Song Nan and the others felt their hands were dirty.You are talking nonsense, how could His Majesty listen to his opinion, he has been demoted to this point.

"What did I say? Is it important?" Zhang Song exclaimed, and then looked at Zhu Biao.

Originally, he just wanted to be a passer-by, but he didn't expect Zhang Song to ask him to talk.

"Since we have already talked about this, you go back and tell your parents to submit to the Ming Dynasty as soon as possible. Don't look at it as a small deputy director. In fact, his words can influence the emperor's opinion. When the Ming Dynasty is an official, the emperor is right. His words are taken very seriously..."

Zhu Biao's words made everyone present, including Song Qianqian, speechless in surprise.

It seems that Zhang Song is a very dick, but in fact he has the ability to be a dick.

Incompetent people hang out in Beizhen Fusi. If they don't work hard, they will be kicked out the next day, but the people sent by his father don't dare to say a word to Zhang Song. It's his daughter who doesn't know anything. I understand, he babbled about Zhang Song all day long, but Zhang Song ignored Song Qianqian at all, he was just a chirping sparrow.

After all, as a big man, it seems so disrespectful to chatter with a girl all day long, so he simply ignored her and let her chatter non-stop.

"Since you are the prince of Daming, if you say so, then wait for the war. Although my little Anlan is less than 1/30 of the land of Daming, the whole place is remote. If you have the ability, use your monster weapons Come to Annan, hahahaha!"

Because he has the confidence to fight against Daming, and the little Japanese pirate country next to him has reached a consensus with them.

They are going to attack from both sides. They will attack from the land, and then the Japanese pirates will attack from the sea. They will burn and kill along the coast. It will be enough to relay the lives of Ming Dynasty into production. They will take Enron as the main attack direction and will kill all the way from the North Sea.

Zhang Song has long been mentally retarded for their activities, because similar battles have occurred in history, of course not, the two of them fought together, but one of their countries worshiped Dahuaxia and made Dahua In addition to the forest, more than 3000 million people died in Tudan.

Now that he, Zhang Song, has traveled to this era, he will never allow the Japanese pirates to invade Great China, and he will not use his strength to bully other countries, he will only develop those unowned lands.

Before Zhang Song's great navigators occupied those territories, Zhang Song asked his people to develop those islands and the mainland.

Let the entire Ming Dynasty continue for many years, and there are still Chinese people everywhere.

Even though the Ming Dynasty no longer existed at that time, people of the Chinese nation had taken root all over the world, and the Chinese civilization would replace the British civilization.

All places speak Chinese language and follow Chinese traditions.

It doesn't matter if a country dies, as long as civilization can continue, the incense of the Chinese nation will be inherited.

Zhang Song is doing things with such lofty ambitions, so he doesn't care what kind of official he is, or whether the emperor trusts him or not.

"That's good, you guys go get ready and see who loses with a hard fist, so don't cry."

Zhang Song smiled lightly.

At this time, the leader of the pirates was called Ichiro Matsumoto.

He is Guan Bai of the Japanese pirate country.

His official position is equivalent to the prime minister of the Ming Dynasty.

The emperor of the Japanese pirate country is actually a puppet. He has no real power and is completely a mascot.

So this Japanese pirate army led by Ichiro Matsumoto in Guanbei has about 10,000+ people and they are equipped with broken flintlock guns.

It has the most advanced Spanish red cannon in the world.

They thought that with these advanced weapons, they could conquer Ming Dynasty.

In fact, the Japanese pirates were wrong. Zhang Song had already upgraded the weapons of Ming Dynasty to grenades, mountain cannons and so on.

Every daimyo's video has posted one, ak47 for combat...

They all had melon grenades hanging from their waists.

Of course, gliders are also used for long-range raid operations. Although Zhang Song is temporarily unable to launch large transport aircraft, this type of glider is very useful for sneak attacking the enemy's rear.

At sea, he has long replaced steam turbines with gasoline turbines, and the steam turbines that used to burn coal have been completely eliminated.

His iron-hulled boat was fighting against the Japanese pirates' wooden boat, which was basically the same process as a child's player's house.

The fleet has 3 people, and each navy has smoothbore guns with a range of 10 kilometers
The shells use the kind of incendiary combustion. As long as the wooden boats are hit by shells, they will catch fire immediately, and then the whole team will fall into a sea of ​​fire.

I probably never dreamed that the team of the Ming Dynasty was like a team of gods, even if they didn't open the iron mouth.If they rushed over with horsepower, their team would be smashed to pieces.

Their team is like paper before the iron shell is complete.

The battle ended before it started, because Zhang Song told Zhu Yuanzhang not to fight them in close combat, but to use artillery to lock them 10 kilometers away and bombard them.

The Japanese pirate fleet fell into the Bohai Sea in an instant.

The whole sea was full of wailing sounds, it was a purgatory on earth.

Next is the conquest of Annan on land.

In fact, Da'an didn't use much effort, because Da Ming's army was already equipped with modern weapons, and it was a one-sided massacre directly.

Zhang Song flew directly behind their supply line with the glider.

, and then used modern weapons to hold on to the top of the mountain, directly cutting off Anlan's rear supply line, and directly attacking with mountain cannons in front. Ming soldiers armed with submachine guns AK47 and modern thermal weapons rushed into An Lan's capital in no time.

Su Lin was still in a nightmare when he saw the Ming soldiers rushing in front of him. As Emperor Anlan, Song Subocheng was sitting on the throne limply like mud, staring blankly at everything in front of him.

"Now you are a prisoner of Daming. Move to Jinling and sit in the sky prison! Originally, you could be a vassal state of Daming, but it is a pity that you are arrogant and dare to challenge the majesty of Ming. So you must bear the consequences of this kind of consequences."

This time it was Zhang Song who led the battle. Originally, the prince was going to take command in person, but Zhu Yuanzhang was worried that the bullets would be dark and he was equipped with an arquebus.

So let Zhang Song take charge of the expedition.

In fact, it was nothing more than an ironclad achievement when he took command of the expedition.

Zhu Yuanzhang also felt that he didn't have much time, so he issued an imperial edict to Zhu Biao.

March 1398, 6 AD.

Zhu Yuanzhang died in Jinling Qinzheng Palace.

Zhu Biao succeeded the emperor.

He will start a new era, people call him Emperor Mingwen.

After Zhu Biao succeeded to the throne, he worked hard, and many overseas enclaves have been included in the territory of the Ming Dynasty. He listened carefully to Zhang Song's opinions, and allocated each prince and grandson to those unowned lands, avoiding many princes due to competition for the throne. contradiction.

Under Zhu Biao's self-reliance, the Ming Dynasty prospered day by day, and it really did not close its doors at night.

After hearing about the majesty of the Ming Dynasty, many dynasties sent envoys to repair it one after another.

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