Daqin storyteller, starting with an inventory of the top ten emperors

Chapter 119 5 surnames and 7 sects, only the winner

Bai Su nodded.

The fetish he was talking about was naturally movable type printing.

Although in this world, there is already paper and woodblock printing.

But in block printing, every time something new is printed, the template needs to be re-engraved.

Moreover, each template can only correspond to one article.

Once it breaks even a little bit, the whole template is unusable.

I have to say, it's not very convenient, and it's expensive.

Therefore, despite the engraving and printing, books are still expensive.

In order to change this, Bai Su thought of movable type printing.

Movable type printing is to make the type model first, and then arrange it when it is used.

Even if one font is broken, it can be replaced without affecting others.

In this way, the cost is greatly reduced.

The price of books will naturally drop.

Those who come from poor families and look down on books will naturally be able to read books.

Of course, in terms of education, there is another big killer, which Bai Su has not sacrificed yet.

It works, but the time has not come.

So, just wait and see.

If the country of Tang can be more prosperous, maybe there are still people to say.

If the Kaiyuan prosperity in history can be reproduced, then the vision in his heart is not impossible to realize.

As for now, filling the stomach is a problem, who would think so much.

However, even so, Bai Su was not pessimistic at all.

Now that he has come to this world of mixed generations, he will definitely be able to change the world!
"How can a thousand-year-old family be overthrown at once, Lao Li, you have to be mentally prepared."

Li Shimin waved his hand: "Of course I don't care, I'm just worried about Your Majesty."

"In recent years, the aristocratic family has jumped up and down, always trying to grab some benefits that don't belong to them."

"Their hands stretched too far."

Bai Su smiled slightly, "Wouldn't it be better this way."


Li Shimin was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what Bai Su's words meant.

"The aristocratic family has relied on their own inheritance for thousands of years, and they are domineering, so they will inevitably relax."

"When doing something, it is inevitable that there will be clues. If you follow these clues, you will investigate secretly."

"It may not be possible to find the mastermind behind the scenes."

"The more arrogant they are, the closer they are to extinction."

"Heaven wants to make it die, it must first make it mad."

"This is the eternal truth."

Li Shimin nodded, agreeing with Bai Su's words very much.

That's right, he didn't believe that the aristocratic family could do everything so cleanly.

The five surnames and seven sects are connected with each other, and their interests are handed over and entangled, which has long been difficult to separate.

As long as a family accidentally reveals something, he can follow the clues.

Hold the entire five surnames and seven sects in your hands.

At that time, even a thousand-year-old family can do so.

A smile appeared on Li Shimin's face again.

"Thank you, Mr. Bai Su, for alleviating my worries."

Bai Su smiled and waved his hands, "It's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning."

It's really exciting to do this kind of shady thing.


It's still five surnames and seven sects who are cheating, Bai Su doesn't have any psychological burden at all.

One big and one small, the two little foxes looked at each other.

The fate of the five surnames and seven sects is already destined to be absolutely not very good.

With deliberate calculations, how can even a thousand-year-old family be able to stop the majestic imperial power.

As long as Li Shimin does all the preparations in the early stage, he will replace the five surnames and seven clans, and replace the entire family.

The world is still the same, and it will not change at all.

The world never revolves around one person.

Chang'an City, Cui's family.

The Cui family of Qinghe is the head of the five surnames and seven clans, and the head of the world's aristocratic families.

Li Shimin once ordered Gao Shilian to compile the clan annals, which were revised twice.

They all listed the Qinghe Cui family as the top family in the world.

Even the Li family, which is a royal family, must come after the Cui family.

Although the subsequent clan annals were forcibly changed by Li Shimin.

But it is not difficult to see that the world's pursuit of the five surnames and seven sects.

As the head of the five surnames and seven sects, the Qinghe Cui family is naturally glorious.

This Cui mansion is the mansion of Cui Wei, who is now the minister of the Ministry of War and the speaker of the Cui family's third room.

Today, five surnames and seven sects, the spokespersons of the Chang'an court, have all gathered in Cui Wei's mansion.

An old man with a three-foot white beard and a purple robe sat on Cui Wei's right, looking towards Cui Wei.

"Cui Shilang, has the Ministry of War prepared early for the war between the Tang Dynasty and the alien race?"

Hearing this, Cui Wei laughed, "To tell the truth from Lu Shangshu, I have already prepared for the battle armor."

"As for soldiers and horses, they have already been recruited."

Lu Shangshu is the old man in purple robe, he is Lu Chaoye, younger brother of the current head of the Lu family.

This person is the Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment who is in charge of the Ministry of Punishment.

Hearing this, Lu Chaoye nodded slightly, and looked at the other people sitting in the lobby.

"The five surnames and seven clans have always been connected with each other."

"We gathered here this time for nothing more than one thing."

"That is, this battle between the Great Tang and the alien race."

As he said that, a gleam of light flashed in Lu Chaoye's cloudy old eyes.

"Five surnames and seven sects, the reason why they stand tall for thousands of years is because we have wisdom."

"Datang wins, we are naturally still the princes and nobles of Datang."

"But if the foreign race wins, our five surnames and seven clans can also become obedient citizens."

"Five surnames and seven sects will only fall to the winner."

As he spoke, he looked at Cui Wei.

"That batch of soldiers, I don't need to tell you, you should know how to do it."

Cui Wei cupped his hands, "Shoot the second as the best, secretly hold back, see who is in the general trend, and then make more efforts."

Lu Chaoye nodded, "That's right, that's right."

"In this way, we can guarantee our wealth and honor for a hundred years."

The others also nodded one after another, not feeling the slightest discomfort at all with such sloppy behavior.

They've been doing this for so many years.

Five surnames and seven sects have always been like this.

No one felt anything was wrong.

If not, how could their families have been passed down for thousands of years.

Isn't it just to see the timing and bet, and not to offend at both ends.

As for who is the master of the world, does it have anything to do with them?

Anyway, no matter who they are, they must respect their five surnames and seven sects, that's enough.

Dynasties change, people live and die, what does it have to do with my thousand-year-old family.

After talking about this matter, Lu Chaoye suddenly raised his head to look at the crowd and said another matter.

"Have you ever heard of sweet potatoes and potatoes?"

Everyone nodded, the family also had its own intelligence network.

Naturally, I have heard about some things in the world.

Although I don't know exactly what these two things are.

But it is also heard.

Apparently, it seems to have been passed down from Xianyang, Qin State.

Lu Chaoye said slowly again: "Then you know."

"How much is the production of sweet potatoes and potatoes? It is said that there are six thousand catties!"

Six thousand catties!
Hearing this, the entire lobby was filled with dead silence!

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