Daqin storyteller, starting with an inventory of the top ten emperors

Chapter 116 Excited to try!Disappointing Lee Tae

Li Tai also seemed to enjoy the scene of the officials cheering.

Smiling and nodding slightly, he immediately made a decision, "Ministry of Industry, make this thing immediately and promote it to the world."

Minister of the Ministry of Industry nodded in agreement.

Li Tai looked at a book, respectful in front of him, and felt a little strange in his heart.

It feels good to be in charge.If it can be like this all the time, it will be even better!
Soon, he restrained his gaze, suppressed the strangeness in his heart, and looked at Changsun Wuji again.

"Uncle, there seem to be other things in your hand. I don't know what these are?"

"Returning to Your Highness, this is a horseshoe, inlaid on the horse's hoof, which can reduce the wear and tear of the horse by [-]%."

"These two are stirrups and saddles, which can help riding and improve the combat effectiveness of cavalry."

"In a short period of time, let me improve the combat power of the Tang cavalry."

As soon as these words came out, the entire hall suddenly fell into silence!
If it is said that the appearance of stoves and briquettes before was auspicious.

The stirrups and saddle are like adding wings to a tiger, adding wings to Datang, a fierce tiger that is already proud of the world!

Although Datang's combat power is strong, the cavalry has always been a shortcoming.

Because there is no thorough training, there are no good horses.

Therefore, the combat power of the Tang cavalry has never been strong.

The reason why the Eastern Turks were able to be wiped out relied on a group of famous generals who exerted their personal strength.

This is achieved by leading an army of infantry with wonderful micromanagement!
Facing the alien race, Datang's cavalry has always been at a disadvantage.

Although Datang had already searched for many ways to improve the combat power of cavalry, all of them had little effect.

Today, Changsun Wuji said that it can improve the combat effectiveness of cavalry.

How can this not make them excited and looking forward to it.

Especially those generals, their eyes lit up when they heard the words.

I can't wait to jump on the saddle and stirrups and take a good look.

They can be said to have suffered greatly from the cavalry of foreign races.

Alien cavalry, highly mobile, come and go like the wind.

They can only be played by people like monkeys.

This made the Tang generals already extremely dissatisfied.

He had been suffocating for a long time, wanting to find his way back.

However, it has been unable to find it.

They also knew the gap in cavalry between Datang and the steppe aliens.

Therefore, they can only rely on infantry.

But who doesn't have a dream of defeating the grassland with cavalry?

Now, the eldest grandson actually told them such good news.

A group of generals were naturally overjoyed.

"Old man Changsun, is what you said true?"

"This is not a joke, it can really improve the combat power of the cavalry."

"That's right, this thing looks so simple, can it improve the combat power of cavalry?"

A group of generals scrambled to speak.

Changsun Wuji was very indifferent, "If you can, you will know if you try it."

"Yes, just try it out." Li Tai nodded, and immediately ordered, "Come here, take the horse to the palace."

Soon, a steed was brought to the hall.

The one raised in the palace is naturally a steed.

Changsun Wuji ordered a three-piece harness to be put on the horse one by one.

Then, he looked at the group of generals.

"Who will try?"

"I come."

Lingyan Pavilion 24 was second in the siege, and Li Xiaogong, the king of Hejian County, did his part.

Seeing Li Xiaogong come forward, the other generals stopped fighting.

The problem is, you can't grab it.

Li Xiaogong got on the horse, put his foot on the stirrup, and sat firmly in the saddle.

No matter how tossed, there was no intention of falling down.

Stirrups and saddle, he is firmly restrained on the horse's back, and there is no need to worry about the danger of falling.

Compared with the previous steed, it is several times better to ride!
He got off his horse excitedly, "Your Highness, what Zhao Guogong said is true!"

"These three things will definitely greatly enhance the combat power of my Great Tang cavalry!"

Hearing this, there was an uproar in the hall, and everyone looked at the steed in disbelief.


It turned out to be true!
When Changsun Wuji first said it, they doubted its authenticity.

But now, there is the evidence of Hejian County King Li Xiaogong, a famous general in the world.

They will never think that Li Xiaogong will lie!
In other words, all of this is real!
Just three inconspicuous things can improve the combat power of cavalry!
A group of generals couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed to the steed.

"Let me try."

"I'll come first!"

A group of generals, for the sake of a test ride, did not hesitate to fight in the main hall!
Such a scene really shocked the officials of the Tang Dynasty for a whole year.

Seeing this chaotic scene, Li Tai frowned, with a little dissatisfaction on his face.

This is the main hall of Daming Palace, where state affairs are discussed.

He, the prince of Jian Guo, is watching from above.

This group of generals fought for a single horse.

This is contempt for Datang, or contempt for him, the prince of the prison!

Li Tai had already read poetry and books, he was obese, he liked quietness and disliked movement, and he didn't like martial arts.

I can't say I like these old and rough generals who followed their father and opened up the world of Tang Dynasty.

What he relies on and appreciates more is the civil servant group.

It was the Guanlong family, those who could fight for him in the court and push him to the throne.

Not these big bosses who fight for a horse.

If it weren't for these generals, they followed their father to conquer the world and made great achievements.

He can't be bothered to deal with these people.

Li Tai opened his mouth in displeasure.


"As an important minister of the Tang Dynasty, a high-ranking official with a generous salary, for a horse, I will fight in the hall!"

"In your eyes, do you still have this king, the prince of the prison!"

Li Tai opened his mouth to cooperate with his status as the prince of the prison.

Even those generals had to calm down and return to their positions.

Changsun Wuji sighed helplessly and shook his head in his heart.

Qingque, Qingque, it's too childish for you to still aim for a big position like you.

These military generals are His Majesty's right-hand man to conquer the world.

You should trust and rely on, even if you don't entrust them with important responsibilities, you should make good friends.

But you actually scolded in public without showing any mercy.

You know, these generals are the same even when His Majesty is around.

You are the prince of Jianguo, so you can't wait to show your arrogance to them, how unwise.

He wholeheartedly relies on civil servants and aristocratic families.

Those civil servants, besides being good at talking, could do nothing.

As for the family.

Oh, the former Sui Dynasty died in a family.

The disaster of the family is not far away.

His Majesty tried his best to suppress the family, but you have made good friends with the family, do you think His Majesty doesn't know?

Contrary to His Majesty.

As for the generals who hold military power, they don't know how to win over and make friends, they only know how to chat with a group of literati.

So, how can we win the reserve.

Changsun Wuji shook his head helplessly.

Although he is also a civil servant, but his current status is that he was killed out of the troubled times with Li Shimin.

Naturally, it is different from ordinary civil servants.

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