"Stop talking nonsense with me, go... and kill him." Li Kang said coldly.

Scar pursed his lips, and the boys on the motorcycle came down, all carrying large machetes.

This kind of machete is a butcher's machete for chopping pig's feet, about two feet long.The blade is forged with pure steel, and it is known as a trotter killer on the market.

White blades, number one hundred and ten.All of a sudden, Zhang Song was surrounded, with an imposing manner.

"Woooo..." At this moment, a group of police cars rushed in at the entrance of the street.

The car body is dark green, and the word "SWAT" is written on the side of the car body.

"Explosion-proof yamen!" The social boys wielding machetes were so frightened that their legs and feet suddenly became weak.

Brother Scar and Li Kang were also stunned.

Didn't I greet all the police officers in the area?

If there is any trouble, report the report, this... Damn why is it gone? First report the report?Isn't this scientific?
Before he could recover, he and his little brothers were surrounded.

"Don't move! Otherwise, the gun will not see." The leader is Lei Chunting.

"What? Director? Why is he here? He can't handle such a trivial matter by himself?" Li Kang panicked.

At this time, Li Kang was only seen striding towards Zhang Song.

"It surprised you. The law and order is not good recently, which has caused trouble for your Excellency. Zhang Song's words are very polite.

These words made Li Kang even more embarrassed. What an unattainable figure this director is, to talk to a doctor in a small clinic in a friendly manner. What kind of rhythm is this?
"Li Kang...Look at this scene, all the cells in my body have been scared to death, I ask this person to pay me compensation." Zhang Song said with a calm smile.

"No problem. Zhang Song turned his gaze to Li Kang.

His eyes were as sharp as a knife, and Li Kang turned pale with fright.

He said weakly: "How much do you want? I will give it all."

"No more, no less, 30." Zhang Song said.

"Three, 30!" Li Kang immediately exploded the three corpses.

"A lot? I'm so small that I was frightened by you. I don't know if the 30 yuan is enough to go back to take tonic. Do you think it's Lei Ju?" Zhang Song smiled lightly, looking calm.

He knew in his heart that the 30 yuan was his one-month income from collecting illegal protection fees, and the wages paid to the younger brothers were at most [-] to [-] yuan.

The 30 yuan really cost him his life.It's no wonder Li Kang didn't explode the Three Corpses.

"I can see that you are suspected of gang crimes. According to... Before Zhang Song finished speaking, Li Kang immediately withered: "I'll give it right away, I'll give it right away. "

No matter how bad it is, in front of the yamen servants, he is also a coward.

Speaking of brine, order tofu, one thing will drop one thing...

Soon, Zhang Song's bank added another 30.

Then Li Kang wanted to leave it at that, and Zhang Song saw that he was going to leave.Immediately shouted at him: "Wait..."

Zhang Song stepped forward and gave him three slaps.

"Clap clap..."

Li Kang was slapped inexplicably.

"This is shocking. I scared my father to death just now. I beat you to get back my previous life state, otherwise I will have a psychological shadow in the future."

"Damn it!" Li Kang said viciously in his heart, "You should start yelling, you can't be clear, let's see if I won't kill you in the future."

It's a pity that he has no chance again, because this matter will soon reach Zhu Yuanzhang's ears, and Zhu Yuanzhang is already preparing to organize these big families.Originally thought that after cleaning up those foreigners, they would deal with the big families in Jinling.

But he never expected that Zhang Song's handling method completely disrupted his rhythm.

So he even ordered all Jinling wealthy businessmen and big families to move to Hongdong County, Shanxi.

Give them three months to prepare, and if anyone does not go, they will follow the order of resistance and disobey the Lian Jiu Clan.

The wealthy businessmen wept bitterly after this saber was slashed.

"Will the emperor's actions shake the foundation of the country? After all, industry and commerce are dragons, and they are the four classes that every dynasty must have."

After Zhu Biao met Zhu Yuanzhang in Qingzhendian, he felt that what he did was a little too cruel.

"These rich people are too rich. They have a lot of resources and land here. If they are not eradicated, the foundation of our people will shake the common people. There is not much land at all. If they are driven away, then the land will be restored. Planning and distribution to the common people. From now on, the land will be owned by the state, and private sales will no longer be allowed, and everyone from the common people will come to my hands to contract.”

Zhu Biao immediately understood what Zhu Yuanzhang said tonight was Zhang Song's opinion.Otherwise, relying on Zhu Yuanzhang would not have come up with such a drastic change strategy.

Since ancient times, feudal dynasties have occupied a large amount of land with landlords and those who have been sealed as marquises. In the later period, land mergers were serious, and the common people had no land to cultivate, which caused the refugees to lose their country.

Zhang Song suggested that if Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to move the big family, he should drive them away, and then let them do business exclusively, and if they could not own the land, the land would be state-owned.

Every farmer can receive land from Zhu Yuanzhang.

It means that every farmer has land to plant and cannot buy and sell freely. It is owned by the Ming Dynasty.

In this way, the oppression and oppression of the landlord class will be reduced, and the problems left over by the feudal dynasty for more than 2000 years will be completely solved.

Those farmers who had nothing to do in the factory could go home to plant the land, and then come out to look for work after the land was planted. In this way, the Ming Dynasty had sufficient food and grass, as well as inexhaustible utensils.

Once the common people have a head start in life, they will work hard to produce the entire Ming Dynasty, which will be rich in products.Food production will also remain high.

Because the state increases farmers' income less, the landlord collects land rent in the middle.

This change can be described as unprecedented.

Zhang Song used his newspaper to create momentum for Zhu Yuanzhang.

Soon the entire Ming Dynasty set off an era of land revolution.

Of course, the common people fully supported Zhu Yuanzhang's policy, and they all stood on Zhu Yuanzhang's side, waving the flag for Zhu Yuanzhang, and it was Zhang Song who came up with this idea, and he was naturally praised by the common people.

Of course, those in power are not happy. Many officials use their power and influence to buy a lot of land in their hometown.

Therefore, they are obstacles to the implementation of this policy in the main building.

Zhu Yuanzhang dealt with these matters with thunderous means, but all officials who resisted the order and did not obey them would be dismissed and investigated.Obedience to obedience and violation of yin means to resist the decree, and disrespect will implicate the nine clans. In this period, almost 10,000+ people were killed, all of them were members of interest groups.

After dean Zhu's killing, those people obediently obeyed, and no longer dared to resist the orders issued by the resistance. The entire Ming Dynasty became stronger than ever. After three years of hard work.Zhenjun led the way to wipe out the Rong people in the north and unified the 36 countries in the Western Regions.

The territory has been expanded to be larger than the four khanates established by the previous Yuan Dynasty.

Zhang Song used his mastery of technology to buy various equipment from the system store to build the rice dynasty, thus opening a new era of sailing.

Zhang Song wants to lead this fleet to conquer the sea area that the entire fleet can reach, and the Ming Dynasty will stand for thousands of years from then on.

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