Datang: My private money was exposed by Li Shimin

Chapter 149 The Reasonable Fang Xuanling

"Minister...greetings to Your Majesty!" Fang Xuanling slowly came to Li Shimin, saluting respectfully as usual.

But at this moment, he seemed a little weak, saying these simple words seemed to have exhausted all the strength in his body.

Seeing Fang Xuanling like this, Li Shimin felt very uncomfortable.

For him, if it wasn't for his inability to stop all this, Fang Xuanling would not have become like this at all. In a sense, it was all because of his own incompetence!
"Get up quickly!" Li Shimin personally stepped forward to help Fang Xuanling up.

"What happened this time is due to my incompetence. I have no way to prevent it from happening. If you don't want to, no matter what price you pay, I will never force you!"

Seeing Fang Xuanling in such a state, Li Shimin's heart softened instantly.

In such an atmosphere, with his personality, it was hard not to say such a thing, even though he had just said it, and he immediately regretted it in his heart.


Fang Xuanling shook his head bitterly!
In fact.

He came here to meet Li Shimin specially at this moment, just to express his heart.

This kind of thing fell on his daughter, he could only blame bad luck, there was no other solution, it was absolutely impossible to put the fate of Datang and the world on his daughter.

Even if this is an unfair thing to my daughter!

"Your Majesty, I have carefully thought about it. The safety of the world is more important than anything else. My personal honor and disgrace are insignificant. It is... her honor to be able to prevent wars for the court and the world!" Fang Xuanling took a deep breath and said a word. Said in one sentence.

Although he said so, it was actually his comfort to himself.

Although this was the answer Li Shimin wanted most, he still couldn't help being surprised.

To know.

Everyone knows the bitter cold outside the Great Wall, this is tantamount to pushing one's own daughter into the fire pit with one's own hands.

"Fang Aiqing, you must know that Turkic is a place of bitter cold, and Turkic people are extremely rude. Letting your daughter marry there is actually a narrow escape..." Li Shimin looked at Fang with a painful expression on his face. Xuan Ling.

He desperately wanted to accept this result, and was happy to see this situation, but unfortunately he had to think about it for Fang Xuanling.

Even if you give him some more rewards, you must not accept it as it should be, otherwise, in front of your confidant ministers, what majesty and face is there?

"Your Majesty, these ministers know that everything in the world has a destiny. Since the fate has befallen the minister's daughter, it means that her fate must be such a calamity!"

"Your Majesty, you don't have to worry. I will get my daughter ready soon. As for the matter of getting married, your Majesty will go ahead with it. I will definitely cooperate with you!" Having said that, Fang Xuanling once again bowed to Li Shimin.

Li Shimin looked at him with red eyes and remained silent for a long time.

Before he could react, Fang Xuanling continued: "The Great Tang finally became more stable. Your Majesty and His Royal Highness Sheng Wang have put in so much hard work, and it must not be ruined because of this incident!"

"With the help of His Royal Highness Sheng Wang in the future, Datang will definitely develop better. When it becomes truly powerful, Your Majesty, don't forget that it is enough to help your ministers take revenge!"

"Besides, the minister did this to avoid embarrassing His Majesty, and not to make other people think that His Majesty is incapable of protecting us, and everything... was done voluntarily!"

Li Shimin was so moved...

He had envisioned the outcome in front of him a long time ago, but he never really expected it to become a reality.

after all.

This is an extremely cruel thing for anyone. Fang Xuanling's ability to understand righteousness so well and think of everything for him is enough to prove his loyalty.

"What... can I do for you?" Li Shimin couldn't bear it anymore.

I have to do something no matter what, otherwise how can I accept all this with peace of mind?
Who knows.

Fang Xuanling shook his head resolutely: "Your Majesty, these are what I should do!"

"As a citizen of the Tang Dynasty and a courtier, it is only natural to share the worries of His Majesty and the world. Again, these are my honors!"

Two lines of hot tears rolled down Li Shimin's cheeks, he didn't say anything, but came to Fang Xuanling, stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder vigorously.

He vowed that he would never forget the situation today, and when he becomes truly powerful in the future, he will make the Turkic people pay the most painful price for their current arrogance...


Fang Xuanling himself didn't know how he left the palace and returned to his own mansion. During this process, his mind was blank.

Those words he said sounded righteous and moved Li Shimin to a mess, but to really do this, the courage required is unimaginable.

That's my daughter!
Just as Li Shimin thought, this is tantamount to pushing his daughter into a fire pit with his own hands. Once she leaves Chang'an, I am afraid she will never come back in this life.

Standing in front of her own mansion, Fang Xuanling looked at the gate but refused to go in for a long time.

to be frank.

Now he doesn't know how to tell this matter, and how to face his wife and daughter.

Usually I am in the court, talking about the world and the people, what kind of ability I think I have, but now I can't even protect my daughter.

Knowing that there was a sea of ​​swords and flames ahead, not only was there no other way, but he had to push her up himself. Such a huge impact stimulated his sensitive nerves all the time.

When Fang Xuanling made up his mind to walk in the gate, he finally couldn't hold on anymore, his eyes went dark and he fell directly to the ground, his forehead just hit the threshold of the gate.

From the moment Fang Xuanling first appeared, the servants in charge of the guards had noticed something unusual about him, but because of their status, they didn't dare to ask rashly.

But now it's different!

All the so-called servants in front of the gate rushed up without any hesitation, checked the injury briefly, and sent him to the bedroom in a hurry.

During this process, Mrs. Lu happened to see the unconscious Fang Xuanling, his complexion changed drastically, and he immediately asked the doctor to come and check it out, and the sons and daughters he got were waiting nervously.

The gray-haired doctor came in a hurry, and after carefully checking Fang Xuanling's injuries, he didn't say much, and just performed a simple bandage.


His brows were tightly furrowed all the time, looking quite worried.

Lu Shi was very good at observing, and immediately noticed that something was wrong with the doctor's behavior, so he walked up and asked with concern, "Is your husband alright?"


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