Daqin storyteller, starting with an inventory of the top ten emperors

Chapter 79: Grassland Alliance Leader!Chief of the Pack

Although they were all extremely dissatisfied with Qie Danhou Shanyu's ambitions.

However, the leaders of all ethnic groups in the grassland have naturally heard of the principle of shooting the first bird.

They are not fools.

That's why I won't take the initiative to ask for trouble.

If this stunned young man can overthrow Qi Dahou, that's the best, and they can also benefit from it.

If not, then it's Leng Touqing's own business and has nothing to do with them.

In any case, the leaders of the alien race can choose to clean themselves from this matter.

Don't think that all the men on the grassland are straight, as the head of a tribe.

They usually see intrigues, and there are also many.

What's more, if you lose the power struggle in the Central Plains, you will just lose your power and position.

But if you lose the fight on the grassland, you will lose your life!

Therefore, the struggle on the grassland is more dangerous and cruel.

Moreover, Hou Shanyu became more and more people looked over.

The one who spoke was the leader of a small tribe.

Moreover, Hou Shanyu remembered him.

For this expedition, their tribe pieced together [-] warriors.

"I don't know what Chief Wuha is dissatisfied with me and Hou Da?"

Wuha, who was wearing a leather jacket, snorted coldly, "I can't say I'm dissatisfied."

"It's just that our various ethnic groups sent troops together to conquer the Central Plains."

"We should have lived together as equals, each according to his own ability."

"This chief, I just don't understand why Hou Shanyu wants to unify all the ministries."

"After much deliberation, the only possibility is that His Majesty Chianhou Shanyu wants to be the leader of the alliance and command the ministries."

Millions of cavalry, major tribes, countless tribesmen.

It has to be said that this is indeed a behemoth that makes people's hearts flutter.

If he becomes the leader of the grassland coalition forces, at least he can control this behemoth in name!

Moreover, Hou Shanyu wanted to be the leader of the alliance, so he naturally wanted to get his hands on the supreme power.

Moreover, if you become the leader.

The distribution of the spoils after the war, isn't he the one who has the final say.

In the end, it is very likely that various ministries will fight bloody battles and ruin countless Erlang warriors.

In the end, the Huns were fattened.

This is unacceptable to all leaders.

Don't think that the grassland is monolithic.

On the grassland, it is also you conquering me, and the war continues.

Even more cruel!
In the Central Plains dynasty, all countries went to war, and they had to find a reason.

But fighting in the grassland never needs a reason.

A land with abundant water and grass, a horse, a cow, a woman...

It is possible to trigger a fight!

There are also conflicts between the various tribes in the grassland.

This time, it was just that the tribes temporarily abandoned the conflict in order to conquer the Central Plains dynasty.

Form a coalition army and go south to invade the Central Plains Dynasty.

Wait until the countries in the Central Plains are flattened, and they will survive this winter safely.

All the ministries of the grassland will be caught in the fight again.

So, this southward invasion is very important.

If it is possible to plunder more things during this southern invasion.

Then their tribe will be strong.

In the future fights on the grasslands, they will have the upper hand.

Not to mention sweeping the grasslands, at least he can expand his territory.

Give the tribe a better habitat!

Therefore, although the various tribes form a coalition, in fact, each has its own small nine or nine.

Listening to Chief Wuha's questioning, Hou Danhou Shanyu didn't panic in the slightest.

He just looked at Chief Wuha lightly, and suddenly waved!

Then a swordsman rushed into the camp and chopped off Chief Wuha's head!

Three feet of blood!
It splashed onto the white tent dome!
For a while, the faces of the tribal leaders were all different.

Turkic Jieli Khan looked calm and looked at all this indifferently.

As if everything had nothing to do with him.

On the other hand, Xianbei Khan's face was gloomy, and his eyes were cold and stern, as if frozen.

Take a peek at the headless corpse, and then look at Chief Wuha's staring eyes!
In the end, his gaze flicked over to Hou Danyu, and he took it back.

Some tribal leaders who had a good relationship with Chief Wuha rose up against the case and looked angrily at Qie Danhou Shanyu.

"Hey, what do you mean by that!"

"We gathered here to discuss going south to attack the countries in the Central Plains!"

"I didn't come to see you playing prestige!"

"You killed Chief Wuha without saying a word!"

"Do you think this will convince the public?"

"That's right, you have to give us an explanation!"

The so-called law does not blame the public, and several of their leaders questioned Ji Danhou Shanyu together.

No matter how courageous Qi Tanhou was, he would not dare to face everyone.

Kill a few more bosses.

I thought that Hou Danyu was forced to step down from power.

Unexpectedly, he chuckled with a kind face.

"How about it, Chief Wuha doesn't need to divide it."

"Just distribute it to other tribes."

"As for the [-] warriors of the Wuha tribe, let's divide them too."

"I don't know, what do you leaders think?"

Xianbei Khan's pupils narrowed sharply, while Jieli Khan raised his head and looked deeply at Jade Hou Shanyu.

The other leaders of the foreign race all looked at Qi Danhou in surprise.

Unexpectedly, Qi Tanhou would have such boldness!

It seems that he is bound to win the position of leader!

Xianbei Khan Tuoba Yue's face was a little ugly.

The small tribe of Chief Wuha belonged to Xianbei.

And Chief Wuha's words this time were also in compliance with Tuoba Yue's order.

He wanted to see, and what exactly did Hou Hou want to do!
Now, the test is out!

Moreover, Hou Hou is ambitious and wants to become the co-lord of the grassland coalition forces.

Command the Prairie Allied Forces!

Moreover, Hou Hou's ambition is no longer concealed!

Tuoba Yue didn't expect that Qi Dahou would dare to kill in public!
Moreover, with such courage, he distributed Wuha's share to other tribes!

This made Tuoba Yue couldn't help being more vigilant and fearful.

Moreover, the picture drawn by Hou Hou must not be small.

Qi Tanhou looked at a group of tribal leaders with a smile.

"Everyone, since we are attacking the Central Plains together."

"There must be an alliance leader!"

"It is difficult for a wolf pack without a wolf to survive on the grassland."

"I'm the Marquis, and I want to be the leader of the coalition army. I don't know if you agree."

Tuoba Yue sneered, just about to object.

Seeing King Yiqu nod his head, "There is nothing I can do."

Wara leader Mahamu and Chief Rouran said one after another: "And Hou Danyu, you should be the leader of the coalition."

Immediately afterwards, other large and small tribes echoed.

In the camp, half of the leaders agreed to this matter!
And these leaders control nearly 70 cavalry!
It has almost become an overwhelming trend!
Tuoba Yue's pupils suddenly shrank, and he looked at Qie Danhou Shanyu in disbelief!

He has already made all preparations!
They have already hooked up with the leaders of the major tribes in secret!
Today, I want to swallow the position of the leader of the coalition army in one gulp!
Tuoba Yue took a deep breath, snorted coldly, and did not express his opinion.

In the end, under the coercion of Qie Danhou, he became the leader of the grassland coalition with an overwhelming advantage.

And Hou Shanyu finally took the most important step in his plan!

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