Liu Ji——

Chen Hao recognized the appearance of this person immediately, he was as wretched as in the TV series.

However, I have to say that the tradition of this lucky son of the Liu family is quite strong, and he was able to stand alone in the eye of the storm just now
Looking at Liu Bang's pretentious expression, Chen Hao was extremely disgusted.

However, this person seemed to have a thick skin by nature, so he didn't care about this embarrassment at all.

"Hehehe, Chen Shaobao."

"I have quite a reputation in the Surabaya Pavilion area. If Chen Shaobao needs me, he can order me at any time."

As he spoke, he half-knelt down, admitting that he had no mental pressure at all.

If Chen Hao hadn't known the history in advance, he might have been fooled around like Xiang Yu.

"Liu Ji, do you really convince me?"

Chen Hao suddenly smiled playfully, and looked Liu Bang up and down.

Liu Bang's shoulder shivered, and he immediately replied with a very submissive face.

Chen Hao thought for a while, then nodded and said: "You also know that the most urgent task now is to extinguish the plague as soon as possible."

"I heard that there are some talented people in Pei County who are worthy of use. I wonder if you can find them for me."

"Yes! Of course I can."

Liu Bang's eyes lit up, and he immediately nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Chen Hao's smile grew stronger, and he continued: "The people I want are Lu Wan, Cao Can, Fan Kui, Zhou Bo, Xia Houying"

"That's all for now, I think you should be able to find them with your ability."

"Yes! Of course the little ones can."

Liu Bang patted his chest, many of these people were his old acquaintances.

What's more, he was a playmate when he was a child.

Although I don't know how Chen Hao learned about these names——

But when he thought of the scene where he recommended them to Shaobao's side, and then naturally played a wave, he immediately felt refreshed.

And that beauty Lu Zhi, and the shame that Chen Hao brought to him.

Hehe, you can bear it for a while, it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years.

"Okay! You go down and do business!"

Chen Hao curled his lips and dismissed Liu Bang.

Looking at his back with braids, Chen Hao suddenly felt that he was very evil.

But when I thought of gathering Liu Bang's entrepreneurial team and then holding a Hongmen banquet, I immediately looked forward to it.

Those who obey me prosper, those who oppose me perish.

Ha ha!Without your helper, Liu Bang, no matter how bad you are, you won’t be able to make waves
"Young Master Chen, Young Master Chen."

Chen Hao was making plans, but before he knew it, a soft voice touched his ears.

Looking back, Lu Su was looking at him worriedly.

"What's the matter, Susu?"

Lu Su's mood at this time is very complicated, and she naturally has deep feelings for Chen Hao.

This person is not only polite, but approachable.

And he has the talents of the world, but he is not proud.

Such an ideal husband is definitely rare in this world.

Therefore, when Lu Su, who had a heart to belong to, knew that Chen Hao wanted to save the people suffering from the plague, he was naturally both proud and worried.

"Chen Lang—"

She blushed and changed her address to Chen Hao.

Immediately with tears in his eyes, he asked, "I don't know how sure Chen Lang is going to rescue the disaster?"

"How much?"

It's hard to say
Chen Hao went through the plot in the TV series in his mind, the plague caused many uninhabited villages.

It is not an exaggeration to describe the so-called "no chicken crowing in a thousand miles, ten rooms and nine empty spaces".

Although he has modern knowledge in his mind, as well as the two god-level medical books presented by the system.

But when it comes to the extent of disaster relief, it's really hard to give an exact figure.

Just when Chen Hao was hesitating about how to answer, Lu Zhi suddenly approached his sister.

"Susu. Chen Lang is a real man, a real man, so he naturally has his considerations."

"As women, what we should think about is how to support Chen Lang as much as possible behind the scenes."

In a word, Chen Hao felt a little surprised.

This Lv Pheasant is indeed the mother of the country in the future, and she has demonstrated the qualifications of a good wife so early.

He turned his eyes, looked softly at the two women and said: "Pheaser, Susu, you should go back to the cottage to avoid risks during this time."

"How about going to marry you after my husband settles this matter?"


Hearing this, Lu Pheasant and Lu Su blushed in embarrassment.

And when Chen Hao was planning how to resettle the Lu family, outside a village in the southern suburbs of Pei County.

A few yamen servants, all wrapped in cloth strips, were pulling a skinny corpse out of the village.

At the gate of the village, a scribe in green shirt held a pair of bamboo slips in his hand, his brows were deeply furrowed.

This person is the first prime minister of the great Han Dynasty in another time and space, Xiao He, the chief official of Pei County.

A few days ago, the county magistrate sent him to take the lead to deal with the disaster.

As soon as I came to the southern suburbs of Pei County, I found that several villages inside had large-scale infections.

His keen intuition made him feel that this time things were beyond imagination.

Immediately afterwards, the nearby strong men were recruited, and three classes of yamen servants came to block the official road.

However, the blockade belongs to the blockade, but it cannot solve the situation of the spread of the plague.

If the disaster continues to spread, those villagers may still rush to other places in order to survive.

What should I do?

Xiao He frowned, his expression tangled.

At this moment, a yamen servant next to him suddenly shouted.

"My lord! Look there!"

Where the sound fell, there was a lame young man crawling towards Nancun, where the plague was most severe.

At this time, Yi Xiaochuan's eyes were dull, and his three souls lost his seven souls.

Because just now, he found that his two legs had lost even the last sense of consciousness.

Thinking of his master Xiang Liang and his good brother Xiang Yu, he felt even more impermanent in the world.

The one named Chen!Everything is him!

Yi Xiaochuan's eyes were red, and he cursed in his heart while crawling.

He didn't know if there was such a person as Chen Hao in history, but if the Lu family was allowed to quarrel with him, the future would definitely change.

Why, why did it become what it is now!
The more he hates, the faster he crawls.

However, he suddenly felt that everything around him was very strange.

Because when his sight entered the village, he found that everything around him became weird.

Every household closed their doors, no one was on the street, and crying came from the empty houses from time to time.

None of them are suggesting danger,

"Xiao Chuan! Xiao Chuan! Is that you?"

Suddenly, a thin and unkempt man emerged from the low wall in the distance.

Turning around and looking, it seemed that he rushed towards him like crazy.

Yi Xiaochuan screamed, and when he saw the person clearly, he was so excited that he suddenly screamed.

"Gao Yao! Why are you here?"

The person in front of him is Gao Yao, his long-lost good friend.

"Xiao Chuan! Xiao Chuan! I miss you!"

When Gao Yao saw Yi Xiaochuan, he also wept with joy.

He patted Yi Xiaochuan's shoulder, and suddenly touched the bottom strangely.

"Xiao Chuan! Why is your leg broken!"

As he spoke, he lifted the other party's trouser legs, and saw a bloody mess.

Gao Yao was startled, and immediately asked Yi Xiaochuan what happened.

Yi Xiaochuan told everything about Chen Hao in detail, and there was boundless resentment in his eyes after speaking.

"Okay! Xiao Chuan, I have written down my brother's hatred."

"It's just that now that I've come to Nanshan Village, I can't protect myself."

As he spoke, he pointed to the scribe in Tsing Yi at the entrance of the village.

"Originally, I just came to this village to spend the night, but I didn't expect to wake up the next day and the village was closed."

"See! It's that guy who blocked our way of escape."

As he spoke, he sighed heavily and asked back, "Brother, how did you end up in this village?"

"Could it be possible that after you came to this world, you lived in this Nanshan Village?"

Gao Yao turned his head and wanted to ask, but Yi Xiaochuan rolled his eyes and passed out directly.

"How did I dig this hole for myself? Is there anything more unlucky?"

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