"If you have time to worry about others, you might as well worry more about yourself."

Yuchan doesn't want Zhang Song to cause trouble everywhere.Those big landlords and big consortiums were already incompatible with him, and they wanted to peel his skin and eat his flesh.

He felt that Zhang Song should digest these enemies before causing trouble, otherwise, if these people united, that Zhang Song would definitely not be their opponent.

Even an elephant, covered in lice, can suck it down to the bone.

So to be a human being, you have to weigh it.

But Zhang Song's idea is that if he meets him, he must never run away. A man should stand upright in the world.

"When I met a villain, I felt that I had to get rid of him. No matter how many villains there are in the world, it's fine if I don't see one. If I see one and ignore it, how can I be worthy of the Ming Dynasty's salary."

Zhang Song said righteously.

"Okay, okay, even if you have a mouth, you can't talk about it. Come to my house first and then talk about it. You can't rush to the yamen first, and drink to this Lu Tai."

Yuchan felt that she should go home and slowly collect the evidence of this guy, and then hand it over to Zhu Yuanzhang for the emperor to handle it himself, which is better than him.

"What do you mean, let's discuss it in the long run."

"Otherwise, do you think you can make waves." Yuchan was speechless.

Seeing Zhang Song's posture, he ran directly to the yamen, dragged out that nasty county magistrate, and chopped off his head in the street.

"You must not do impulsive things. You are just equal to his official rank. What qualifications do you have to mess with others?" Lin Zhenzhen was also impatient.

"I, Zhang Songleili Fengxing, block and kill gods and Buddhas, block and kill Buddhas. I am happy to be kind and vengeful, and I am absolutely unambiguous."

After speaking, he asked Lin Zhenzhen to drive the carriage directly to the gate of Shihe county government.

Originally wanted to refuse, Lin Zhenzhen had no choice but to accompany him to risk his life.

"I don't know if I owed you in my previous life, but I will accompany you on such crazy adventures in this life."

Lin Zhenzhen complained while driving the carriage.

"In the previous life? I owed you in the previous life, so I will take you to settle the grudges in this life." Zhang Song really knows how to talk nonsense, and he is obviously the one who caused trouble, but he wants to beat him back.

"Your skin is so thick that I can't even understand it." Yuchan didn't expect Zhang Song to say such unreasonable words.

The reason why Zhang Song said such a thing was that he didn't believe that people had a previous life at all.

As a person who once learned my atheism, I don't believe in feudal superstition at all.

While they were talking, the carriage had arrived at the gate of the county government office.

There are four gatekeepers in total, each of them is 1 meters tall, and they are tall and burly, and they seem to eat very well.

One of them has a long face.The fat on the eyelids almost covered his eyeballs, so his eyes were squinted.

If you didn't look closely, you might think he was dozing off.

His squinting eyes were still very sharp, and he saw the three of them walking towards this side from a distance of 20 meters.

Because their carriage is very ornate, this squinting man must be the honored guest of the county magistrate.

So he gave the other three people a look.

"I'm looking for your master."

Zhang Song jumped off the carriage, brushed off his clothes and said.

"President Li's name. Our master is not someone who meets people casually, even if you look like a rich family."

To put it bluntly, they wanted benefits from Zhang Song.

If you give a little tip, even if you are a cat or a dog, you can go in.

So they have a very insulting pronoun.

It's called a watchdog.

If they gather such insulting words and they don't know why they still want to mess with the smart Zhang Song, then they are really courting death.

"So you have a beautiful name-Watchdog."

Zhang Song would never tip these people. Although he was never short of money, it was not for such people.

"Damn it, who the fuck are you? How dare you speak nonsense here. Believe it or not, I took your bones apart and used them as firewood. Last time a tease talked to me like that, and I beat him to death in the end. , and now the body can’t be found. Do you know why you can’t find it? That’s why I burned it as firewood.”

That squinted eye showed a fierce look.

Because he was angry, his face cramped, and his fat ears moved, just like Zhu Bajie.

Because he looked very funny, Yuchan and Lin Zhenzhen couldn't help laughing.

I thought I would scare them, but I didn't expect that the other party was still laughing at him.

He was so angry that he blew his beard and stared.

"You guys are so tired of working. Brothers, if anyone hacks this man to death, the two women will be yours."
For this quote, his favorite thing is killing people.No matter how beautiful the woman is, she will not be indifferent, but the other three are old-fashioned.

Seeing the two girls so beautiful, it was like tickling my heart.

"Okay bro, are these two girls really mine?"

"You don't want to eat alone food is ours."

Those three people seemed to feel that Yuchan and Lin Zhenzhen were already in their pocket.The tone of speech is very arrogant.

What they don't know is how arrogant they are now, and how miserable they will be later.

"It's disgusting! Sister Lin, teach them a lesson."

Lin Zhenzhen didn't even draw his sword, and knocked out with the scabbard.Those three people only saw an afterimage flying in front of their eyes, and then their lower body became numb, as if they were completely paralyzed, without any feeling.

"What did you do to us?"

The person who was the loudest just now asked with a look of horror.

"It's just being tapped on the acupoints. If you don't unlock the acupoints in 3 minutes, you will live in wheelchairs for the rest of your life."

In fact, Lin Zhen really fooled them, there would never be such a thing.

Zhang Song folded his hands and looked at the scene relaxedly.Originally, he wanted to do it himself, but he didn't expect Lin Zhenzhen to do it. Since he did it, it was not his turn to do it himself, so he was just a spectator.

"You'd better unlock the acupoints for us, otherwise you will be finished."

He said this threatening sentence without any weight at all, and there was a bit of tremor in his voice.

This proves that they are a group of bullying people.


Lin Zhenzhen came from Dali Temple. He has never seen such a big storm. He doesn't know how many times he has dealt with this kind of bastard.

"You still dare to laugh, believe it or not, I am shaking people."

"I do not believe."

Lin Zhenzhen felt that it would be better to make things bigger.

That will successfully attract a lot of people. After this effect is achieved, the dog official will be pulled out and repaired properly, so as to gain everyone's support.

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