Daqin: The opening system asked me to propose to Lu Su

Chapter 86 Silver Needle Rescue!Subdue Wu Guang

"It's really a matter of time."

Chen Hao curled his lips, and his impression of Wu Guang was even deeper.

To be honest, in the previous life, I saw this Wu Guang in the middle school Chinese class "Chen She's Family".

He felt that this person was not simple.

At the beginning of the uprising, as the head of the village, he represented an official figure.

But they can assess the situation and participate in the Chen Sheng uprising.

Later, he even made suggestions in repeated battles.

If Chen Sheng hadn't acted too hastily, he hurriedly wanted to become king.

I'm afraid that this mighty first rebellion at the end of the Qin Dynasty may not end disastrously with their deaths.

"Go! Let's go and see."

After thinking for a moment, Chen Hao bid farewell to King Tu'an and dealt with Wu Guang's affairs first.

And at this moment, the system beeped again.

[Congratulations to the host for extinguishing the chaos at the end of Qin Dynasty in advance and solving the hidden dangers of the Great Qin Dynasty. 】

[Now, the reward triggers the hidden selection task. 】

[Option 1: Kill Wu Guang and get [-] sets of infantry bamboo armor. 】

[Option 2: Subdue Wu Guang and get sweet potato seeds, corn seeds, and potato seeds each of a thousand catties. 】

Seeing the new task sent by the system, Chen Hao frowned.

Your system really likes to joke around.

Now he has mastered Daqin's shipyard, and Zulong also allowed himself to be in charge of Daqin's military supervision.

These two places have mastered the core technology of Daqin.

How could a mere [-] sets of infantry bamboo armor fall into my eyes.

As for the second choice, Chen Hao can only say that this is justice overdue.

For other systems, the three-piece set of seeds is sent first.

Fortunately for you, it has been several years since you came to this set.

"Okay, I'll choose the second system."

Chen Hao curled his lips and made a choice again.

Anyway, if you don't want it for nothing, you can get the three artifacts of corn, potato and sweet potato.

The country of Daqin will be more stable.

Moreover, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang launched the riot in advance this time, and someone must have instigated it behind the scenes.

Chen Sheng, who knew one of the secrets, is dead, so the only way to find the answer is from Wu Guang.

Thinking of this, Chen Hao quickened his pace.

After a while, he brought his entourage to the cell where the prisoners were imprisoned.

Tu Anguo's cell is overcrowded now, and it took a lot of effort to find Wu Guang.

They saw Wu Guang lying on the bed in the cell dying, with several sword wounds on his body.

It could be seen that this time he was determined to die.

"grown ups!"

At this moment, General Jin also rushed over from behind.

Seeing Wu Guang's appearance, he shook his head directly.

"My lord, I asked the head of the prison just now."

"It is said that this person should want to die with all his heart, there is no room for it, so he rushed out directly."

"Since he wants to die, you don't need to worry about it."

Jin Yizhen didn't have a good impression of the leader of the peasant army who made Tuan suffer.

Now the cells in Tuan City are already full, and if there is one less cell, it can save a little food.

Thinking that Tu'an was not only attacked by these mobs this time, but also had to spend money to support them.

General Jin felt annoyed, simply.

"No! General Jin, it's very useful for him to keep it."

Chen Hao didn't want to explain so much, so he turned his head and asked, "General Jin, do you have Chinese medicine in Tu'an?"

"Yes, of course."

Jin Yizhen was taken aback for a moment before he realized it.

He beckoned and called the doctor who was in charge of taking care of the prisoners in the prison.

As soon as the doctor came, Chen Hao spread his palms and asked, "Mr. doctor, do you have a silver needle?"

"Silver needle, acupuncture."

The doctor subconsciously took out the silver needle from the medical cloth bag, then shook his head violently.

"My lord, you are not joking."

"How can a silver needle be used to save this dying person?"

The doctor's surname is Huang.

Although Huang Langzhong was just a wandering doctor, he really couldn't get along, so he came to Tu'an to take up an official position.

But he is also familiar with various medical classics, such as "Shen Nong's Herbal Classic", "Huangdi Neijing", etc., all by heart.

After reading all the books, I am very cautious about the use of acupuncture and moxibustion.

Especially in first aid, don't say absolute.

At least the acupuncture practitioners must have received extremely strict training, and it is really difficult to achieve without a certain age.

Thinking of this, the doctor looked at Chen Hao's young face again.

The outstretched hand shrank back unconsciously.

"Mr. Huang, what's the matter with you?"

General Jin respected this doctor very much.

Since he came to the country of Tu'an, many people, prisoners or soldiers have been favored by him.

Not to mention a cure for all diseases, but most of the difficult and miscellaneous diseases were also cured by this doctor.

Seeing that the doctor was in trouble, Jin Yizhen felt bad.

Huang Langzhong cupped his hands and said solemnly: "My lord, the doctor is benevolent, and what he pays attention to is that every sickness must be cured."

"Since the prisoner is near death, let us not add to his suffering."

Chen Hao directly took the silver needle from the doctor's hand.

Just kidding, now is the time to race against time.

Wu Guang's life or death is related to the availability of high-yield crops.

How can I waste my time here.


When Huang Langzhong saw it, he was immediately very angry.

Anyway, I am also a highly respected figure here in Tu'an, how can I stand this anger today.

He turned his gaze to General Jin.

However, Jin Yizhen now has something to ask from Chen Hao, but Wu Guang's life and death has nothing to do with him.

Simply wave your hands and don't care.

"It's unreasonable, it's unreasonable!"

"Young people, don't be too arrogant. If you do this, you will treat patients with disrespect."

Huang Langzhong blew his beard and stared, almost going to explode at any moment.

After decades of practicing medicine, I have never seen anyone dare to be so hasty.

However, just when he wanted to risk his life and stop Chen Hao from doing anything wrong.

A cough broke the silence of the scene.

Wu Guang suddenly sat up straight, his face distorted.

But after this short moment, he slowly woke up.

Seeing this move, the two people beside him were stunned.

"It's impossible, how is it possible."

According to past experience, Wu Guang should surely die.

Even if Da Luo Jinxian came to save him, it would probably be a bad move.

However, now he is alive and well.

This is definitely not a miracle, but someone actually saved it.

Look at Wu Guang's temples and the silver needles on Baihui.

Huang Langzhong immediately understood that it was the young man in front of him who rescued the criminal.

For a while, Huang Langzhong couldn't accept it.

But the facts are in front of us and cannot be disputed.

"Master Chen, you."

Jin Yizhen was also surprised.

Looking at Huang Langzhong's appearance just now, Fan En, who is opposite him, is probably about to prepare for his funeral.

Unexpectedly, it didn't take a few seconds to bring the opponent back to life.

This kind of medical skill is probably one of the few in the whole world.

Today, I actually let myself meet one.

"Master Chen, you really are a genius, a genius of heaven."

In the army, there is a natural respect for Lang Zhong.

Therefore, Jin Yizhen's admiration for Chen Hao has risen to another level.

So much so that when Princess Yushu got married, the last trace of emptiness was swept away.

Compared with marrying other tribes, it seems that marrying this young handsome man is the best choice.

When the two were sighing in their hearts, Chen Hao's attention was on Wu Guang who had just woken up.

"Water, I want water."

I saw Wu Guang slowly opened his eyes, gradually able to see things.

But just when his gaze touched Chen Hao, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"You, I'm going to kill you!"

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