Daming: The county magistrate cried poorly and Zhu Yuanzhang exploded in anger

Chapter 274 Repairing the Reservoir Will Hurt the Dragon Vein

But it is much more advanced than the agriculture of many dynasties.

Some woody planting, harvesting and tillage implements have been used.

Although compared with the agricultural tools of the steam age, it seems very backward and ridiculous.

"It's my strategy to garrison troops. As long as these soldiers are capable, the remaining grain can be sold, and each soldier can get a little bonus."

Of course Zhang Song knows that interests affect the world, and as long as there are interests, everyone will go all out to do it.

So he won't be so rigid.

"Master Zhang is serious?"

Ma Liuzi couldn't believe his ears, he thought he heard it wrong.

"I, Zhang Song, say what I say. You just go ahead and do it. Brother Zhang will bear the consequences."

Zhang Song is not a pedantic guy.

"Of course the relationship is good. In this case, every soldier will work hard to farm."

In fact, Zhang Song also copied homework.

In the era when he was born, there were many Construction Corps, and they farmed while defending the border.

This kind of corps is called the construction corps.

Some of the food, vegetables and cash crops they grow are handed over to the state treasury, and some are used by Liu Wei himself.

So every fighter is very motivated.

After receiving 40 taels of silver, Zhang Song made a drastic move to build Shihe County.

After the water plant, which was expected to be completed in three months, had sufficient funds, Zhang Song decided to pay them three times their wages.

These craftsmen are all very experienced, and the construction of the water plant was completed after a month of work.

Water diversion from the Yangtze River to Shihe County.

After being purified by the water plant, it is left in every family.

All these common people had safe and clean drinking water, and they praised Zhang Songna.

With tap water, it is necessary to solve the water area for agricultural water.

Zhang Song decided to build a reservoir in the valley or the pass where the stream passes.

These water conservancy constructions require professionals from the Ministry of Industry.

The construction of such infrastructure as canals and reservoirs across the country must be reported to the Ministry of Industry and approved before they can be built.

Because the ancient people were very superstitious about Feng Shui, they didn't dare to practice it everywhere.

Especially this place, next to Jinling Imperial City.

If the dragon's veins were touched, it would be a serious crime of beheading.

Zhang Song's memorial was quickly sent to the Ministry of Industry.

Announcement of Shangshu, after getting Zhang Song's memorial.

Minister of the Ministry of Industry felt that he could not solve this problem, so he reported it to Zhu Yuanzhang.

"This kid is going to make trouble again. This place is full of dragon veins this year, how could it be cut off on the river?"

After all, Zhu Yuanzhang was an ancient man, and he also believed in gods or ghosts very much.

If this year is not the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, he would definitely not dare to build a capital here.

Because there is dragon energy in any river or stream, it belongs to the existence of dragon veins.

If we talk about building a reservoir, we will smash a dam on the river.

Wouldn't that cut off the dragon's veins?

Zhu Yuanzhang felt that this matter needed to be treated seriously, so he called all his confidants together.

These people include Liu Bowen, Zhu Biao and his own sons.

Because the container is related to the luck of the Zhu family.

So Liu Bowen, who is famous for his proficiency in wind and water, was also invited here.

Liu Bowen's attitude towards Zhu Yuanzhang is always cautious in his words and deeds. He is at most like a wooden stake here, and he dare not speak a word.

But Zhu Biao is more active.

"Building reservoirs can prevent droughts and floods. This is a good thing that benefits the country and the people."

Zhu Yuanzhang frowned after hearing Zhu Biao's words.

"Aren't you worried that this dragon vein will be cut off?"

"The theory of wind and water has always been nonsense. Our Feng Shui is a famous name. If the common people can live well, they will naturally support our Zhu family. There is no place where the capital city was built in the past dynasties!"

The goal is to express your thoughts and opinions fully.

"But which dynasty can survive 300 years, they have forgotten a fundamental dragon vein, that is, the common people are the dragon vein of the country."

Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head at Zhu Biao's words.

"Although it is nonsense, the ancestors have passed down their sayings. They are all like this. You must believe it."

Zhu Yuanzhang buried his parents because he had no money.

So the place he gave his parents was a piece of land given by a rich man in the village.

This land was finally said to have dragon veins.

That's why Zhu Yuanzhang was able to become emperor from a beggar.

This statement was only spread after Zhu Yuanzhang became emperor.

If Zhu Yuanzhang had not become emperor, it seems that he is a beggar, then the place of his ancestral grave will be another way of saying.

Hearing this, Liu Bowen secretly felt funny, but he didn't dare to laugh out loud.

The so-called feng shui theory is originally to fool ghosts.

He Liu Bowen fabricated these rumors at the beginning, it was completely a lie fabricated to consolidate Zhu Yuanzhang's rule.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Yuanzhang really took these lies seriously.

Zhu Yuanzhang is an emperor through the ages.

He has his unique strengths.

Of course, as a person, he also has his flaws.

As an ancient person without scientific knowledge, he was quite obsessed with the theory of ghosts and gods.

It's not Zhu Yuanzhang's fault either, his eyes are like this, the environment he is in is such an environment.

If Zhang Song was an out-and-out ancient man, he would not disbelieve in Feng Shui.

"Liu Bowen, don't you know Fengshui very well? You haven't said a word since you came in. Of course I came here to listen to your opinion."

Liu Bowen didn't expect Zhu Yuanzhang to kick the ball to him.

Words had dripped to his lips, and he couldn't help but speak the truth.

"Compared to the fact that in order to consolidate your rule, I had to fabricate nonsense about Feng Shui to deceive the common people. If you tell the truth from the bottom of your heart, Feng Shui is a non-existent thing. Had to make up a lie to deceive the people..."

Zhu Yuanzhang's world view completely collapsed. He did not expect that the feng shui of his ancestral grave that he was proud of turned out to be a lie fabricated by Liu Bowen in order to consolidate his rule.

"Well, you Liu Bowen, this is the crime of deceiving the emperor."

Zhu Yuanzhang rolled his eyes in anger.

"Your Majesty forgives the crime, and the old minister had no choice but to do it at that time."

Liu Bowen pretended to be so frightened that he knelt down to Zhu Yuanzhang and begged for mercy.

"Alright, alright, since this is the case, let that kid build a reservoir."

Like a discouraged ball, Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand while sitting on the dragon chair, and then wrote an imperial criticism with a ballpoint pen.

"Your Majesty, you are really a blessing to Daming."

Seeing that Zhu Yuanzhang was already happy, Liu Bowen quickly flattered him.

"Liu Aiqing, when did you learn this too?"

Zhu Yuanzhang has the same eyebrows, and Liu Bowen feels weird today.

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