"Where are they?" Zhang Song looked forward to the stars and the moon to these Western doctors.

"On the way, my subordinates have already sent people to escort them, and they will come to Liuhe soon." The man in black said.

Zhang Song stood up, patted the man in black excitedly on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Hei, you did a good job."

For the protection of the man in black, Zhang Song did not allow him to use his real name.

Instead, he used the man in black to represent his appellation.

Now, he is affectionately called Xiao Hei.

Immediately, he was beyond excited.

"My lord, you don't dislike me, take me in to wait for the remnants of the Great Yuan, and give me a bite to eat. Our lives are all yours."

"What are the remnants of the Great Yuan? In this world, there are only people of the Great Ming."

These so-called remnants of the Yuan Dynasty were the children of the officials and eunuchs of the Yuan Dynasty, and most of their fathers died in the flames of war.

But their identities were not recognized by the Ming Dynasty, so even after 15 years in Hongwu, many of them are still beggars and refugees...

But in Liuhe County, Zhang Song gave them a place to live.

Even though he didn't dare to make a big splash about them, he still regarded them as human beings.

For these descendants of officials and eunuchs of the Yuan Dynasty, the gratitude to Zhang Song is like the grace of rebuilding.

For Zhang Song, he is the only follower.

"Well, it's done well. How are the facilities on Penghu Island?" Zhang Song was more concerned about this.

After all, this is his private money.

Once you have silver, you can exchange it for system value.

Haha ...

System value!

There are very few tasks issued by the system.

Getting the system value requires silver.

"The construction of the pirates has been initially completed, and the business routes are also being followed up one after another. At present, the money for the business can only be eaten and drank by the brothers on the island." Xiao Hei said with a wry smile.

"Don't worry, take your time..." Zhang Song was also helpless about this.

After all, it is impossible for him to starve the brothers on the island.

Let's do it for now, it seems that we have to hurry up to get that treasure.

After sending Xiao Hei away, Zhang Song prepares to rest.

After washing, Lin Zhenzhen came in through the window.

"If you don't walk through the door, why do you learn to walk through the window?"

"Eh..." Lin Zhenzhen looked embarrassed.

"Okay, come to me in the middle of the night, did you find something?"

Zhang Song suppressed his excitement and asked.

"Yes. But... the place where the treasure is hidden is disgusting." Lin Zhenzhen had a few strands of fear on his face.

Zhang Song was surprised, this majestic Lin Zhenzhen, who has been the chief arrester of the six sects, how could he show such an expression?
"Could it be in the mass grave?" Zhang Song asked speculatively.

Lin Zhenzhen nodded heavily and said, "You guessed it right."

"There's nothing to worry about, as far as I'm concerned... let's go..." After Zhang Song finished speaking, he took the Tang knife and a huge and heavy package from the wall.Inside the package was the TNT purchased by Zhang Song in the system.

With just this little TNT, Zhang Song's system value was wiped out.

One kilogram of TNT requires [-] system points.

But TNT is far more powerful than any black powder in the Ming Dynasty.

The explosive force produced is equivalent to hundreds of catties of black powder...

Lin Zhenzhen looked at Zhang Song's 1.5-meter-long knife with envy in his eyes.

"When will you forge me a knife like this..."

"This knife is very heavy. It weighs seven pounds. It is better for a girl to use a sword." Zhang Song smiled wryly.

"Cut! Rare is rare, don't look for reasons."

In Lin Zhenzhen's opinion, he just couldn't bear to forge a Tang knife for himself.

"Okay, don't complain. After this treasure hunt is over, I will forge a Tang sword for you."

This Datang knife is very heavy, it is really not conducive to girls to use.

The sword moves lightly, but the knife moves lightly.

Therefore, Zhang Song is not fooling her, Lin Zhenzhen.

After speaking, Zhang Song also changed into night clothes.

Leading the horse in the backyard, the two headed towards the mass grave in the south of the city.

On the road, horseshoes rattling...

In the darkness, the samurai and members of the Li family were digging hard at the mass grave.

One of the Li family members complained: "This person who buried things is really real. Why did he bury it so deep that I have been digging for three days and three nights..."

The younger brother beside him was also exhausted.

I also feel the same way.

"What are you complaining about? Hurry up and dig. Everyone has a share in what is dug out!"

The Patriarch of the Li family showed a look of indignation.

But he was thinking, hum!If you dig something out, are you still alive?
He will not be merciful when it comes to dividing money.

Of course, those Japanese warriors who cooperated with them would not be merciful.

For things like money, in the world of people like them, there has long been an unspeakable rule-to share in digging treasures, and to share treasures?You think too much, the best way to divide the spoils is to have fewer people, and of course the more things you get...

As time goes by, gradually, the pit gets deeper and deeper.

With the sound of a person's shovel touching a hard object, everyone saw a silhouette similar to an iron box.

"Wow, dug it out!"

As the crowd burst into cheers, everyone's eyes were focused on the man under the shovel.

"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and dig!" the Dongyang samurai said in blunt Huaxia language.

The Patriarch of the Li family also shouted excitedly: "Yeah, what are you doing in a daze? Hurry up, hurry up... if you don't work harder, the sky will be dawn soon."

After all, it was a bad thing, and it would be troublesome at dawn.

Everyone digs hard.

As the soil was dug away, mouthfuls of boxes were exposed.

The mouthfuls of boxes were also pulled up to the edge of the pit.

The Patriarch of the Li family and the warrior chief couldn't wait to open the box.

There was a white light in the box.

"Wow, silver. It's still pure silver!"

In ancient times, silver was very rare.

Therefore, a certain proportion of brass is mixed in silver.A trace of grain is formed in silver, so it is also called grain silver.

Patterned silver is naturally not as valuable as pure silver.

Then they opened other boxes.

There is a yellow light in the box!

"My God, it's gold, it's gold!" There are at least a few thousand taels of gold in this box.

The rest of the boxes contain emeralds, agates, gems and more.

"Preliminary estimate, it's worth at least 500 million taels of silver! I've posted it, haha..." Everyone had an excited look on their faces.

At this moment, someone did not know who let out a scream.


This mournful howl interrupted everyone's emotions.

Everyone looked at the screaming man.

I saw that a sharp samurai sword had pierced through his chest, and the blood dripping from the tip of the knife flowed out...

"What are you doing? Your Excellency Da Dao!" the Patriarch of the Li family howled.

"What do you think? Patriarch of the Li family? Don't you think the same in your heart? I'm just going to strike first!"

Oshima smiled ferociously.

Oshima was the leader of this group of warriors.

"Where is the son of the Li family? Copy the guy, kill him!"

Under the call of the Patriarch of the Li family, the Li family's children rushed towards the warrior one after another.

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