Daqin storyteller, starting with an inventory of the top ten emperors

Chapter 110 Three-piece harness set!Increased knowledge

Shoes designed for war horses, let the horses wear shoes!
These words instantly awakened several emperors.

Liu Che's eyes brightened even more, with a look of joy, "Not bad, not bad!"

"If you put shoes on the horses, naturally there won't be so many horses that have to be abandoned due to broken hooves!"

"In this way, the wear rate of the war horse can be reduced by at least [-]%!"

At least [-]% of the wear rate of the horse is amazing enough!
As far as the Han Kingdom alone is concerned, there are [-] horses!

Isn't this enough?

Looking at the small horseshoe, Liu Che couldn't wait to ask: "Mr. Bai Su, how should I put this thing on the horse?"

"Don't worry, I'll show you a demonstration."

As he spoke, Bai Su had someone lift the horse's hoof, while he used nails and a hammer to inlay the horseshoe on the horse's hoof.

"That'll be fine."

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple!"

Liu Che still held his head in disbelief.

It seems unbelievable that such a simple method can reduce the wear and tear of war horses by [-]%!

Such a simple method, why no one discovered it earlier.

If someone had discovered it earlier, how many horses the big man could have saved!

Liu Che hated meeting each other lately, leaning his face almost to the ground, staring at the horseshoe carefully.

Just such a small thing can reduce the loss of horses by [-]%!
See you late!

It can only be said that it is too late to meet each other!
Liu Che was so excited.

Li Shimin and Ying Zheng could also understand Liu Che's excitement.

Because they are also kings of a country.

I also had a headache and couldn't sleep for countless late nights because of the wear and tear of the war horse.

Now, such a small, inconspicuous horseshoe can change everything.

Naturally, Liu Che was so excited that he was on the verge of crying!
"This thing is very good!"

"Very good!"

Liu Che got up from the ground excitedly, regardless of his luxurious robes, which had already become dirty.

His face was full of excitement.

There were even moving tears streaming down his face.

Although Ying Zheng and Li Shimin restrained their emotions.

But when faced with such a fetish, he was still extremely excited.

Horseshoe, this thing, if it appeared a few years earlier, it would be great!
However, it is not too late now!

Ying Zheng and Li Shimin were overwhelmed.

Although Wu Zetian couldn't quite understand Liu Che's excited mood.

But as the lord of a country, she naturally understands that the loss of war horses is a big problem.

Now, it can be solved with a small piece of iron, which is naturally excellent!

The attrition rate of war horses in the later Tang Dynasty is also not low.

"What about these two things, Mr. Bai Su?"

Having seen the magic of horseshoes, now, Liu Che and the others have put away their disdain for these things.

Liu Che was even more excited and learned to ask questions.

"As we said just now, the combat power of the Central Plains cavalry is not as good as that of the grassland aliens, mainly because of two aspects."

"War horse loss is just one of them."

"There's a second aspect."

"As for the second aspect, it is naturally on the cavalry."

"Foreign race in the grassland, born on horseback, galloping on horses since childhood, coming and going in the wind."

"Their riding skills are naturally much better than those of us who were born in the Central Plains Dynasty."

"We can't change this."

People in the prairie live on horseback, and they started riding horses at a young age.

As for the Central Plains cavalry, most of them joined the army and were selected as cavalry.

Just started riding.

On the one hand, the Central Plains are farming peoples who do not need horses to graze.

On the other hand, it was because horses were too expensive for ordinary people to afford them.

How could a short period of training be comparable to nomads who grew up on horseback since childhood.

Therefore, the riding skills of the Central Plains cavalry have always been inferior to those of the foreigners on the grassland.

"But these two things can help people better master the horse, thereby effectively improving riding skills."

"Just these two things?"

Looking at the things that he didn't know where to put them, Liu Che was at a loss.

Of course, he was 100% convinced by Mr. Bai Su's words.

But he looked at it for a long time, but he didn't see how to put these two things.

Confused, Liu Che took a step back and handed the stage to Bai Su.

"Mr. Bai Su, come here."

Bai Su hung the stirrups on the horse's back, and then put the saddle on the horse's back.

"Stirrups, saddles."

These two things can fix the human body on the horseback.

Even if you make some drastic moves, you won't be thrown off your horse.

Saying that, Bai Su got on the horse, put her feet on the stirrups, and sat firmly on the saddle.

"like this."

"I'll try, I'll try."

As soon as Bai Su got off the horse, Liu Che couldn't wait to get on the horse, imitating Bai Su's appearance.

With the stirrups on his feet and the saddle firmly restraining him on the horse's back, he tossed and turned on the horse's back.

Spin and jump, I don't stop!
But still not overturned by the horse!
With a happy expression on his face, he looked at Bai Su.

"Not bad!"

"These two things, when used together, are truly amazing!"

"I was tossing so hard just now, but I couldn't fall off!"

"Mr. Bai Su, I am completely convinced of the two things you invented!"

Liu Che looked at Bai Su excitedly.

"Mr. Bai Su, you are truly a rare talent in the world."

"The problem that has troubled the world for so many years has been solved by Mr.!"

"With this thing, the people of the Central Plains no longer have to worry about being harassed by alien races!"

"Sir, please accept my worship!"

The infantry of the Central Plains were already strong, but on the grassland, the infantry could not catch up with the mobile cavalry.

Therefore, it is difficult to exterminate the alien race.

With these three things, the wear and tear of war horses will be reduced, and the riding skills of soldiers will be improved, so the combat power of cavalry will inevitably rise with the tide!

The combat effectiveness of the cavalry has increased, coupled with the already invincible Central Plains infantry.

It is not easy to destroy the alien race!

Liu Che looked excited.

With this thing, all the grasslands will be wiped out!

And Ying Zheng and Li Shimin, who saw the three-piece harness suit, were equally delighted.

As the combat power of the cavalry increases, they will finally be able to fight those alien races on the grassland!

Foreign races often invade the Central Plains by virtue of the speed of coming and going with the wind and the superiority of cavalry.

In the Central Plains Dynasty, because of the low combat power of the cavalry, although they hated them deeply, there was nothing good to do.

Today, Bai Su invented these three things.

Undoubtedly, the combat power of the cavalry has been greatly enhanced!

If the grassland aliens dare to go south again, they must be made to look good!

These three things must be equipped on the army as soon as possible and on a large scale!

The emperors had made up their minds.

Even Wu Zetian, the only female emperor, realized the importance of the three-piece harness.

I made up my mind, asked Mr. Bai Su for a set, sent it back to the back hall, and asked them to mass-produce the equipment.

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