"That's it... look... Bolide!" In order to hide his embarrassment, Zhang Song pointed to the sky outside the window, and a fireball flew past them.

Yuchan said happily: "Master, do you think someone died when the meteor passed by?"

"What? That's superstition. This shooting star is a good thing for wishing. Hurry up and make a wish." Zhang Song didn't dare to look directly into Yuchan's eyes.

For him, this girl is more important in his life than anything else.

In this case, it is right to develop the relationship slowly.

Yuchan is too young.

In Zhang Song's era, this was old cows eating tender grass.

Yuchan is 17 after her birthday this year.

In Zhang Song's time, he was still a high school student at the age of 17.

How could she do this?

"Master, are you lying to me?" Yuchan's eyes were full of suspicion.

"I missed that meteor just now. When another meteor passes through the starry sky, hurry up and make a wish... your dream will come true."

Of course Zhang Song didn't dare to say what he was thinking, so as not to make this girl think wildly.So, he interrupted her.

"To be honest, I don't believe it at all. This kind of wish will come true. In our hometown, it is said that the broom star is it."

Good wishes are always hard to come true, so everyone needs to have the courage to face a bad future.Nine out of ten people who can be satisfied in life are not successful, that is to say, they need a kind of spiritual sustenance.

If you make a good wish, of course it is like having support in your heart.

Every time he encounters bad things, you will think of the wish you made, and then your heart will be filled with confidence.

"You don't believe what the master says, so do you want to believe other people's bad things?"

Zhang Song rolled his eyes and said.

"It's not that I don't believe it, but it's hard to believe it, but since the master said it so firmly... Chan'er naturally believes it."

Just as a shooting star flew across the sky, Yuchan hurriedly clasped her hands together, closed her eyes and took down her wish.

Naturally, Yuchan's wish is to be Zhang Song's wife.

The two chatted and ate watermelon like this.

Talked about many, many things.

Zhang Song suddenly asked how Yuchan's mother in her hometown was doing.

This girl hasn't returned to her hometown for two years since she followed him.

Yuchan's hometown is not far from Liuhe County, and it is also under the jurisdiction of Jinling.

But in ancient times, a distance of two or three hundred miles was also very long.

Speaking of her own mother, Yuchan's face darkened involuntarily.

"I really want to go home, but my mother wrote, saying that it is more important to serve the master well than go back to see her."

As a little girl with no relatives and no one to rely on here, whenever the night is quiet, she always thinks of her mother.

In this world, the only ones who can give everything for themselves without asking for anything in return are their parents.

Zhang Song could see from the girl's eyes that he really wanted to go home.

"I'll take you home to have a look after the master finishes his work for these two days."

In the feudal era, a noble master was so considerate to his servants.That's one of a kind.

Yuchan couldn't believe his ears, he thought he heard it wrong, and said later that he had an auditory hallucination.road.

"These recruits have not yet set out on the road, and Ma Liuzi can't completely control them. The master needs to help him keep the place."

Zhang Song said, he couldn't help but sighed.

It is really difficult to do great things, and what he did is completely self-inflicted in the eyes of others.

Originally, he could have lived an easy life, but after finding all these troubles by himself, he was completely busy like a dog.

"Master, you are really kind to the slave family."

"Where is the word, where is the word."

Zhang Song is talking about you in his heart, but my future wife is not good to you and who is good to whom.Thinking of this, he felt a little dark-bellied, as if he had a plan to develop.

Yuchan was very happy, she threw herself into Zhang Song's arms, wobbling back and forth in his arms like a cute little pig.

This girl is well developed, even though she is only about 16 years old, she is full of sensuality, Zhang Song didn't know, so he quickly calmed down and pushed him away.

"Okay, okay, it's time to rest, the master has business to do tomorrow."

With Yuchan's red face, she looked at Zhang Song with an intentional expression, but Zhang Song didn't dare to look directly into Yuchan's eyes, thinking that if she continued to look at her, she would go off.

Seeing Zhang Song pushing himself away, she felt a little annoyed.

To be honest, in the feudal era, one could get married at the age of thirteen or fourteen.

Marriage at the age of seventeen or eighteen is already a late marriage.

Therefore, in the feudal era, when life expectancy was short, there was no concept of future generations at all.

But Zhang Song is a person who has traveled through time, and he cannot restrain this psychological burden.

So that's all there is to it.

Both sides went back to rest with a strange psychology.

On the second day, after Zhang Song got up, he freshened up and checked in the system as usual.

After signing in, Ma Liuzi was already waiting in front of the door.

Yuchan made breakfast early, and wanted to ask Zhang Song to eat, but Zhang Song waved his hand after seeing Ma Liuzi, saying that he would eat later.

"See your lord."

When Ma Liuzi saw Zhang Song coming, he hurriedly visited and saluted.

"Okay, okay, don't pray in front of me in the future." Zhang Song quickly grabbed Ma Liuzi's squatting body.

Then Zhang Song handed the Eighteen Strategies for Military Training that he had sorted out to Ma Liuzi.

Ma Liuzi couldn't close his jaw in surprise after reading it. He didn't expect that Zhang Song could organize a thick book that killed people so briefly in one night.

Zhang Song waved his hand, indicating that he could leave, and then asked them to recite all the contents of the Eighteen Strategies for Military Training within three days.

This simple and practiced method is quite restrictive and fettered for the orphans who have lived in an unfettered and free environment since childhood.

On the first day, they didn't follow Ma Liuzi's words at all.

Everyone was laughing and joking, not taking it seriously at all.

They feel that this kind of exercise is simply not interesting at all.

For the first practice, let them walk forward, turn left and turn right and turn back.

In the drills of the Ming army, there has never been this kind of drill, so Li Long and others couldn't help laughing.

They don't pay attention to the rules and regulations of the army at all.

The angry Ma Liuzi engaged in military law.

"Ma Liuzi, we called you captain to give you face, and you're so smart, you can kill us all if you have the ability."

Ma Liuzi's cheeks are bulging. Although he is said to be very capable, he has never trained the army. It is the first time that dozens of people are entrusted to him for training, which is a bit difficult.

Just when Ma Liuzi couldn't handle them, Zhang Song suddenly appeared in front of them.

Zhang Song looked at them with a chilling look in his eyes, which made them feel a chill, which was like the coming of winter. .

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