It was the first time he met such a cheap person.

Of course, Zhang Song didn't hesitate for a moment, and chopped it down with a single knife.A human head was spinning like a watermelon on the ground.

All the officials present were dumbfounded.Most of the yamen servants felt that Zhang Song was just putting on a show and would never really chop off his head.

After Zhang Song raised his knife and landed on Lu Tai after he chopped off his head.The people present cheered happily, just like celebrating the New Year.

After the boy's head was cut off, it was immediately passed on.In the ears of the Patriarch of the Lu family.

Although this kid is not an important figure in the family, he is a member of the family anyway, and Zhang Song eats fruit, so it is unbearable to shit and pee on their heads.

"Even His Majesty the Emperor is courteous to us, and this kid has repeatedly turned against us. It's just unreasonable."
This time your Patriarch is really angry.

He can bear it a few times, but this time he can't bear it.The anger in my heart is like a flood from the floodgate.

"Then what should we do? This kid seems to have the support of His Majesty the Emperor."
"What to do? Of course, we can do whatever we want. Maybe we still have to hide it."
When anger reaches its peak.

All anger is no longer tolerated, it's like a flood that has opened its gates.

It has become a flood, and it can no longer be controlled.

"We have a princess who asked him to blow the pillow wind in the prince's ear, and Zhang Song's head must be chopped off."

They had already made up their minds on how to deal with Zhang Song.

Zhang Song has received strong support from the common people, who call him Zhang Qingtian.

Zhengzheng and Yuchan are two girls who are very worried about Zhang Song, but Zhang Song is as free and unrestrained as a normal person, eating and drinking.

Because he saw the pale-faced common people everywhere, Zhang Song felt compassionate.

He asked the county to quickly transfer [-] dans of grain.

Let these ordinary people receive food and live a good life for a few days.

Zhang Song chopped off Lu Tai's head, and the matter soon reached Zhu Yuanzhang's ears.

"This kid is becoming more and more ignorant of the court and treats me, the emperor, as a display. He has completely disrupted my plan by doing so."

After Zhu Yuanzhang got Jin Yiwei's report, he patted the table angrily.

Empress Ma just came over to Zhu Yuanzhang's side, just to see if there was anything wrong.

As an experienced woman.

From the day he met Zhang Song, he already knew that this person is a restless person, and he will definitely do many things that make Zhu Yuanzhang headache. up.

"Why did Yuanzhang get so angry?"

"Fortunately, you met me, otherwise he would have died without a place to bury him. Now I advise him. Do you choose to commit suicide or choose to kill the Nine Clans?"

"I can't kill him now. This person has unlimited potential. Although he has done a lot of extraordinary things, it is also for the great Ming Dynasty."

Of course, as a bystander, I can see clearly.

The big families in Jinling have formed a situation against the imperial court. If they are not dealt with, they will become flooded. If they want to deal with them in the future, they will use their fists to prevent the emperor from carrying out his orders.

Zhu Yuanzhang's strategy was to eliminate the Rong people first, and then go back and deal with these big families.

Zhang Song, the guy who sabotaged the plan, had to make Zhu Yuanzhang passive. He could only deal with these big families first, and then find a way to deal with the Rong people.

"It must be settled first, let's deal with any enemy with a piece of iron, it is better to get something out of the bag." Empress Ma said.

In the successive dynasties and dynasties announced the intervention of politics.

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but frown.

If this person was someone else and not Empress Ma, Zhu Yuanzhang would now order the soldiers to cut off his head.

The emperor, who had been a soldier all his life, would never cause any psychological burden to kill someone.

"My sister is right. Can you stop interfering in government affairs in the future? It really broke the rules and left a bad example for future generations."

Empress Ma smiled helplessly.

Zhu Yuanzhang also has his difficulties. As an emperor, sometimes he can't do whatever he wants as outsiders think.

"Okay, okay, but I didn't say it. In the Ming Dynasty, only girls can interfere in the government."

He has a deep affection for Empress Ma Zhu Yuanzhang. Zhu Yuanzhang is an iron-blooded man in history, and people who don't care about the slightest are actually wrong to blame him.

For those who treat him sincerely, Zhu Yuanzhang will never live up to his expectations.

It's just that the person who discredited Zhu Yuanzhang in history turned him into a guy who didn't recognize his relatives.

"Okay, okay, my emperor just loves me." Thinking of every bit of Zhu Yuanzhang, Empress Ma is no different, so she is a successful woman.At the beginning, all women looked down on Zhu Yuanzhang, only Empress Ma followed Zhu Yuanzhang without hesitation, caring for his life in every possible way.

Even the worst people have a sincere feeling.

Not to mention our founding king of Ming Dynasty, Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Then what should we do according to my sister's opinion?"

"He did something you didn't dare to do for many years. His courage is commendable, but he arbitrarily killed the court order. According to the large field, the official is a capital crime, but if the merits and demerits are offset, his anger will be fine."

When Dean Zhu heard this, he couldn't help crying secretly. Last time, Zhang Song complained to him that he had worked in the branch line for two years and didn't receive a penny, and he had to eat free food from him.

But at present, there is also a way to quell public anger, otherwise, it is impossible to explain to the court ministers.

To be an emperor must convince the civil and military officials, and you can't keep thinking about suppressing them by killing them.

In that case, there will be problems sooner or later, so it is said that both grace and power must be used, and both the iron and blood policy and the soft policy must be used, so that the officials can be controlled.

Zhu Yuanzhang made his handling method public to the court.

People from Hu Weiyong's line strongly opposed it, saying that this punishment was too light.

"Are you questioning my unfair treatment??"

Hu Weiyong stood up and firmly opposed it.

"Since ancient times, the emperor has to distinguish rewards and punishments, so that the people of the world can submit. If His Majesty handles it unfairly, how can the people of the world be convinced?"

"It means that killing Zhang Songcai will make the people of the world feel fair. In that case, you should ask the people in Shihe County if they are willing."

After Zhu Yuanzhang finished speaking, he asked Jin Yiwei to let in the people at the gate of the palace.

Each of these people volunteered voluntarily.

When they walked to the majestic palace, these ordinary people felt the majesty of the imperial power.Everyone panicked in their hearts.

"Everyone, don't panic, His Majesty the Emperor wants to hear your opinions."

Qianhu Mu Shoucai, the head of Jinyiwei who led these people in, said with a smile.

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