Datang: My private money was exposed by Li Shimin

Chapter 134 Hanwang's Promise

At the foot of the back hill of the Han Palace, Han King Li Yuanchang and Crown Prince Li Chengqian gathered here, preparing them to do more than one thing.

Speaking of hunting, in fact, there is no prey here at all, all chickens, deer, etc. released by the subordinates for them to play.

All kinds of prey ran wildly, and Li Chengqian and Li Yuanchang criss-crossed their horses, drawing bows and arrows to nail the running prey to the ground.

In this era of few games, it is very good to be able to have fun like this.

Since Li Chengqian stayed in the East Palace for a long time, he usually dealt with the remaining affairs of the court. He was very interested in such activities.

After a hunt, more than a dozen chickens and two deer became his prey.

Although Li Chengqian was not interested in these things, they were all made by himself, and that sense of accomplishment cannot be replaced by other items.

He had a great time playing it, but Han Wang Li Yuanchang didn't have much interest. He was already tired of this kind of hunting. If Li Chengqian hadn't come here suddenly today, he wouldn't have thought of coming to play this game.

"How do you feel, is it better than staying in the East Palace?" Li Yuanchang asked with a smile on Li Chengqian who was full of excitement.

"It's indeed quite rare, and this is one of the few things that I have won by my own ability!" Li Chengqian nodded very seriously.

For him, all the things he owns now are gifted to him by his father. As the saying goes... what others can give you can also be taken away from you.

This kind of thinking has always existed in Li Chengqian's heart, and these things that have happened recently have given him such a strong sense of crisis.

"Okay!" Of course Li Yuanchang knew what Li Chengqian was thinking, and immediately clapped his hands in applause.

"It's great that you have such an idea, let's have an exciting game next!"

In order for Li Chengqian to have a good time, Li Yuanchang divided his men into two teams, each with bamboo spears and armor to fight.

For this proposal, Li Chengqian agreed very much. Ever since he took the position of prince, he always wanted to be able to really go to the battlefield.

after all.

If he can make military exploits on the battlefield, coupled with his status as a prince, it is impossible for anyone to shake him.


The world has been completely stable, and it is impossible to have a large-scale war. Even if there is a small-scale chaos, it is impossible for the dignified prince to take action.

It is precisely because of this that he is very interested in this kind of confrontation similar to war. Among the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, I am afraid that only the King of Han has the ability and interest to let him do it.


The two sides quickly lined up and started a direct confrontation. Of course, this is their game after all, and it cannot be compared with the real battlefield.

Everyone under them didn't use their full strength, they were just pretending.

I thought I could get through this way and make the two Highnesses happy, but I didn't expect that because most people were passive and slack, they were afraid of hurting the King of Han and couldn't explain it.

and so.

In the first round of battle, Han Wang Li Yuanchang actually lost!
to be frank.

When the final result was in front of him, Li Chengqian still didn't quite believe it. In terms of ability and experience, it was absolutely impossible for him to be compared with Li Yuanchang.

But he didn't expect that he actually won in such a confrontation!
For Han Wang, such a failure was not taken to heart, and it could make Li Chengqian happier, which could be regarded as the final success of this project.

But he soon discovered that the reason why he lost was because all his subordinates were passive and slack, it was just for pretending, and they didn't take this matter to heart at all.

At this point, the success or failure of the whole thing is not important anymore!
The important thing is that Li Yuanchang thinks that everyone is perfunctory, which is an absolutely intolerable result. Even such a game project is perfunctory. If there are other problems in the future, wouldn't it be even more indifferent?
Li Yuanchang was angry, directly tied several main persons in charge, together with the armor, to the tree, and personally taught these guys severely with a whip.

Only when the beating made everyone scream in pain and covered in blood did they put down their whips angrily.

From start to finish.

Li Chengqian watched from the side without saying a word, and he felt a little jealous of his uncle in his heart. Even though he was very kind to him, the other party was quite cruel in his bones.

If one day, I am no longer the prince, or stand on the opposite side of the King of Han, how can I guarantee that I will not end up worse than these people?
Of course, Li Yuanchang didn't know what Li Chengqian was thinking. After punishing a few guys, he immediately organized people to start again.

With the previous lessons, no one dared to be passive and slack. They were desperate in this confrontation, and they were beaten to the ground. They really had the taste of the battlefield.

Naturally, Li Yuanchang won this time, and he was naturally quite satisfied with the result, not for anything else, and he must not let anyone perfuse himself.

Li Chengqian didn't say anything else, he didn't want anyone else to be beaten with blood all over his body.

"That's the best way to be happy!" Li Yuanchang laughed hahaha and came to Li Chengqian's side, but found that his face was not very good-looking.

"Isn't it just a loss, we are even!"

Li Yuanchang reached out and patted Li Chengqian's shoulder, thinking that he was upset about the loss just now.

"Uncle misunderstood..." Li Chengqian shook his head slowly, and then complained to Li Yuanchang.

"Recently, a lot of things have happened. Father is becoming more and more eccentric now. No matter what Li Jian does, he will help unconditionally, even at the expense of making enemies of all officials in the court!"

"He has never done such a thing for me. If he doesn't like it, why did he let me be the prince? Why don't you just give up the position to Li Jian?"

The more he talked, the more excited he became. Li Yuanchang sighed, and waved his hands to signal the people around him to leave quickly. He didn't want the following conversation to be spread out.

"Recently, I have also heard some things. Your Majesty's handling of these matters is indeed biased sometimes!" Li Yuanchang nodded slowly.

The fact is indeed the case, he has heard most of the rumors about Li Jian, and this kid has even become Chang'an's word-of-mouth poet fairy.

But he has never been interested in these literati things, and the things the other party said have little to do with him. Li Yuanchang is interested in his nephew.

The other party is the prince, the future heir of the Tang Dynasty, no matter how powerful Li Jian is, he is only a prince, and he will serve Li Chengqian and the Tang Dynasty in the future...


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