at the same time.

Li Jing is leading the army to chase and kill Jieli Khan frantically. On this road, all the backward Turkic people have been killed without exception.

They have been frustrated for too long!

As time went by, more and more Turkic people were beheaded, and the morale of the army became stronger and stronger!

"These bastards should have died a long time ago. If they hadn't been tricked out of nowhere, we would have wiped out all of these guys long ago. How could we be in this situation?"

"Turkic barbarians are not enough to die [-] times, yet they dared to attack me, Tang Dynasty. It's a pity that this action plan failed, otherwise, Xieli's head would have fallen to the ground long ago!"

"The current situation is very favorable for us. As long as we persevere, we will have a chance to behead that old bastard Xieli!"

While running wildly to catch up, many generals took advantage of the few opportunities to talk to each other, and their words were full of anger towards the Turks.


In the hearts of these people, there are very strong doubts, that is, how could the Turkic people easily see through such a well-planned plan this time?

Anyone with a bit of combat experience can see that Jieli Khan's arrangement is obviously due to receiving the news in advance, otherwise, it would never be the current result!

If it weren't for the appearance of that mysterious army, I'm afraid they would have been wiped out by the Turkic people long ago, so how could they have the opportunity to hunt down Xieli?

Li Jing clearly heard what his subordinates were talking about, and he became even more angry in his heart. He wished he could kill Jieli Khan with his own hands now, so as to solve the war chaos in the Tang Dynasty in the next few decades!
But the problem is that a large part of the Tang army is not cavalry, and it is impossible to catch up with the Turkic army on foot alone.

To know.

The Turkic people are best at cavalry combat, especially on the grasslands. The opponent's mobility is very strong. Even if Datang is all cavalry, they may not be able to catch up, let alone the current situation!

In less than an hour, they caught up with fewer and fewer Turks.

Datang's army became more and more exhausted, and the speed naturally slowed down. Li Jing could only watch helplessly as the large Turkic army slowly disappeared.

"Just a little bit!" Li Jing stopped helplessly, and said in a low voice through gritted teeth.


He also had deep regrets in his heart, if it wasn't for King Zuoxian's sudden arrival of troops, if it wasn't for the news that might have leaked out, he would have killed the Turkic people by now.

Maybe the old thief Xieli's head had already been beheaded. Now that the army has penetrated deep into the grassland, there is no trace of the Turkic people!
Now Li Jing has two choices, or immediately take the army back to prevent the Turks from encircling them!

Or just burn all the boats and lead people to pursue them in one go, maybe they can really behead Jieli Khan and completely solve the border troubles!
This is an extremely difficult choice!

Before Li Jing could calm down and think clearly, there was a sudden sound of horseshoes from behind the army.

A scout rushed over quickly, rolled off the horse in a panic, and crawled to Li Jing!

"General Qi, there is information from the front line of Yunzhou!" The scout took out a letter from his arms, and worked hard for a long time before handing it to Li Jing!

He is so tired!

Baili rushed here, barely taking a breath in order to catch up with Li Jing.

After saying what he just said, this person rolled his eyes and passed out!
Li Jing quickly ordered someone to take him down to rest, while he quickly flipped through the letter in his hand.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, all the generals under his command also gathered here.

They are also very concerned about the situation on the front line of Yunzhou, which is related to the border security of Datang after all.

If the Turks break through the border defense, they can drive straight to Chang'an, and Datang and the emperor will be really in danger!

After reading the contents of the letter as quickly as possible, Li Jing's brows became more and more wrinkled, and his expression darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye!
This is a request for help from Li Ji!

He urgently needs the army to return to the defense now. The Turkic people are attacking the border cities one after another.

Once these cities are breached, Li Ji can only retreat to Yunzhou City, and at that time, the border is equivalent to being breached!

At this time, there can be no problems in the border defense, otherwise the Turkic army can easily go south and force Chang'an directly!

This is the worst possible outcome!

If the court and the emperor are threatened, the Tang Dynasty will definitely fall into the hands of the Turks!

Holding the letter in his hand, Li Jing's mind was full of thoughts. According to his original heart, he didn't want to just withdraw it.

after all.

It is a fact that Li Ji was besieged by most of the Turks. Even if he took everyone back, it would be nothing more than drinking poison to quench his thirst and not solving the fundamental problem.

It doesn't make any sense to defend the border, and it will make Datang still passive.

If he persists and cuts off Jieli Khan's head, it will bring stability to Datang for decades. By that time, Datang will become truly powerful, and no one will pose a threat anymore!
As a person who holds the title of God of War in Datang, Li Jing naturally has his own judgment and determination. Looking at the vast grassland ahead, Li Jing resolutely made his own decision!

"Send the order, and all the troops will move immediately, follow me to hunt down the Turkic people, and will not withdraw until Jieli Khan is killed!" Li Jing took a deep breath, looked at the front and said firmly.

The gathered generals seemed a little confused. They instinctively believed that now they should return to the defense as quickly as possible, and the Turks must not be allowed to break through the border defense.

The safety of the imperial court and His Majesty the Emperor cannot be joked about, but unexpectedly, Li Jing actually wanted them to give up the frontier defense and go after those Turkic people who had disappeared!
Isn't this bullshit?

"General...General, you have to think twice. If we don't return to defense, once the border is breached, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"That's right, General, there is no comparison between the imperial court and merit. The lives of His Majesty the Emperor and the people of the world are in our hands. The general must think carefully!"

"Jieli Khan is not an existence that can be eliminated in a short while, but His Majesty is different from the imperial court, and no mistakes can be tolerated. Please take it back!"

All the generals spoke to dissuade them. For them, Li Jing did this in order to gain great credit and put the lives of the court and the emperor at risk!
But Li Jing didn't explain much, what he wanted was not any credit, but a chance to solve the fundamental problem in one fell swoop.

"Execute the order!" Li Jing looked at the vast grassland and said word by word.


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