"Ah! How is this possible?"

Meng Tian was stunned for a moment, thinking that his ears had made a mistake.

He pulled the probing horse and continued to ask, but all he got was the same answer.

It wasn't until this moment that he finally believed that this was a fact, but he was in a daze.

Fight the plague in a village in five days, five days.

Meng Tian murmured this matter repeatedly, his heart was surging.

Although he doesn't know anything about civil affairs, he knows everything about it.

Once the plague spreads in the military camp, even if it is a battalion, at best it will be the result of ten out of ten.

If you want to completely extinguish it, you must pay a heavy price, not to mention completely stopping the epidemic within a certain period of time.

But for him, Chen Hao, it only took five days.

What is this concept?
Meng Tian thought carefully, as long as Chen Hao existed, Daqin would reduce tens of thousands of casualties every year.

Including the army, craftsmen, and common people, they will all benefit greatly.

"Come on! Are you still looking for horses?"

Meng Tian's face became serious, and he quickly called the rest of the scouts around him.

But it was a coincidence that all the accompanying scouts went out to inquire about the news of the plague.

Now there is only one person left, that is the one just now.

"My lord, there seems to be no one else."

The scout looked around, but couldn't find his colleague.

Looking back, I saw Meng Tian's eyes rolled.

Suddenly, with a flick of his thigh, the BMW under his crotch was released.

"Brother! Work hard, changing people does not change horses."

"Hurry up to His Majesty's Luanjia and tell him the news."


The Tanma agreed, and then he reacted, slightly surprised.

He is just a big soldier, but he can't understand anything in the world.

But since following General Meng, he has never seen him take it as seriously as he does today.

The BMWs in the General's Mansion are all from the Western Regions, and the one that Meng Tian sat on is the top-quality blood of Dawan Kingdom.

Use it, send a letter?

Tanma was in a daze, and he still couldn't believe it and steered the dream horse under his feet.

But in his heart, he couldn't understand what the status of the new Taibao lord was.

Here, a detective is doubting life.

And it's in Kuaiji County thousands of miles away, in the side hall of the prefect's mansion.

There is a secret meeting, but it is intensified.

The number of visitors was not many, only three, but each of them was a prominent figure in Kuaiji County.

Fuluo, the current sheriff of Kuaiji County.

Yin Tong, the prefect of Kuaiji County.

And the boss of the underground forces in Kuaiji County, the former nobleman of Chu State Xiang Liang.

"What do you think should be done?"

With the help of the dim light, Fu Luo spoke first.

He has been there for three years as the prefect of Kuaiji.

Originally, after finishing this year, he was going to be promoted to another position.

Unfortunately, this year the plague in the south came especially fast.

Originally, as usual, if you fiddled with the account, there would not be much difference.

But now, from South Vietnam to the north, almost the entire Kuaiji County is about to fall.

In the huge Jiangdong, with a population of 10, almost one-third of them were infected with the disease.

From now on, it is not said that the household registration cannot be faked, I am afraid that it will cause public grievances and riots.

Difficult, really difficult.

Fu Luo shook his head again and again, his eyes lingering on the two people around him.

"Now His Majesty appointed a Taibao to preside over the plague. I don't know what it is?"

Having said that, he put the three household books on the desk with a wry smile, with a sad face.

However, at this moment, Yin Tong who was at the opposite table suddenly threw the ledger aside.

Leaning forward slightly, he said mysteriously: "Lord Sheriff, I have something I want to say, I wonder if your lord would like to hear it?"

"Say, of course I will."

Fu Luo is helpless now, and he has tried everything he can think of.

But the plague in the south was already a tricky matter, and there was no way for him to conjure up tricks.

Seeing that Yin Tong had a plan, his eyes lit up as if he had grasped a life-saving straw.

"Then, I'll say it."

When Yin Tong heard the words, he straightened his body.

Suddenly, his eyes turned to the door, which happened to be the north city gate.

"I feel that His Majesty has always acted vigorously and resolutely, so there must be another purpose for sending the Taibao this time."


When Fu Luo heard these words, he almost fell down.

Yin Tong continued to smile, his cheeks swaying under the candlelight.

"Look, my lord, I have already received information from the spies."

"The new CPIC has relatively low qualifications, and is only about 20 years old, so he certainly has no experience in civil affairs."

"In that case, why did His Majesty send him here?"

He and Xiang Liang looked at each other.

Xiang Liang, who had been prepared a long time ago, understood, and immediately cupped his hands and said: "From my point of view, His Majesty sent a young man who is full of vigor and vigor, and he must be trying to make an example of others."

Having said that, he also took advantage of the opportunity to wipe his neck.

Fu Luo was horrified when he saw this, and his hands trembled with fright.

After a long time, he calmed down and said, "My dear brothers, what do you think I should do to escape this catastrophe?"

Seeing the appearance of the sheriff, Yin Tong seemed to have expected it.

He stood up and came to Xiang Liang side by side.

He didn't speak either, but remained silent.

Fu Luo looked anxious, and impatiently asked: "Speak quickly, my virtuous brother!"

Only then did Yin Tong reveal the medicine in the gourd.

"It's actually easy for an adult to protect himself."

"Since the person sent by His Majesty is a young man, we will deal with him as a young man."

"As long as the county guard places a big tripod at the gate of the city in the future, it will block the way of the imperial envoy."

"At that time, Xiang Yu, the nephew of Xiang Haojie's family, will come out to welcome you."

"When the time comes to frighten you with nephew Xiang's supernatural power, that young man will definitely retreat and dare not covet you as the governor."

Xiang Yu's ability to pull out a tripod is a well-known thing in Jiangdong.

When Fu Luo heard this, his heart suddenly settled down.

As long as there is Xiang Shi at the side, no one can get half a point closer to him.

Thinking of this, he patted Yin Tong's shoulder with satisfaction.

"Brother, your idea is good!"

Suddenly, his heart opened up, and he saw the sun through the clouds, and he felt a little better.

"Then I'll leave this matter to you. I still have business to do."

After saying that, he turned around and left the side hall, and walked into the back house.

It wasn't until the footsteps faded away that Xiang Liang slapped the table and said angrily, "Hehe! This person is really a vegetarian."

He looked at the household register on the desktop, feeling sad in his heart.

In the past few years, Jiangdong's elders have suffered miserably from this ignorant sheriff.

However, at this moment, Yin Tong put on a smile and said, "That would be better, the day when we make big plans will be closer."


Xiang Liang was startled when he heard this.

"Didn't Master Yin just say that Yu'er should act to frighten that new imperial envoy?"

Yin Tong caressed the file on the table and laughed.

"This is just superficial words, because that day, the imperial envoy ended up being murdered by Fu Luo."

"During the performance of Master He Xiang, he raised a tripod and smashed the imperial envoy to death."

"As for us, we can avenge the imperial envoy and kill Nafuluo."

"In this way, we can take advantage of the situation and take advantage of the location of Kuaiji, and make trouble when the world changes in the future."

Xiang Liang agreed with a smile, and looked north as well.

At this time, behind the door of the side hall, a young man with a domineering appearance was already standing beside him.

"Uncle, what are your orders?"

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