Datang: My private money was exposed by Li Shimin

Chapter 131 Governing a Great Country is Like Cooking Small Fresh Food

"What? We are asked to eat such stinky pork every day. Who came up with such a bad idea, and let the emperor have such an idea?"

"It's simply unreasonable. Although we are not members of a big family, we shouldn't be humiliated like this? It's not that we are poor and have nothing to eat. Why do we eat pork?"

"What is your Majesty going to do? Even if there is a famine, pork should be used to relieve the victims. For people like them, as long as there is food, it is enough. We don't seem to need this!"

"Anyway, it is absolutely impossible for me to eat pork, even if I starve to death!"

The common people talked a lot, and many people began to curse angrily, thinking that the emperor was humiliating them by doing this.

a time.

The pork incident caused a lot of trouble in the city. People no longer praised the court and Li Shimin for their conversation after dinner, but condemned them one after another.


This is not a special situation, it’s okay to experience it once in a while, if you eat the legendary pork every day, wouldn’t it be worse than death?

at the same time.

The major families also secretly sent people to exaggerate the disadvantages of pork, not only the taste is difficult to swallow, but also irreversible harm to the body if eaten for a long time!
Rumors and rumors are very scary, and once they spread, they cannot be controlled.

The key is.

Even if it is an ordinary thing, it will eventually become unsightly after spreading rumors, not to mention that most people object to the bad news.

In less than a day, pork has been rumored to be like a poison, and everyone's expressions have changed, and they don't even want to mention it anymore.

Seeing that the city was full of troubles and people complained, Wang Shan was quite satisfied. At this moment, he was walking in the backyard with his hands behind his back, followed by the old housekeeper holding a teapot.

"My lord, we can no longer talk about pork outside. Everyone is afraid of being contaminated with this kind of thing. It seems that we really don't need to do it ourselves!" The housekeeper followed behind Wang Shan and said with a smile.

He looked at Wang Shan's back, full of strong admiration, and just a few words can cause a storm in the city and influence the thoughts of most people.

Could such a powerful energy not be possessed by ordinary people?
"This is only the first step, the next step is the fun!" Wang Shan paused, with a sneer on his lips.

"Go and tell the people of the major families that when you go to the court today, you should publicize the situation outside, so that the emperor can understand how wonderful his policy is!"

When saying these words, Wang Shan couldn't help laughing, he seemed to be able to see Li Shimin's gloomy face.

Especially thinking that the emperor knew very well that the current situation was related to them, but he could only watch helplessly as there was nothing he could do. Wang Shan felt extremely happy...


Tai Chi Temple.

At this time, the atmosphere in the hall was a little weird. Just now, Duan Lun stood up again and opposed the emperor's raising of pigs.

Logically speaking, after experiencing what happened last time, they should not be so ignorant, and they still have to bring this up again and again.

after all.

Li Shimin made it clear that no one should bring up the matter of raising pigs in the future, which was obviously against the emperor deliberately.

of course.

Many of them have already heard about the Luoyang rumors!

He naturally understood the current situation. At the beginning, Li Shimin used strong means to settle this matter, but now there is a lot of trouble, and the people are unwilling, and it is really difficult for them to make a choice.

"You...don't understand what I said?" Li Shimin squinted his eyes and stared at Duan Lun, with a deep chill in his words.


Although he was like this on the surface, he didn't panic at all in his heart. He was too clear about the movements of these people, and they would always be those moves.

"Your Majesty, the matter of raising pigs was originally for the common people of the world, but now that the news has spread, the people of Chang'an are filled with dissatisfaction, and everyone's expressions have changed!"

"The ministers are all thinking of His Majesty. This is an out-and-out bad government. For the sake of the court and the people of the world, please stop raising pigs!"

"Since His Majesty ascended the throne, the country's strength has been damaged due to violent warfare. This has caused the wrath of the heavens, and a large-scale famine has occurred!" Duan Lun took a deep breath and said each word in a low voice.

They were fully prepared this time, and they were determined to embarrass Li Shimin. Many things that they had never dared to say before were all said out in one go.


In the words, the famine that will happen and the current situation are all blamed on Li Shimin. In this era, this trick is quite powerful.

For thousands of years, many people have reported to the emperor, wanting to attract enough attention, or forcing the emperor to agree to their own suggestions, they will link things with heaven.

"Your Majesty, the sage said... Governing a big country is like cooking a small dish, and you should not go to war easily. Your Majesty should follow the example of Emperor Hanwen and use the Taoist Huang Lao's way, and let it go as much as possible!"

"Let the people develop independently, and don't get too involved in the centralization. Everything in the world has its own laws, and it may develop better if you don't care about it!"

After saying this series of words, many people in the hall changed their faces.

To know.

Li Shimin's temper is quite bad, and he is definitely not that kind of weak emperor. Duan Lun dared to say such a thing in public, he really risked his life.

at this time.

Many people's eyes fell on Li Shimin, wanting to see his reaction.

Today is very likely to see blood!

Who knows.

Hearing Duan Lun's seemingly rebellious words, but dedicated to the country, Li Shimin didn't react at all, his expression was calm, but he kept sneering in his heart.

He understands these people's methods too well!
It is easy to clean up Duan Lun, but this is exactly the result that the big families want to see. If they really do that, they will make a big fuss about it.

Don't worry about a little Duan Lun, what Li Shimin wants is to truly control the situation.

not to mention.

If it is true that Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty used Huang Lao's way to let everything go, wouldn't the major families invade the fields and enclose themselves everywhere?
"I also know the reaction of the people now, but they have not seen the real benefits of pork. When everyone understands my painstaking efforts, everything will be solved!"

"How about this, now Chengnan is going to start selling pork, let the people experience it first..." Li Shimin said very resolutely without any intention of shrinking back.

"Soon, we will know whether this is bad governance!"

Don't look at Duan Lun's appearance that he is not afraid of death, but his heart is already panicked. If he is not in front of everyone now, I am afraid he has already flinched...


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