Doing this like this will naturally attract the attention of many people, and those people are all very bad-hearted people.

After all, this approach has seriously affected everyone's cognition for the first time.

In other people's cognition, there has never been a waterworks like this.

Everyone has a lot of worries about things like water plants.

What they drink for a long time is the well they dug themselves.

If they drink water from the waterworks, they worry about the water quality being unsafe.

Everyone has a habitual cognition, that is, if they did it by themselves, it will definitely not be clean.

Because it's not something you eat, you can do whatever you want, as long as it involves yourself.That's sure to get serious about getting the cleanest.

Hello, in the face of these situations, it is natural to understand.

He is also very serious, keeping this situation in mind.

If he encountered such a situation, he would definitely solve the problem with every stitch.

It is said that the news of Zhang Song's construction of tap water spread like wildfire, and soon became a topic of discussion for everyone in the court.

"What the hell is this kid doing? Could it be a cramp in his brain?"

"I think he built the water plant purely for profit. Water is a daily commodity that ordinary people need, and it is even more profitable than table salt."

"Yes, it's okay to not eat salt for a day, but there is a problem if you don't drink water for a day, and it's a big problem. If Zhang Song deceives the sky and asks for a price, it will be a big problem!"

In the chapel.At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang had not yet come to court, and these powerful officials gathered together to discuss.

Zhu Yuanzhang also knew about Zhang Song's construction of the water plant, but he didn't take care of it.

No one was sent to ask.

Build a water plant to solve the cleanliness of drinking water for the common people.

This is something Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to do many years ago but never dared to do it.

This involves money.

With so many counties in the country under his management, if each county asked him for 10 taels of silver, then he would not have that much money if he sold his throne.

He also turned a blind eye to the discussions among these officials in the court.

Why didn't Zhu Yuanzhang understand that these guys wished for Zhang Song's misfortune.

As long as he is unlucky, they are the ones who are happy.

None of these guys had a good heart, and Zhu Yuanzhang didn't know what the hell was going on in everyone's mind.

It's just that I know it, and I don't want to say it.

Sometimes he, the emperor, is also very helpless.

Of course Zhang Song knew that someone was talking about him behind his back and slandering him.

But he didn't take it seriously.

As the saying goes, do what you want and let others do it.

Zhang Song is so self-willed, he knows very well in his heart how big a problem he will face with his choice.

"I said, my lord, you are really looking for trouble on your own. If it were me, you would never be so stupid..." Yuchan puffed up her mouth and said.

Zhang Song smiled at him and said nothing, because his time was very tight and it was impossible to waste it here.

We must seize the time to shorten the construction period.

Let the common people have clean water as soon as possible, and he, a parent official, is worthy of this responsibility.

If the magistrates of every county in Daming were as responsible as Zhang Song, then it would only be a matter of time before Daming stood on top of the world.

It's a pity that people are always uneven compared with people.

Sometimes what you think may not come true as you wish.

Sometimes what you don't want, but it just happens to fall on you.

Zhang Song hurriedly mobilized all the craftsmen to shorten the time to work on the amateur festival.

Many ordinary people heard that Zhang Song wanted to build tap water with them.

Of course he was very happy, but there were also some saboteurs who spread rumors that after Zhang Song built the water plant, he would charge high fees for tap water.

The common people have just experienced the exploitation of a dog official.

Naturally, I am quite afraid of such gossip.

Everyone fears that they will be the next victim.

After experiencing these things, everyone is very scared, so there is a market for these rumors.

Soon these words reached Zhang Song's ears.

That morning Zhang Song finished signing in and was about to have a fish hot pot.

Seeing Lin Zhenzhen running over in a hurry, she said to Zhang Song out of breath, "You still have the mood to eat hot pot, now you're in big trouble."

Zhang Song looked at Lin Zhenzhen's words with great interest and asked him.

"I have experienced countless winds and rains, what kind of storms and waves have I not seen?"

I thought he was making a fuss.

"Some people spread rumors that you built the water plant to make a profit from it."

"Don't tell me, I almost forgot, the water from the waterworks is free for all ordinary people."

Zhang Song's words made Lin Zhen really angry.

"Are you making an international joke that water is free...Has hired personnel to repair the water plant pipes and normal water management, don't these cost money?"

As an official, if you want to make money, there are naturally many ways to make money, but Zhang Song is not that kind of person, he knows very well that doing such a thing is terribly wicked.

If I do this, I will definitely have no ass after giving birth to a son.

"This officer naturally has a way to solve this problem, isn't it just the problem of eating for one or two hundred people?"

Zhang Song does not collect money for tap water, but taxes.

Just raise the tax by a few cents.

It should be enough to pay them.

This reminded Zhang Song of a story about monkeys.

A man raised a group of monkeys, and the man told the monkeys how about giving you three walnuts in the morning and four in the evening?
This group of monkeys immediately objected and said they disagreed.

The monkey keeper said he would give them four in the morning and three in the evening.

The group of monkeys immediately agreed.

So governing the people in the world means caring for their hearts.

It is impossible to put the county government's finances in crisis. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

The so-called free lunch, that is definitely a huge trap, you have to pay for what you get.

Zhang Song seemed a little dark-hearted in doing this, but there was never anything in the world that could be explained clearly.

The only thing that can be clearly stated is that everything you plan can be accepted by the common people.

It is called the ability to be an official.

People who do not have this kind of ability must not be officials, otherwise they will only harm the people of one side.

He knew very well in his heart what the consequences of his actions would be, and someone would still use this as an excuse to say that he was abusing his power.

whatever you do.

As a human being you will have an opinion on what you do.

This is what it means to be incoherent.

Everyone will summarize your things based on their own experience and their own knowledge.

Of course, everyone will get a different answer.

For such things, Zhang Song has always been what they say they do by themselves, as long as they are worthy of the official uniform they wear.

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