Zhang Song worked in the study all night, and walked out of the room drowsily the next day.

Zhao Wu and the others were still waiting outside the door. Seeing Zhang Song coming out tiredly, they hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Master, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I just want to sleep."

In Zhang Song's opinion, sleeping is the kingly way now.

It's a pity that he has a lot to deal with today.

After signing in to the system, simply assign today's tasks to the county magistrate and the clerk.

After Zhang Song ordered the task, he turned his head and went back to sleep.

At noon, Yuchan came to wake him up.

Said that Mr. Lin came to look for him.

Before that, Lin Zhenzhen discussed with Liu Lian, the Minister of Dali Temple.Liu Lian worried about Zhang Song's safety.

After thinking about it, Lin Zhenzhen thought she could protect Zhang Song.

Liu Lian said, "How did you get close to Zhang Song? This kid is very suspicious."

Lin Zhenzhen smiled and said: "I helped him once, and then he asked me to hang out with him."

After hearing Lin Zhenzhen's words, Liu Lian said in surprise, "What? Did you help him?"


Liu Lian is Liu Bowen's son, so what can happen to Lin Zhenzhen helping Zhang Song?Of course it was the lawsuit that involved the Sansi Yamen.

So many days have passed.The people in the third department made no progress, and even the man in black couldn't find any clues. The man seemed to have evaporated in the air.

Now that the people from the third department are out of Dali Temple, Lord Lu from the Ministry of Punishment and the censor's yamen patrolling the city, don't mention how ugly they are.

"Well, Mr. Zhang is the hope of our Daming in the future! I am very concerned about him, and I really hope that he is safe. After you go, do your best to protect him."

"Yes, Master Liu!"

After bidding farewell to Liu Lian, Lin Zhenzhen took his outfit and rushed to Liuhe County without stopping.

Yuchan woke him up and told Zhang Song about Lin Zhenzhen's arrival.

Zhang Song bounced off the bed.

Surprised and said: "Why is she here? What is this uncle doing in Liuhe County at this time?"

Unlimited strangeness appeared in Zhang Song's heart.

He thought that Lin Zhenzhen came to investigate the man in black who had killed Rich Lu and Empress Lu before him. Although his mentality was unusually stable, he still felt a little uneasy.

He yawned, washed his face, and walked to the living room.

Lin Zhenzhen looked at Zhang Song with strange eyes.

Zhang Song smiled and said, "Master Zhang, hello."

"You didn't come to see me just to ask me if I was okay?"

Because Zhang Song stayed up late last night to do the test, he looks very depressed now.

"Hehe, Mr. Zhang, you are really direct. Is what you said last time still count?" Lin Zhenzhen said implicitly.

Zhang Song rubbed his chin, stared at Lin Zhenzhen and said, "What are you talking about? There are so many things going on recently, I forgot all of them."

"It was you who said that I would come to hang out with you."

"Um, yes, you want to come?" Zhang Song looked very calm, but he was endlessly guessing in his heart, why is this girl so cheerful now?If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.Could it be that she approached me and wanted to investigate the matter between rich man Lu and the man in black?

"Yes!" Lin Zhenzhen was very happy to see that Zhang Song did not refuse.

"Very good, the county is very short of manpower now. You take a team to investigate the mass graves in the south of the city, and pay attention to safety." Zhang Song handed her a bottle of pills and said, "Before entering the mass graves, take this Take it."

Zhang Song suspects that there is some kind of unknown creature in the mass grave.

It was these creatures that bit the villagers, causing the infection.

Last night he tested all night, but he couldn't find the answer from the body tissue.

It seems that we can only go to the field to investigate.

Lin Zhenzhen looked at the bottle of pills and said, "What is it?"

"Artemisinin." Zhang Song said calmly, "There are a lot of mosquitoes inside, I am worried that you will get malaria if you are bitten by mosquitoes."

Artemisinin is a phytochemical extracted from Artemisia annua. It has no major side effects on the human body, and even normal people will be fine if they eat it.

Zhang Song didn't say much after finishing his orders.

For Lin Zhenzhen, she has been engaged in detective work for a long time, so she can naturally grasp the details.

Now Zhang Song is busy with everything.

Although he doesn't like the job of the county magistrate, as long as he is in this position, he will definitely think hard.

After Lin Zhenzhen left, the scribe came hurriedly at this moment.

"My lord, fresh Artemisia annua has arrived, my lord..."

Zhang Song waved his hand at him and said, "I see."

Then he ordered someone to transport the Artemisia annua to the Yamen.

He wants to extract artemisinin from these fresh Artemisia annua.

After an afternoon of busy work, he brought out ten carts of artemisinin.

A total of fifteen catties of artemisinin were extracted.

Zhang Song looked at a large bottle of artemisinin and was extremely happy in his heart.

Because he found that the proportion of artemisinin extracted from fresh Artemisia annua is higher than that of dried Artemisia annua.

Fresh Artemisia annua has high artemisinin activity, but fresh Artemisia annua is not easy to preserve.

If artemisinin is needed in winter, it is impossible to find fresh Artemisia annua.

From this point of view, it is still necessary to prepare a considerable amount of dried Artemisia annua.

In the evening, Lin Zhenzhen returned to the county government with the servants.

Seeing her coming back, Zhang Song hurriedly asked her how things were going.

Lin Zhenzhen shook his head and said, "There is nothing of value! I only found this."

"What is this?" Zhang Song asked when he saw the black thing that looked like rat droppings.

"This is luminous sand. According to the distribution of luminous sand, it will only exist in caves, or old houses and towers where no one lives." Lin Zhenzhen said.

When Zhang Song heard her say that it was Ye Mingsha, a flash of light flashed in Zhang Song's mind immediately.

He didn't know Ye Mingsha, but he had seen introductions about Ye Mingsha in books.

The so-called luminous sand is a traditional Chinese medicine.It's the excrement of bats.

According to the habits of bats, it is naturally as Lin Zhenzhen said.Bats do not grow in wild places.

The mass grave in the south of the city, this place is quite empty.

Therefore, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

It seems that I have to judge whether these people were killed by bats!
The experiment I did before was to judge the toxin, but now I just need to check whether there are any germs carried by bats in the dead body tissue, and I can judge that it is almost inseparable.

Thinking of this, Zhang Song didn't say anything else, and plunged into the study room, and began to conduct tests based on the germs carried by the bats.

Two hours later, the bacteria carried in the dead body tissue matched the conventional bacteria carried by bats.

Zhang Song walked towards the county government office, smiled triumphantly at Lin Zhenzhen who was about to release him from the government office, and said, "Follow the county to the mass grave to catch bats."

He seriously suspected that someone was keeping bats.

The biggest feature of the bred bats is that they no longer have their inherent habits.

It is very likely that they will also change their inherent habits and live in the wilderness, or even in the ditches of the people.

Lin Zhenzhen looked at Zhang Song strangely and said, "My lord, do you still want to go to that place?"

The mass graves at night are particularly gloomy.

Even though Lin Zhenzhen is the policeman, she is a woman after all.

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