The news about the pork shop and its terrifying speed spread, and in less than a day, the whole of Chang'an was spreading the news.

And those people who bought pork back home have proved through practice that the pork bought from the pork shop does not have any foul smell at all, and it is not as hard to swallow as the rumors say.

Not only is this not the case, but it tastes rich in flavor and rich in fat. Today's common people don't have much oil in their stomachs, and it is quite rare to eat meat in daily life.

After finally having such an opportunity, the price is quite cheap, and of course I like it very much, especially for fat meat.

If it wasn't for the fact that the pork shop has just opened, the amount of pork sold is really limited, and they can't wait to buy it on a large scale, so that they can eat pork for every meal.


Today's people are not worried at all. The emperor has already stated that all he has done is for everyone to eat pork every day.

And the emperor has never broken his promise. All he can do now is to wait with peace of mind, and sooner or later they will have a chance to enjoy it.

Because they missed the emperor in advance, and now they find that pork is so delicious, excited, the people began to compose doggerel to express their feelings.

"After eating boiled pork, the mouth is full of fragrance. If it is on the table every day, the emperor will not do it!"

At this time, doggerel spread to every corner of Chang'an at a very fast speed, and innocent children sang it one after another, and pork seemed to become the most sought after food.

It was at this time that news suddenly spread from the palace that the pork that everyone was looking for was carefully researched by His Royal Highness Sheng Wang.

The rumors in the past are not false. The pork in the past not only had a strong smell, but also had an unpalatable taste. It is only after Sheng Wang's transformation that it has the taste it has today.

of course.

All of this is Li Shimin secretly fueling the flames. He just wants everyone to know that all the current situation is because of King Sheng.

It is also time for him to establish prestige among the people!


As soon as the news came out, the common people cheered and praised His Royal Highness Sheng Wang's reputation. Before that, they had heard many related rumors.

Now even the pork is his handwriting, and everyone who talks about it is full of admiration and fascination, especially those scholars who are preparing for the exam.

To know.

They have read books for most of their lives and prepared meticulously, so that one day they can stand out and reflect their own value. It is an excellent opportunity to enter the court and work for the emperor, but now they have another choice.

There were more and more rumors about King Sheng, and they began to believe that these were all true, not as they thought, the emperor was afraid of the power of the big families, and deliberately found someone as an excuse.

"His Royal Highness Sheng Wang is truly a god-man. His knowledge is profound and unpredictable. Not only can he create new sentence patterns and punctuation marks, but his ability to compose poems is even more extraordinary. Now he can even transform things like pork. Incredible!"

"Actually, I'm really curious. Other things can be transformed through technology and ability, but pork is a living thing. How did Your Highness do it?"

"It seems that we have more than one way to go in the future. His Royal Highness Sheng Wang is so capable, and he is so highly valued by the emperor. In the future, he may be able to make great achievements under his hands. Those of you who are going to seek refuge in the East Palace, it is time to think about it carefully. Already!"

In the Xinping Inn, the scholars gathered together were talking about the latest news with spit, expressing their willingness to do things for King Sheng.

Even those who were originally planning to become Donggong's subordinates and put all their efforts into it, kept silent at this time, making the most precise calculations in their hearts...


While everyone was praising pork and Sheng Wang Li Jian, Prince Li Chengqian also had someone buy pork.

At this time, it is not easy to get pork. Even people in the East Palace have to pay a considerable price to barely get it.


Li Shimin made it clear that pork is mainly provided to ordinary people, dignitaries and big families, and if they want it, they must buy it with the common people in order and according to the rules.

He absolutely cannot be treated differently from the common people just because of his status and status. This is also Li Shimin's wonderful handwriting. Because of this matter, the common people also praised him constantly.

In the back garden, Li Chengqian had someone set up a table, set up a charcoal fire, and cooked it according to the style of a hot pot. With his ability and status, it is not difficult to get hot pot and related seasonings.

Accompanied by the sound of boiling, the aroma continued to waft out, and the servant in charge of serving put the chopped fresh pork into the hot pot.

Sitting here is not only Li Chengqian, but also Pei Ji who arrived not long ago.

Originally, he wanted to discuss the recent events with Li Chengqian, but just happened to be here to cook pork in a hot pot, so he naturally wanted to taste it, and he could also take this opportunity to have a good drink.

When the cooked pork in the hot pot was fished out, Pei Ji couldn't help but ate it immediately, and soon a surprised smile appeared on his face.

This pork is indeed different from the rumors, it tastes quite delicious, especially when paired with a bowl of wonderful wine, it is simply a great enjoyment.

Looking at Pei Ji who was eating so much oil, Li Chengqian couldn't hold back his curiosity, so he took a piece of pork and put it in his mouth, but his behavior was completely opposite.

The pork in his mouth was a little hard to swallow, and his face was extremely ugly. He didn't think the pork was bad, on the contrary, the taste of this pork was simply too tasteless, and he couldn't believe it because it was so compatible.

Is this really the dirty meat that the scholar said?

The stinky and unpalatable taste in the rumors does not exist. Even a person like myself who is used to eating delicacies from mountains and seas has a feeling that he can't stop. Those ordinary people can know what state they should be without thinking.

The key is.

This pork was carefully reformed by Sheng Wang, that is to say, all the credit belongs to him alone, which is different from everything in the past.

This time, not only did he get the affirmation of the emperor, but all the civil and military officials in the court, the people and scholars in Chang'an would all look at him with admiration.

Li Chengqian hardly dared to think about the benefits gained from this. In a sense, this was exactly what he dreamed of.


Now it's not me who receives this kind of benefit!
He picked up a piece of pork again, put it in his mouth and bit it fiercely, as if this piece of meat was Li Jian, who was being torn into pieces by him.

This is the only way to make him feel better...


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