Daqin storyteller, starting with an inventory of the top ten emperors

Chapter 5 Intermediate Lucky Draw, Summon 1000 Snow Dragon Riders

Just returned to the elegant room.

Li Si and Meng Tian vomited bitterness to His Majesty,
"Master, this young man must be eradicated."

"That's right, those disrespectful words are to humiliate Great Qin Guowei."

I heard the words of the two civil servants and generals.

Qin Shihuang shook his head slightly, but did not respond too much.

He just calmly looked at the young man with a mysterious identity on the high platform of the inn.

If everything the other party said is true, there will be complaints from the people.

So many years.

Ying Zheng did a lot of things wrong.

Perhaps it was Bai Su's words that resonated with all the people present, and they spoke one after another,

"Da Qin is the world fought from horseback."

"There are quite a few civil servants in the imperial court, and it is true that they are not good at governing the country."

"Isn't there still Prime Minister Li Si?"

"Compared to Datang, which just emerged a few days ago, it's better."

"Mr. Bai Su really dare to say that the first emperor is still in power, and he actually talks about his death."


Under the noisy discussion of various male and female spectators.

Bai Su didn't care about the reactions around him either.

He silently picked up the long piano arranged in front of him, and played it skillfully with his ten fingers.

What he played was the long-lost Yi Shui song.

A beautiful, melodious and powerful piano sound resounded clearly in the inn, and all the guests fell silent.

They stopped their movements almost at the same time, silently listening to the young man's melody.

"Hurry up and be quiet!!"

"Mr. Bai Su is about to play the piano!"

Seeing the boy's behavior like this, many old spectators showed joy on their faces.

They are very happy!

Because Bai Su's piano playing skills are as superb as storytelling.

It can be said that he is the number one violinist in Daqin today.

Some touching songs can make people cry after hearing it!

The songs "Guan Guan Jujiu", "How to Sigh" and "Nian Acacia" that he played in the past have already become popular all over the country, and have been circulated in the territory of various dynasties.

Unexpectedly, today, I could finally hear Bai Su playing the piano!

"ring jingle"

In the rhythm of Bai Su's heroic high-pitched voice, everyone seems to be able to see the scene.

Before assassinating Qin Wangzheng.

Jing Ke and his good friend Gao Jianli are farewell at the Yishui River.

The autumn wind is bleak, the Yishui is cold, and the ups and downs of the polar world are miserable, exaggerating the desolate and tragic atmosphere.

The road ahead is long and dangerous.

But the world-famous assassin still walked away without looking back.

The figure gradually disappeared into the dusk.

The wind is rustling, the water is cold, and the strong men are gone
No return! !

"I, suddenly burst into tears."

"This song is so soul-stirring, it should be heard by more people."

"Mr. Bai Su, you should be the number one luthier in the world."

"In the decades of my life, I have rarely heard this song..."

"Wonderful, wonderful!"


When a piano sound stops.

The hearts of all the listeners were churning with different emotions.

Tragic, regretful, heroic, courageous.

Some people's eyes were even bloodshot, and they couldn't help crying for Jing Ke's righteous deed.

at the same time.

Even Qin Shihuang, who personally beheaded Jing Ke, was a little moved.

Back then, he also thought that the other party was a talent, but it was a pity that he didn't use it, and his life was in danger if he stayed by his side.

So I can only hurt the killer.

Now I meet someone like Bai Su who is arguing right and wrong, who dares to speak out.

Qin Shihuang appreciated it very much.

He kind of wants to reuse the other party and bring him into the court as an official to advise.

It's better than being surrounded by flattering and flattering courtiers.

Now it is a battle for hegemony among a hundred nations.

Compared with the troubled Spring and Autumn Period, it is too late.

If Daqin can continue to prosper, it will be worthy of the ancestors of the emperors of all dynasties.

to be honest.

Letting this young man stay by his side and play the music can also make Qin Shihuang happy!
After playing the tune.

Bai Su also stepped down from the high platform, and distributed some money to the shopkeeper.

Followed by.

Accompanied by Zhao Yun, he returned to the room.

He also has an unwritten rule.

That is, every three days, I will tell stories in the inn.

I usually spend my time recuperating and practicing in my room, or doing other things.

No matter how others begged, it was useless to listen to his storytelling.

So many people came from afar.

It just happened that I didn't hear his storytelling, so I cursed bad luck!

Just got back to my room.

Bai Su asked Zhao Yun to guard the door and not let anyone disturb him.

He silently opened the system panel, and there were 13260 storytelling points on it.

This time it has gained so much popularity?
its not right!
Bai Su thought about the number of people coming to the inn, it was about the same as usual.

Could it be that a big person came here today, causing the storytelling points obtained to be multiplied several times.

thought here.

Bai Su immediately thought of the three guests in Tianzihao's elegant room.

Their identities really come from extraordinary backgrounds!
"Never mind him, just don't affect your earning money."

Bai Su muttered to himself.

He is going to consume these storytelling points and conduct a lottery.

The system provides a variety of lottery modes in total.

The primary lottery draw only needs to consume [-] storytelling points.

The intermediate lottery draw consumes [-] storytelling points.

The advanced lottery draw consumes [-] storytelling points
These lottery draws may reveal treasures of heaven and earth, internal strength of martial arts, masters of civil and martial arts, or they may be useless things to deceive people.

It is worth mentioning that.

Now the supreme master, the great general Zhao Yun who is the champion of the three armies.

It was Bai Su who was lucky enough to get the talent when he used the primary level lottery one time.

There are also god-level ancient piano skills, which are also obtained by lottery.

Let him not only tell stories, but also play a piece of music to add to the fun.

As for the rest, it's basically useless!
Since I have harvested so many storytelling points today.

Why don't you try the mid-level lottery.

"What good things will you get this time?"

Driven by Bai Su's thoughts.

He silently drew the lottery, and the next moment the system sound rang in his ear,
"You have consumed [-] storytelling points for an intermediate lottery draw."

"Congratulations!! This lottery has won 1000 big snow dragon cavalry troops."

The next moment, there was a sound of horseshoes shaking the ground outside the inn.

The Big Three, including Ying Zheng.

Everyone was startled by the unusual sound! !

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