Zhang Song never expected that the epidemic was malaria.

It was thought that there would be a large-scale plague epidemic.

After all, the demise of the Ming Dynasty was directly related to the plague.

In the Ming Dynasty when the Little Ice River was raging, the plague will soon land in Daming.Because the young girl capital of Ming Dynasty began to sprout, the mainland was in contact with foreign countries, and the willow disease brought from Africa began to spread on this continent from this moment.


Zhang Song feels that there are really many things to do.

It seems that we must look for talents in the future.

I'm really busy with this alone, so I don't care about that...

Hey, what are you thinking about?How to extract my artemisinin!
Thinking that without system value, he couldn't buy artemisinin refining materials in the system store, he felt dizzy for a while.

At this moment, the system laughed maliciously: "Hey, you are stupid. Don't you have money? The system likes money the most. When there are no tasks issued, if you want to get system value, you can buy it with silver." ah."

"What kind of exchange method is the exchange system value?"

"1 taels of silver can be exchanged for [-] system points!"

"I rely on!"

When Zhang Song heard the system's words, he immediately became furious.

The reason is that he now has 30 taels of silver.These are all the money he earned by using capital means as a reserve fund for maintaining the entire Liuhe County.

According to the personality of Zhu Yuanzhang in the Ming Dynasty, he didn't make money and save some reserves to prevent it. If something happened, he had to report it and wait for an approval. The time taken up would make things serious.

Therefore, Zhang Song made a conclusion about the disadvantages of ancient communication blockage that he must master a small treasury.

"You're spending it on the common people. As long as you make artemisinin and sell it, you can make a lot of money." The system thinks Zhang Song is really stupid.

Zhang Song had already thought of such a simple question.

But as a courtier of Zhu Yuanzhang, if you want to be an official and do business blatantly at the same time, even if you have a hundred heads, it is not enough to chop off.

"Forget about making artemisinin and selling it! The refining method of artemisinin is 1 taels to 1 taels."

Zhang Song also wanted to resign, and then take the system to freely earn a lot of money.

But being an official in ancient times was not as free as later generations.

If the official department does not give you approval to let you go back, if you really resign, you will be punished!
In order to prevent officials from picking their picks at will, starting from Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty, officials who want to resign must obtain a document from the Ministry of Officials and hand over to the newly registered officials before they can leave.Otherwise, you will leave a big mess, and you will have to wipe your ass when the next office takes office.

Wouldn't the latecomer be free to embezzle at will, because he can completely attribute his embezzlement to his predecessor.

This would be a muddled account.

Zhang Song handed the 1 taels of banknote to the system.

The system panel swallowed the banknote with a swipe, and with the disappearance of the banknote, it displayed on the system panel that it had newly gained a thousand system points.

Immediately, Zhang Song bought the extraction materials of artemisinin non-stop.

It is now close to Haishi.

Zhang Songnairan refused to take a break, and asked Zhao Wu to go to the street to buy Artemisia annua from all the pharmacies.

Zhao Wu looked at Zhang Song with a tired face and said, "Master, all pharmacies are closed right now!"

"Take the yamen servants and wake up the boss. I have to get Artemisia annua from them. The matter is important and there is no delay!"

Zhao Wu said lazily: "Master, do you pay overtime for this?"

"Of course, since it's raining tonight, the night shift costs two and a half yuan per person, plus five yuan for supper." Zhang Song has never treated these yamen servants badly.

However, Zhang Song is not stingy at all when it comes to solving problems with money.

Therefore, these yamen servants work very hard.

In any era, money is everyone's favorite thing.

Money is the magic weapon to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm.

Zhao Wu heard that the money for tonight was higher than the previous night errand fee, so he led people to carry out Zhang Song's order in a desperate manner.

Zhang Song researched and extracted information on artemisinin in his room.

An hour later, Zhao Wu and the others returned with a large bundle of Artemisia annua in their hands.

For fear of getting wet in the rain.

Every bundle of herbs is tightly wrapped in oiled paper.

Oil paper is paper soaked in wax water. It was used for the packaging of goods in ancient times and can prevent moisture.

Zhao Wu smiled and threw the bundle of Artemisia annua on the ground and said, "My lord, the task has been completed."

"Go to the scribe to get the money. And tomorrow you will go to the suburbs yourself, let the people collect the Artemisia annua, and let them dry it in the shade. Each catty of dried Artemisia annua is five cents a catty."

When Zhao Wu heard that Artemisia annua was worth five cents a catty, he was shocked: "What is more expensive than food, this kind of grass can be seen everywhere in the countryside, sir, are you not crazy?"

"If you are told to do something, do it well, don't ask so much, just get out!" Zhang Song was so busy every day that his head was about to burst, and he didn't have any extra time to chat with him.

Seeing that Zhang Song was very angry, Zhao Wu hurriedly turned and left.

After Qinghao was delivered, Zhang Song continued to work.

What awaits him now is the non-stop refinement of artemisinin.

With his previous experience, he did not spend much effort in the process of refining artemisinin.

By midnight, he had refined three hundred grams of artemisinin.

Refined all the artemisinin that Zhang Song brought back from the pharmacy.

Looking at more than half a catty of artemisinin in the bottle, his tired eyes showed joy.

Drowsiness struck, and he fell asleep on the table in a daze.

When I woke up, it was already past six o'clock in the morning.

The rain was still falling, and the gray sky made Zhang Song feel very unhappy.

In ancient times, it was very rare to have a year with good weather.

Ordinary people almost all depend on God to survive.

The productivity was low, and the ancient times who didn't know how to build large-scale water conservancy projects could only rely on drought and flood.

It seems that there are so many things I want to do.

It is not enough to make Liuhe County rich and prosperous. People all over the world will no longer suffer from drought and floods. More talents are needed, and talents come out of schools.

I don't know, Zhu Yuanzhang knows that he has reformed the technical schools that have emphasized the imperial examinations in the past dynasties, but did not pay attention to technology and agricultural technology. Will this old man be offended!
Just when he was thinking about these things, Yuchan suddenly came.

"My lord, I woke up really early. It seems that Jiangnan has entered the rainy season! Hey, I'm really troubled. The flood just started, and it started to rain again. I don't know if some places will be flooded again."

Yuchan said with a bitter face.

Zhang Song pinched Yuchan's face and said, "Why are you so worried? By the way, can you do me a favor?"

"Master, what can a servant help you with?" What she meant was that if you have anything to do, you can just ask the master, even if the servants don't have time, they have to find time to do the master's affairs well.

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