Daqin: The opening system asked me to propose to Lu Su

Chapter 10 Obtained Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases

"System, I choose 2."

After some hesitation, Chen Hao still chose 2.

Part of the reason is naturally Lu Su's favorability, and the other is "Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases".

This Zhongjing is known as the "Medical Sage", needless to say that his medical skills are naturally top-notch.

What's more, in this book, it is the first time in Chinese history that a solution to the plague is proposed.

Since in the plot of "Myth", Yi Xiaochuan encountered a great plague.

If you get this book, you may be able to prepare for future emergencies.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the book "Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases" and inheriting the lineage of medical sage Zhang Zhongjing. 】

As the system's notification sound came, a familiar warmth flowed through his body.

And at this moment, I don't know if I saw myself in a daze.

Lu Zhi couldn't hold back his temper and asked hastily: "Mr. Chen, why don't we quickly recruit people."

"It's too late and wait until the river continues to rise sharply. I'm afraid that my father and sister will be in danger."

"No!" Chen Hao shook his head slightly upon hearing this.

"I'm afraid it will take time to gather people, so I'll go and try it alone."


Lu Zhi, Ying Zheng and Meng Tian all stared with one voice almost in unison.

As the so-called scourge, the power of nature cannot be countered by human beings.

Not to mention how one person can save two living people in the turbulent current.

Just wanting to cross the river is a big difficulty.

"Boss Chen, I know you should be very anxious right now."

"But this flood is beyond the reach of human beings, so it should be considered in the long run."

Meng Tian, ​​who has been fighting and marching for many years, knows the truth that "soldiers have impermanence, and water has an impermanence".

Sometimes, a flood can be worth thousands of troops.

No matter how capable a person is, it is impossible for one person to fight against thousands of troops.

"Time is running out, I'd better go to the scene of the incident first."

Chen Hao didn't want to spend too much time talking, in case these people really pulled a bunch of people to go.

If I chose this option just now, wouldn't it be a failure.

He turned around and left the restaurant, found another fast horse and went straight to Beishan.

And at this moment, in a dark alley outside the restaurant.

There are two pairs of eyes, staring at the direction of the restaurant, blushing.

"Brother Liu! What are you looking at here?"

"No, no!"

Liu Bang withdrew his gaze, and then he said, "A little lady hurried into the restaurant just now, she is so beautiful."

"I heard that person's name is Lu Zhi. She is the eldest daughter of the Lu family who recently moved in. I don't know how to get to know him."

Hearing what Liu Bang said, Yi Xiaochuan's eyes lit up.

Historically, this Liu Bang was not originally a pair with Lu Zhi.

If it contributed to the love between Liu Bang and Lu Zhi, wouldn't it promote history.

Thinking of this, he took another look at the end where Chen Hao left.

Turning his eyes, he suggested: "Brother Liu! I heard that Ms. Lu is a well-known beauty, and she is a perfect match for Big Brother."

"However, the owner of this restaurant seems to be interested in Miss Lu."

Speaking of this, he intentionally or unintentionally paused, and took a sneak peek at Liu Bang.

Immediately, Liu Bang's face changed.

"Brother Yi, is what you said true?"

He also looked towards the city gate, his eyes filled with anger.

The scene of being slapped in the face by the security guard (Zhao Yun) of this restaurant just now is still vivid in my memory.

The reason why Liu Bang is still hiding at the door of the restaurant is to find a way to wait for an opportunity to retaliate.

"Grandma! This Chen Hao is so presumptuous that he even has a crush on the woman of the head of the pavilion."

As he spoke, his eyes turned cold.

"Brother Yi, follow that Chen Hao first, and see what tricks he does."

"Brother, I will go to the county government office and ask a few brothers to help me. I don't believe it."

"Okay!" Yi Xiaochuan agreed with all his mouth, and at the same time he was overjoyed.

It seems that my new big brother has become serious.

With Liu Bang's influence in Pei County, it's not difficult for that Chen Hao to be unlucky.

Yi Xiaochuan is making small calculations here, but at the other end.

In a river at the foot of Beishan Mountain in Peixian County, Lu Gong and Lu Su were standing beside two wooden cows and horses, with despair in their eyes.

In fact, during the period when Chen Hao was busy working in the tavern, he was not idle either.

In addition to arranging for the two daughters to settle in the family house, they went out to find a suitable place to open the school.

Therefore, just today someone told me that there was a beautiful villa near Beishan, and he couldn't wait to choose the site.

On the way, he encountered a dry river bed, who knew that he would encounter floods in sunny days and bumped into his side.

Thinking of this, he once again looked at the island beach under his feet.

The water level had already reached his feet, and he frowned immediately.

Looking at the new river section in front of me, it has expanded to three or four battles wide, and the water is turbulent.

"Susu, do you think your sister found Mr. Chen and the others?"

"Sigh. It's also my father's haste, knowing that there is a section of the river bed here, and the terrain is complicated, but I still drove over here to explore."

Seeing this, Lu Su quickly comforted him: "Father! Why bother to blame yourself. Something unexpected happened today."

"Besides, sister has already gone to find Mr. Chen."

"Using Mr. Chen's method, we will surely get through it safely."

After finishing speaking, he suddenly saw a shadowy figure riding a fine horse at the end of the mountain road.

Looking carefully, a familiar face has suddenly arrived.

"Master Chen!"

Lu Su cried out, feeling very excited.

Lu Taigong also wept with joy, and heaved a long sigh of relief.

Chen Hao pulled out two ropes from behind and threw them directly.

I saw a flying shadow passing by, and landed directly beside Mu Niu Liuma.

"You two! Quickly pull these two pieces of rope on this wooden beast."

Lu Gong was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted.

This Chen Hao must be pulling the rope around the wooden beast, and then pulling it out backwards.

Without further ado, the two of them followed the instructions.

After a while, I saw the Muliu ox and horse lying on the water bank, carrying Lu's father and daughter down the river.

However, at this moment, there was an anxious cry from behind.

"Mr. Chen! Don't worry, you must not worry."

Looking back, I saw Meng Tian riding a black horse and following him to the shore.

Behind him is a gorgeous car not far behind.

It turned out that Zu Long and Meng Tian were worried after guessing Chen Hao's intentions, so they followed the route behind him to catch up.

Originally wanted to mobilize the nearby black-armored guards to come to help, but the mobilization was not in time.

Therefore, this is the first to come and check.

I saw the scene where Chen Hao wanted to shake the river to save people by himself.

"Mr. Chen! This river water is powerful! Don't act too hastily."

"If you really want to save people, you still have to think long-term."

"It's too late! Officer Meng Ke!"

At this time, Chen Hao had already met Meng Tian.

He knew the power of the flood, and he also knew that saving lives did not wait for others.

In his previous life, he had watched many documentaries on flood fighting and disaster relief, and he knew that help-seekers trapped in the middle of the river sometimes disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Therefore, even if the system does not give rewards this time.

After some investigation, in this situation, he would choose to save people.

"Mr. Lu, Miss Lu! Hurry up!"

As he spoke, he pulled hard.

Meng Tian wanted to stop it, but heard a "dong dong" sound and the wooden beast had already sunk.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Hao's body suddenly sank, and the soles of his feet were sunk in the mud.


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