After returning to the palace, Li Shimin immediately began to arrange for raising pigs.

This matter involved too much, so he had to keep it in mind all the time. When he heard the news, your name was ready to be promoted immediately.

of course.

It is not easy to do this, and it needs the support of many people. At least, it is necessary to test the tone of the ministers under him. The key reason is still the pork.

To know.

Pork, in the eyes of most people nowadays, should be eaten by ordinary people with low status, but anyone with some strength and status will definitely not eat this kind of meat.

This has led to a very strange situation, people with noble status don't even bother to eat pork.It feels demeaning to even mention it.

As the emperor, if Li Shimin let everyone know that he wanted to raise pigs, it might have an impact on his reputation and the court.

He is not worried about the vast majority of people, the key is that those guys from the aristocratic family are now worried that they will not be able to catch themselves, so they must be very cautious in doing these things.


Li Shimin took the lead in discussing this matter with his teacher Wei Zheng. First of all, Wei Zheng had relatively high prestige among the ministers in the court, because he didn't even give face to himself, and what he usually said and did was more convincing.

The second is to test his tone. If you get the support of the teacher, you can do it with confidence.

Thinking of these things, Li Shimin actually felt uncomfortable. He clearly wanted to do something meaningful to the people of the world, but he still had to worry about it, for fear of causing any trouble.

If there were no threats from the family, how could this be the case?


Li Shimin summoned Wei Zheng, Changsun Wuji and others to discuss on the same day.

"What does His Majesty mean by raising pigs?" Wei Zheng frowned at Li Shimin and asked in confusion.

He hasn't learned the inside story yet, so naturally he doesn't understand Li Shimin's thoughts very well.

Changsun Wuji didn't speak either, just frowning and thinking about something.

In the recent period, the emperor has his own reasons for everything he does, and most of them are inseparable from Sheng Wang Li Jian.

This time, he suddenly proposed to raise pigs on a large scale. Maybe he was instructed by Sheng Wang again, or there was some benefit in it.


Li Shimin's next words confirmed his thoughts!
"The pork we ate in the past not only had a very strong smell, but also had a very hard texture. It could even be said that we couldn't eat it at all. This has led to the fact that only ordinary people now regard pork as food!"

"Including those of us, even mentioning pork feels that we have lost our identity, but now there is a way to improve this phenomenon, making pork as delicious as beef and mutton!"

"The point is that the time for raising pork is many times shorter than that of cattle and sheep. If it is widely promoted, it won't take long for all the people in the world to be able to eat meat!" Li Shimin said a little proudly.

Wei Zheng was stunned for a moment, as if he hadn't realized it. For him, the key content here was completely incomprehensible.

Pork comes from live pigs. Unlike other items, you can change it into what you want as long as you think of a way.

That is a living animal!

How could it be possible to suddenly change the quality of the meat? Just thinking about it is unimaginable, let alone it will happen!
"Who did you hear your Majesty say?" Wei Zheng squinted at Li Shimin.

Anyone who knows him well knows that generally he looks like this because he is preparing to use his strengths and criticize those he considers guilty as worthless.

"I know what you are doubting. You think such a thing is impossible, right?" Li Shimin was not discouraged by this, but instead showed a strong smile on his face.

"I tried it myself, and the pork I ate has become very delicious, and the taste and texture of the past have completely disappeared. Moreover, this improvement method comes from Sheng Wang!"

Originally, Wei Zheng wanted to say something, but when he heard Sheng Wang's name, he immediately swallowed back the words. If it were anyone else, he would be bragging and unrealistic.

But when it came to Li Jian, he immediately lost his temper. For so long, all things related to King Sheng, no matter how unbelievable, eventually became facts.

"Your Majesty's idea is indeed feasible. If all the people in the world can eat meat, it will be a great thing for Datang!"

"Your Majesty, don't forget that the reason why the Turkic people are strong is not only related to their nomadic habits, but more importantly, these people eat meat as companions almost every day!"

"If our people can eat meat every day, at least they can improve their physical fitness. This is the key to affecting the general situation of the world!" Changsun Wuji took advantage of this opportunity and immediately said in agreement.

He knew this would be the case, so he didn't jump to conclusions.

Wei Zheng turned his head and gave him a meaningful look, but didn't speak any more, and expressed his agreement with Li Shimin's idea with practical actions.

"If we want to achieve the results we want, there are still many things to do now. The first thing is to really learn how to raise pigs!"

"I have already asked Wang Xuan to start preparations. Tomorrow he will take us to see the breeding farm in Prince Sheng's Mansion, where the scale of raising pigs has already been formed!"

"Are you interested in following me to take a look?" Li Shimin said again after a moment of pondering.

Wei Zheng, who didn't quite believe it at first, immediately cheered up when he heard this.

He hadn't expected that the matter of raising pigs had already taken shape. No wonder the emperor approached them to discuss it with such confidence.

"Then go and have a look!" Wei Zheng nodded repeatedly, and Changsun Wuji also echoed.


After making relevant preparations, the next day, under the leadership of Wang Xuan, everyone came to the extremely spacious pig farm behind Sheng Wang's mansion...


They were not the only ones accompanying them this time, there were even Fang Xuanling and Empress Changsun. After seeing Li Jian's terrifying abilities several times, they couldn't stop everything related to him.

The huge pig farm was relatively noisy, with the sound of pigs everywhere. To everyone's surprise, they thought it would be smelly and they couldn't get close at all.

Unexpectedly, after coming here, there is no too much strange smell, and all the pigs being raised are separated in various pig pens in an orderly manner.

Countless pigpens are neatly arranged, clean and spacious, and the most commendable thing is that there are special passages for both sanitation and excretion.

People watching this scene are actually a little refreshed...


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