Daqin storyteller, starting with an inventory of the top ten emperors

Chapter 54 The Hardest Job, Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty

Although the Analects of Confucius spoken by Bai Su always feels a bit weird.

But when I think about it carefully, I actually think it makes sense!
Confucius must not be such a pedantic Confucian!

It's just a group of ignorant Confucian scholars who plated him with a layer of gold!
Seeing Fusu's excited face, Yingzheng's thoughts moved slightly.

"Fu Su, what do you think of the Analects taught by Mr. Bai Su?"

Fu Su nodded heavily: "Very good!"

"Don't make a fool of yourself! My son will gain a lot!"

"That's good."

Ying Zheng smiled.

Regardless of whether what Mr. Bai Su said is right or not, Fu Su can be pulled back from those rotten scholars.

That's a good thing!

Besides, Mr. Bai Su is pedantic about heaven and man, so what he said must be right!

This is the true meaning of the Analects of Confucius!

Ying Zheng was relieved.

In all fairness, Fusu is indeed a good heir.

It's a pity that he wasn't resolute and decisive enough, and was too benevolent.

And he was fooled too much by those rotten Confucians, and superstitiously believed in Confucianism.

Good people are bullied by others, and they can't keep the foundation of Daqin!
As the king of a country, Confucianism can be used, but Confucianism cannot be superstitious.

Otherwise, the country will suffer disaster.

This is what he is most dissatisfied with Fusu.

But after being taught by Mr. Bai Su, Fu Su has a tendency to change!

Although, I just took a class, and I still can't see anything.

But Ying Zheng believes that if he perseveres.

Mr. Bai Su will definitely train Fu Su to be a qualified heir in his mind!

At that time, the Great Qin Empire will have the second emperor, a qualified heir!

He can rest assured!
Ying Zheng was in a good mood, "Fu Su, go back and rest!"

Fusu was flattered by his father's attitude towards him.

However, he returned to his bedroom to rest excitedly and excitedly.

Ying Zheng walked to the window and stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the bright moonlight.

Give Fu Su to Mr. Bai Su for teaching.

This thing is definitely one of the most correct things he has ever done!

The next day, at dawn, it was time for storytelling again.

The guests of Longmen Inn came like clouds, shoulder to shoulder, and there was almost no place to stay.

The guests were very excited and looked forward to it, waiting for Bai Su to step on the high platform.

Finally, in the anticipation of everyone, Bai Su slowly stepped onto the high platform.

Everyone's eyes are bright!
Mr. Bai Su is here!

"Mr. Bai Su, you are here, we are waiting for you to start speaking."

Hearing the shouting from below, Bai Su smiled slightly, stood behind the table, patted the wood, and spoke in a nonchalant manner.

"Today, we still talk about the affairs of Han."

"Everyone knows, what is the most difficult job in the Han Dynasty?"

The guests shook their heads in interest.

In Tianzihao elegant room, Ying Zheng also frowned.

Hardest job?

Traffickers and pawns, common people, which one is not difficult?

If it is the most difficult, it should be a civilian husband?
There are exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes on the top, and corrupt officials on the bottom, living a hard life.

How severe is the suffering of the people.

Today, in the private room of Tianzihao, except for the three giants of the Great Qin Dynasty.

There is also a young man, of course Fusu.

Anyway, Fusu is going to learn the Analects of Confucius with Baisu later.

Ying Zheng asked him to listen to storytelling with him here.

Just right, you can test him.

"Fusu, tell me, which is the most difficult job?"

Fu Su thought for a while and replied, "Master."

Ying Zheng nodded, but it coincided with him.

Well, it must be the civilian husband.

The local private room next door.

Li Shimin was also thinking about this issue.

However, the answer he gave was completely different.

The most difficult job is the emperor.

It is so difficult to be worthy of the sky above, the people below, and the country in the middle.

Work hard, walk on thin ice, use people as a mirror, and history as a mirror. Even so, you may not be a good emperor.

As a king, one should be self-disciplined and introspective, and one cannot make any mistakes.

The emperor is the most difficult thing, not only to worry about the national economy and people's livelihood, but also major political affairs.

I also have to worry about whether my daughter will sneak out.

Really tired.

However, Bai Su said, "In the Han Dynasty, the most difficult job was the prime minister."

Prime Minister? !
The guests became agitated.

"How can the prime minister be the most difficult?"

"That is, it is not difficult at all to be above one person and under ten thousand people to hold great power and dominate the world."

"Isn't Mr. Bai Su making fun of us? Did he deliberately tease us?"

Ying Zheng and Li Shimin also showed interest.

Prime Minister is the hardest?

They have to listen carefully to why they say that.

"Han Emperor Liu Che's reign has been less than 20 years now, but he has already experienced five ministers."

"The current prime minister is Xue Ze, Marquis of Pingji. He is mediocre and careful, so there is nothing to say."

"As for the first four prime ministers, two were dismissed for their crimes."

"One was executed, and the other died of fright, frightened to death."

"What do you think will happen to the Prime Minister of Han?"

A group of people shook their heads immediately.

I thought it must be good for the prime minister to be under one person, above ten thousand people, and hold great power.

Unexpectedly, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty was so miserable.

The end is worse than the last.

What's more, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty changed so quickly.

A few years of official position is in exchange for my life, or the wealth of the rest of my life!

They definitely can't agree.

From this point of view, it seems that it is really difficult to be the prime minister of the Han Dynasty!
Ying Zheng and Li Shimin couldn't help laughing.

It turned out to be the case.

From this point of view, Liu Che is still a mean and ungrateful master.

Although Ying Zheng is sometimes denounced as a tyrant.

But the aspect between Li Si and Feng Quji has always been good.

It wasn't until Feng Quji claimed that he was sick and resigned from office that he was removed from the position of right minister.

Li Si held a high position on the left and was trusted and never suspected.

At this point, Ying Zheng can puff up his chest.

That kid Liu Che is not as good as himself.

As for Li Shimin, he also values ​​feelings.

The old ministers who fought with him in the world were all high-ranking officials and generously paid, and they were favored and favored.

As long as it is not a serious crime of treason, everything will be fine.

He even built a Lingyan Pavilion to commemorate the achievements of his old brothers.

The eldest grandson Wuji has always held a lot of power, and he has not seen what happened to him.

Wei Zheng was originally a disciple of Li Jiancheng, but Li Shimin still favored him and took him as an admonisher, and never suspected him.

Speaking of this aspect, Li Shimin had to say.

I am much stronger than Liu Che.

Bai Su continued: "Liu Che, the master of great talent and strategy, naturally wants to take power."

"In his eyes, the prime minister is just a tool he uses to gain power."

"After a long time, he suspected that the prime minister was spying on the power and cheating."

"Poor tool people, either die or be dismissed from office."

"However, Liu Che doesn't feel sorry for him. If he dies, he will die. There are many tool people."

"But does Liu Che have no one to trust?"

"That's not necessarily the case. At the very least, Wei Qing and Huo Qubing are the people he trusts the most."

"Hanhuang Liu Che is very generous to his own people."

"Increasing officials and ranks, increasing food and wealth, conferring wives and sons, high-ranking officials and generous salaries."

"Of course, the premise is that you are one of your own."

"Moreover, it must not arouse his suspicion."

"Wei Qing is very cautious because of this.

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