not to mention the servants, even the candles in the room had been extinguished, and the surrounding was eerily quiet.

"There is a problem here!" One of the men in black whispered.


Everyone else drew out their scimitars and stared at their surroundings vigilantly.

They are very experienced and understand that this operation is likely to have been exposed, and maybe this place is now surrounded by groups.

The six retreated outwards with extreme vigilance. At this time, the task this time is no longer important. The important thing is that they need to leave immediately.

Being able to discover their actions is enough to explain the problem.

Just as they all retreated to the backyard, an extremely calm voice came faintly.

"I just need to know one question, who sent you here?" A black figure had already stood on the courtyard wall not far away at some point.

The six people who were extremely vigilant quickly turned their heads to look, and clenched their weapons tightly.

The black shadow standing on the courtyard wall quickly appeared in their eyes.

This person is the servant Wang Xuan here!

As members of the three-foot-black clothes, they naturally have good abilities. Before deciding to investigate here, they had already obtained enough information.


Everyone naturally knows who the person in front of them is!

"You don't have to answer the question just now, then stay here forever!" Wang Xuan's words were filled with endless coldness.

In fact.

He had already discovered traces of these people since they first sneaked into the mansion, so he quickly arranged for everyone to hide and face these mysterious guys alone.

Don't look at him as an ordinary servant on the surface, but he is a real master.

Hearing such arrogant words, the six men in black glanced at each other, their eyes flashed with strong disdain and undisguised anger almost at the same time.

They have seen all kinds of scenes, but they did not expect that someone would appear alone, so arrogant and arrogant. Could it be that they think their life is too long?

"Kill!" The man in black who spoke first gave an order immediately.


Everyone took action, brandishing the flickering scimitar in their hands, and rushed towards Wang Xuan who was not far away. They wanted to let this arrogant guy know what would happen if he was so arrogant.

Who knows.

Facing the simultaneous attack of these people, Wang Xuan didn't flinch at all, but just jumped down from the courtyard wall with a calm expression.

At the same time, there is an extra long sword in his hand!
Obviously, these black men's abilities were quite high, and almost at the instant of making a move, they attacked towards Emperor Xuan from different directions.

They are very familiar with these moves, and they have tried them countless times in the past, but any target they attack will die tragically on the spot in just a few breaths.

Just when their attack was about to arrive, the corner of Wang Xuan's mouth drew an arc, and with a turn of the long sword in his hand, his body disappeared in place.

His speed is too fast!
All the men in black felt that the target of the attack suddenly disappeared, and then found...the other party appeared in front of them with a cold smile.

at the same time.

There is also a tiny scar on the throat...

The man in black who spoke first just rushed to where Wang Xuan was before, and then heard the sound of his body falling to the ground from behind.

He quickly turned around to look, and at this moment, the other five companions fell to the ground with despair on their faces. Even when they died, these people didn't even have time to scream.

At this time, Wang Xuan held the long sword in his hand, and blood dripped down from it continuously.

He stood there like that, unconsciously exuding a murderous aura.

"This... this is impossible!" The man in black was frightened.

In any case, he never thought that the opponent's strength was so terrifying.

In the past, every time they acted, it would only be the other party who would be trampled under their feet and kneel down begging for mercy, but now in less than a quarter of an hour, he was the only one left.

This huge contrast made him feel extremely unreal.

"I still say the same thing, answer the question or stay here?" Wang Xuan stared at the only guy left with a calm expression, and then walked over slowly.

Perhaps it was because of the strong murderous aura emanating from his body, the man in black only felt a huge pressure coming towards him, and the fear of death instantly enveloped his whole body.

Under this kind of strong oppression, this person was so frightened for a moment, his whole body trembled, and he didn't even dare to raise his head to meet Wang Xuan's gaze.

For ordinary people, or the officials of the DPRK and China who have no power to restrain their chickens, they are ruthless killers with absolute dominance.

But they were obviously not on the same level as Emperor Xuan, and the positions of hunter and prey had completely changed.

Wang Xuan, who was gradually approaching, suddenly smelled a strange smell, frowned and looked at the feet of the man in black, his expression quickly darkened.

For him, at this time, it doesn't matter why these guys came here or who they were assigned by, the key is that they dirty the Daiwang Palace.

Without any hesitation, he raised the long sword in his hand again, and struck out at lightning speed. The remaining man in black lost consciousness in an instant, and fell into a pool of blood in despair...


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