Daqin storyteller, starting with an inventory of the top ten emperors

Chapter 33 Grabbing Perfume?Big snow dragon ride out

Although both Li Chengqian and Changsun Wuji felt that Li Shimin was weird.

But if His Majesty asks for money, he must give it.

There was no other way, the two had no choice but to open a private treasury, took out a stack of bank notes, and let someone take them away.

After paying Li Shimin the money, Li Chengqian and Changsun Wuji frowned and looked at each other.

Suddenly, Li Chengqian patted his head violently.

"Uncle, didn't Emperor Father take 20 taels of gold when he left Chang'an?"

When Li Chengqian said this, Changsun Wuji suddenly remembered.

That's right, 20 gold is quite a lot, no matter what, it's enough for His Majesty to spend a while.

Why did it run out so quickly?
Changsun Wuji frowned and fell into deep thought.

Could it be that His Majesty has kidnapped someone and wants to pay a ransom?

No way, Cheng Yaojin and Li Jing are both famous generals in the world with great strength.

There are more than 100 elite dead soldiers to protect.

There are also spies from Lijingmen who guard all the way.

How can it be in danger?

Even if they tried their best, they couldn't guess that Li Shimin asked for money for shopping!

Of course, Li Shimin's shopping is not for himself.

But to make Datang strong.

Dragon Inn.

Three deck chairs were placed in the yard, and three figures were lazily lying on them basking in the sun.

The warm sunlight fell on them, and the three of them groaned comfortably together.

This is life!

Li Shimin and Ying Zheng thought so at the same time.

Although they are the kings of a country, they are busy with government affairs every day.

There is simply no time to sit back and enjoy life.

However, it is different in Longmen Inn.

Stepping into the Longmen Inn, it seems that the mind has gained peace, and there is no need to think about anything.

Just lying on a deck chair and basking in the sun is the highest enjoyment in the world.

This is something they have never experienced before, but it is particularly fascinating.

As for Meng Tian and Cheng Yaojin, I can only look at them greedily.

at the same time.

A rich mansion.

A beautiful, delicate and lovely woman in a light blue dress is sitting in the gazebo.

Sitting opposite her was a white-haired beauty with an alluring appearance.

It was Xue Ji.

As for the beautiful, delicate and lovely woman, it is Princess Daqin, Ying Yinman.

Looking at Xue Ji's beautiful face, Ying Yinman couldn't help being a little envious.

Sister Xueji is so beautiful...

Suddenly, she suddenly came back to her senses, thinking of the purpose of inviting Xue Ji to come on this trip.

Not to praise her, but to grab something!
To be honest, she has been coveting the bottle of perfume in Xue Ji's hand for a long time!
Even if he asked his father to look for it, his father did not give himself an answer for a long time.

The fragrance is rich and fragrant with a fresh scent!
How could Ying Yinman resist such a treasure? .

She learned that the only bottle of perfume in Xianyang City was made by Xue Ji of Longmen Inn.

And this Xue Ji is the most beautiful and beautiful dancer in Xianyang, and her dancing skills are the best in Kyushu!

She had no choice but to find Xue Ji under the guise of learning to dance.

Under her invitation, Xue Ji naturally had no reason not to come.

Ying Yinman fixed her eyes on Xue Ji, which made her feel a little nervous.

After thinking about it, Xue Ji decided to speak up.

"I don't know if the princess came here to learn how to dance with Xue Ji?"

After all, she looked at the environment around the gazebo suspiciously.

Surrounded by green grass and red flowers, it seems that it is not suitable for learning to dance, right?
Ying Yinman said, "Since Sister Xueji asked, I'll just say it straight."

"I want your perfume."

Hearing this, Xue Ji was startled, and couldn't help but clenched her hands even tighter.

She shook her head slightly, "I also hope that the princess will forgive me, and Xue Ji will not obey her orders."

Ying Yinman was stunned.

She thought it was due to her status as the princess of the Qin Kingdom.

As long as she speaks, Xue Ji will definitely have no reason not to give.

Besides, she grew up in the palace since she was a child, and she is the jewel in the palm of her father.

No matter what she wants, the emperor will find it for her even if he exhausts his manpower.

The brothers also doted on her very much and responded to her requests!
Ying Yinman grew up held in the hands of the whole of Daqin.

Never tasted rejection.

Therefore, when she was rejected by Xue Ji, she was stunned.

"You, what did you say?"

As if not believing her ears, Ying Yinman asked again.

With firm eyes, Xue Ji repeated calmly: "Princess, Xue Ji can't give you this."

Although she looked calm.

But the little hands hidden in the sleeves were tightly clutching the white porcelain vial, and the knuckles were turning white.

It's not that she's too greedy for property, and she doesn't want to part with this bottle of perfume.

It's just because this bottle of perfume is the first gift Bai Su gave her.

It's what she holds dearest.

She was reluctant to give this gift to others.

Anything other than that, she can readily give to others.

But, only this bottle of perfume, no.

It's not that she doesn't know Ying Yinman's identity.

She knew that Ying Yinman was the princess of the dynasty, she was aloof.

But this bottle of perfume was a gift from Bai Su, so Xue Ji cherished it very much.

She would rather offend the princess than give up the bottle of perfume.

"Sister Xueji, I can give you money, how about giving you a thousand gold in exchange?"

"As long as you give me this perfume."

Ying Yinman thought that Xue Ji was reluctant because of money.

Think about it too, such a magical treasure as perfume is unheard of.

This thing must be very precious, priceless.

It seems that she should not give enough!
However, what surprised Ying Yinman was.

After she increased the chips, Xue Ji still shook her head with a cold face.

"It's not about the money."

"It's just that I really can't give you this bottle of perfume."

"Princess, if there is nothing else, I will go first."

After speaking, Xue Ji got up and wanted to leave, it seemed that she had made up her mind.

But how could Ying Yinman, who had always been spoiled and raised, ever suffer from this kind of anger?
He was rejected one after another.

In order to show her attitude, she even called Sister Xueji respectfully.

Ying Yinman was already very sincere, but Xue Ji was unwilling to hand over the perfume!

How could she be so stingy!

Ying Yinman slapped the table, her face was full of anger.

"If you don't give me perfume, you don't even think about leaving!"

The spoiled little princess finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Seeing Ying Yinman getting angry, the figures who had been hiding in the dark quickly rushed out one after another.

Several black-clothed figures jumped out from around the gazebo, rushing towards them in a gust of wind.

These people are none other than Shadow Secret Guards!
Specially responsible for protecting the safety of the Daqin royal family.

Naturally, these people were specially sent by Ying Zheng because he was worried about the safety of his precious daughter.

Ying Yinman puffed up her face angrily, pointed at Xue Jijiao and ordered.

"You guys, go and grab me the perfume in her hand!"

The shadow guards were ordered, and naturally they were dispatched immediately.

The digital shadow guards immediately surrounded Xue Ji.

Seeing the Shadow Secret Guard, who was clearly a bad visitor, Xue Ji was scared in her heart.

But that white and tender little hand still held the white porcelain vial tightly.

"Hey, don't hurt her, just grab the perfume."

Ying Yinman's voice has not yet fallen.

Suddenly several figures jumped into the garden again!
The visitor was aggressive, exuding a terrible hostility all over his body.

Within a few breaths, he was already rushing towards the Shadow Secret Guard.

It was the servants of the Daxue Dragoons pretending to be.

Under Bai Su's order, they have been secretly protecting Xue Ji.

Judging by the current situation, it is impossible for them not to come out.

The Daxue Dragoons had vigilant eyes, and without a second thought, they shot directly, fighting with the Shadow Secret Guards!
Although the Shadow Secret Guard is the most elite dark guard organization in Daqin.

But in terms of combat power, it is obviously no match for the Daxue Dragoons sweeping the world!

In the end, after three attacks, five divisions and two divisions, these Shadow Secret Guards were vulnerable and were easily dealt with.

Immediately, Xue Ji was quickly rescued.

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