Daming: The county magistrate cried poorly and Zhu Yuanzhang exploded in anger

Chapter 28 Young Master Lin, It Looks Like We Are Not Very Familiar

The emperor is always wise, but he is temporarily blinded by treacherous officials and villains.

In fact, the minister is like a mirror in his heart.

But as the emperor with absolute power, the ministers didn't dare to say anything, they could only point their fingers at the bastards like Mao Xiang and Jiang Yu.

The emperor naturally had no choice but to abandon his car to save his handsome man.

Said that they have committed a heinous crime and deceived the saints.

After they died, Jinyiwei continued to operate.

And the courtiers should still be killed and killed, and should be imprisoned...

Who let Lao Zhuchao have only one path of career and economics?
For them, if they want to honor their ancestors and be rich and prosperous, what other way out is there other than being an official?
Although they may be decapitated at any time, the temptation of huge benefits makes them flock to them.Besides, they felt that no matter how powerful Lao Zhu was, he was only one person.

And their civil servant group is the whole group.

No matter how powerful the emperor is, he wants to fight against the entire civil servant group, okay?Of course it can't, as long as they can unite to deceive the emperor, there is nothing they can't do...

In the 300-year history of the Zhu family dynasty, the Jinyiwei, the emperor, and the civil official group controlled by the eunuchs formed a three-legged power.

Zhang Song kept a low profile, even though he found someone staring at him, he ignored it.

According to the investigation based on the martial arts ability he cultivated, these people are very skilled. If they have this skill, they are not targeting him. It is obvious that they are people next to the old man last time.

I don't know who they are, are they spies from the Ministry of Criminal Justice or Dali Temple?

At this moment, Zhang Song has not thought of Jin Yiwei.

In his inherent thinking, Jin Yiwei would not pay attention to him, an official who is too small to be ignored.

What Zhang Song didn't know was that he had successfully attracted the attention of Zhu Yuanzhang and the number two Zhu Biao.

At dusk, Zhang Song had already turned over the free land in the yard.

He is going to plant common vegetables like radishes and cabbage the next day.

Although these vegetables can only be grown in winter.

But for him, a person who travels in the future, planting off-season vegetables is just a matter of ease.

The day passed like this, and it seemed very ordinary.

But in Six Doors, Lin Zhenzhen received an order from his boss to go to Liuhe County to hunt down the man in black who beat Lu Hou and the missing rich man Lu.

I thought this matter belonged to Jin Yiwei's investigation.

Unexpectedly, the old emperor would leave this matter to Dali Temple, the Criminal Department, and Xuncheng Censor to investigate together.

Generally speaking, Dali Temple is responsible for reviewing cases and hearing deposited cases.

The Ministry of Punishment, of course, is to approve whether the trial of a major national case is reasonable or not.

And Xuncheng Yushi is the security manager of Kyoto.

The power of the three parties is basically the management of their respective fields.

Eight poles can't hit it.

But now the emperor's will is like this, they can only do it according to the emperor's will.

Lin Zhenzhen packed up and hurried to Liuhe County.

It was nearly dusk when we arrived in Liuhe County.

Liuhe County did not follow the curfew order.

Under the illumination of the lights at night, the entire Liuhe County is simply a city that never sleeps.

Looking at such a night, Lin Zhenxin murmured to himself: "This Zhang Song is really daring to not enforce the curfew at night..."

In Zhang Song's view, life at night can stimulate consumption and is a means of increasing national taxes.

If, because of the curfew, everyone does not come out to play, eat and drink, it will be a huge loss to the country.

Compared with the law and order effect brought about by the curfew, compared with the effect that nightlife can drive the economy, it is really a loss of watermelon to pick up sesame seeds.

Zhang Song changed into casual clothes at night, and walked along the bustling street with Yu Chan, who was also disguised as a man.

Yuchan didn't understand and said: "Master, why don't you have a tea party tonight?"

"Because the master wants to go shopping and eat skewers."

Chuan Chuan was invented by Zhang Song, and he taught this way of eating to some refugees who came to Liuhe County and were willing to do small business here.

A street was planned for them.

Let them set up stalls here and earn some money to support their families.

Zhang Song randomly found a place to sit down, and called the stall owner to bring some skewers.

The stall owner immediately recognized Mr. Zhang from the county. As soon as his feet softened, he was ready to bow down to Zhang Song.

Zhang Song grabbed her and said, "I'm visiting in casual clothes, so I don't pay much attention. If you want to do this, you will definitely attract people's attention, so how can I investigate people's sentiments?"

Seeing this, the stall owner hurriedly followed Zhang Song's wishes.

Yuchan didn't understand and whispered in Zhang Song's ear: "My lord, don't you practice non-nine-nine-six? Why do you still come out to show compassion for the people at this moment?"

"Because I didn't sign in during the day!"

Yuchan didn't understand what Zhang Song meant.

Even Zhang Song's wife Zhao Yuhe didn't understand this.

This is his secret.

As a future person who traveled through a few years ago, he came to the Hongwu Dynasty inexplicably.

Born on the body of Zhang Song, a pedantic scholar, he thought he was done for at the time, but with the support of the sign-in system, he successfully became familiar with the Ming Dynasty's characters, laws, and imperial examination methods.

As a person who hates the Four Books and Five Classics, naturally I will not study them.

The point-to-point system only needs to sign in every morning, and the system will issue rewards when accumulating five days, ten days, fifteen days, 20 days, 25 days, and three days a month.

When Zhang Song, who was distressed by the scientific examination, was scratching his head in anxiety, the system rewarded him with the answers to the examination questions after completing the accumulated days of signing in.

In order not to attract the attention of the superiors, he only wrote part of the answers, and answered the rest indiscriminately.

Therefore, he barely got a Jinshi.

If you answer all the questions correctly, you will definitely go to the palace examination.The emperor himself took the test!
Just thinking about it scares...

Zhang Song was immersed in the memories of the past at the moment, and didn't notice Lin Zhenzhen approaching at all.

"Master, that annoying guy is here." Yuchan poked Zhang Song with her finger.

Zhang Song came back to his senses and saw Lin Zhenzhen holding her long sword and looking at him.

"Mr. Lin is not in Yingtian, why did you come to Liuhe?" Zhang Song had a vague feeling that this guy didn't come to Yingtian to play, he must be on official business.

"Magistrate Zhang is so smart, do I still need to point it out?" Lin Zhenzhen sat down in front of Zhang Song without any embarrassment at all.

Yuchan was upset that he looked so familiar.

"Ahem, Mr. Lin...it seems like we don't know each other very well?"

"We've met each other in Yingtian before, so we know each other. How can we pretend to be strangers if we know each other?" Lin Zhenzhen looked at Zhang Song's skewers full of meat, and was so greedy.

Seeing Lin Zhenzhen's appearance, Zhang Song chuckled: "You came all the way to Liuhe County, I don't know if Mr. Lin is here for a special trip or for another purpose?"

"Guess?" Seeing that Zhang Song didn't intend to treat him to dinner, Lin Zhenzhen was scratching like a cat's paw in his heart.

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