Now that Zhu Yuanzhang said so, of course he couldn't ask for it.

It's amazing that a child can figure out how to make salt from salt mines and ship it by sea at such a young age, and I heard that the flower blight was also the solution that child found the other day.

Such a prodigy, I have long wanted to see the true face.

The summer rain always comes unexpectedly, and it often pours down from the sky without saying hello.

Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao had just walked halfway when it started to rain.

The air was originally very stuffy, but it was raining, and a gust of wind was blowing, but it was very cool.

"Cough cough cough..." Zhu Biao coughed again.

Zhu Yuanzhang was afraid that he would catch the cold, so he ordered someone to prepare a carriage.

On the street, there are pedestrians coming and going everywhere.

Zhu Biao poked his head out from the car: "It's been a long time since I visited this palace..."

Zhu Yuanzhang seemed to have heard the loneliness in Zhu Biao's tone, and was about to say something when the carriage shook violently.

"What's going on?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked loudly.

"There's a horse on the street that's frightened, and it's playing crazy on the street!" The eunuch driving the carriage replied loudly.

Jin Yiwei, who was secretly protecting Zhu Yuanzhang, stepped forward at a high speed, trying to hold back the crazy horse, but everyone failed to hold the horse together, and rushed towards the carriage in which Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao were riding.

The eunuch who was driving hurriedly tightened the reins, trying to get the horse in front of him to get out of the way. Unexpectedly, the horse seemed to be crazy, and rushed forward regardless of the obstruction.

The two huge impacts caused the entire carriage to lose control in an instant and rolled over to the side.

Zhu Biao shouted: "Father Emperor!" The whole person rushed over to protect Zhu Yuanzhang.

The two flew out from the window of the carriage, only to hear a "bang" and hit the ground heavily.

Zhu Yuanzhang immediately turned over and picked up Zhu Biao: "Son! Wake up!"

Bright red blood began to ooze from Zhu Biao's forehead, and Zhu Yuanzhang felt as if his blood had coagulated all over his body.

"Quick! Go back to the palace! Xuan Tai Physician!" Zhu Yuanzhang shouted.

All Jin Yiwei hurriedly sent Zhu Yuanzhang and his son back to the palace.

In Wei Guogong's mansion, the woman who went out to buy vegetables put away her umbrella, bowed her head and cursed.

It happened to be overheard by Xu Da and the others who were drinking tea in the front hall, and the Duke's wife called the woman over.

"Why are you in such a panic?"

The mother-in-law said: "Go back to Madam, just now I met a frightened horse on the street, it was running rampant, it looked scary, and I heard it even knocked over a carriage later!"

Mrs. Duke's body trembled: "Then someone was injured?"

"I heard people say that a young master was knocked out of the carriage, blood was everywhere, it sounds scary." The old woman said with a curled lip.

"Hey, it's really..." Mrs. Guo has always been kind-hearted, and she hates these things the most.

Xu Jinghan reached out and pulled Zhu Xiongying's sleeve next to him: "Hey! Let's go out and play when the rain stops!"

Seeing that Zhu Xiongying didn't respond, he pulled it again.

"Why didn't you respond? Did you hear what I just said?"

"Huh? What did you just say?" Zhu Xiongying was distracted just now, and didn't hear what Xu Jinghan said next to him at all.

"What's wrong with you today? You seem a little restless." Xu Jinghan said.

Zhu Xiongying shook his head: "I don't know what's going on, maybe I'm a little tired."

Xu Da put down the tea in his hand: "Huaiying, you must have been exhausted these days, you need to rest more, don't wear yourself out."

Zhu Xiongying has been busy these days because of his illness, decocting medicine for him every day, Xu Da feels relieved and distressed when he sees it.

Even if it is a grandson, it can't be closer than this!If he is exhausted because of this matter, and if there is something wrong with him, Xu Da should really be damned!

Zhu Xiongying nodded: "Okay, then the grandson will go down to rest first, and bring the medicine to the father's room later."

Xu Da nodded.

Seeing Zhu Xiongying's back going away, Mrs. Guo smiled: "This child is really filial."

"Yes." Xu Da replied with some pride, "These days, ask the kitchen to cook more dishes that children like to eat."

Zhu Xiongying walked back to the room while watching the rain outside.

I always feel a little flustered today, and I don't know what's going on. Could it be the legendary myocardial infarction?
Zhu Xiongying teased this, is it because he was too worried that he got sick at a young age?
No way?Run out of luck?
In other words, if I really got a myocardial infarction, I'm afraid no one in this world can save me, right?Isn't it certain that you will die if you take yourself?Can't be so unlucky?
Zhu Xiongying walked all the way back to the room after many thoughts, and simply fell asleep.

Inside the palace.

The palace ladies and eunuchs were busy coming in and out.

The imperial doctors of the entire imperial hospital kneeled neatly in a row, and in front of them was the furious Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Why can't it be cured? It's just a small injury. You actually tell me that you can't cure it? Then what use do I need you?"

Zhong Xu bowed his head: "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness did suffer minor injuries this time, but this time he suffered a lot of fright, coupled with the fact that he became ill from overwork and the old illness relapsed, there is indeed no cure for it now!"

"There's no cure for it. I think it's because of your incompetence. You're a bunch of quack doctors. Believe it or not, I'll cut off your heads!" Can be cured", which means that his son is about to die!
Zhu Biao on the hospital bed called weakly: "Father..."

Zhu Yuanzhang walked over: "Son..."

"Father, life and death are fates. My son's body has long been useless. These days are just secret pleasures. Today, I am going to..."

Looking at Zhu Biao's pale face and weak voice, Zhu Yuanzhang felt a sense of powerlessness from the inside out.

It seems that he has become invincible long ago, but when he faced his most beloved child who was about to leave him and could do nothing, Zhu Yuanzhang realized that he was not an ordinary mortal, but a man who faced life and death. Mortals who are helpless.

"Son... Don't worry, Father will always be by your side and watch over you, you will be fine, Father is here."

Zhu Biao was naturally reluctant for Zhu Yuanzhang to bear the pain of the white-haired man giving away the black-haired man, but in the face of life and death, how could he have the right to resist?

"Father...the son is going...from now on, Father must take good care of himself and don't work too hard..."

Zhu Yuanzhang opened his mouth, but finally gave up struggling, and said softly, "Son, don't worry..."

After all, the law of heaven is ruthless, and the white-haired man sends the black-haired man. From then on, Yin and Yang are separated and never see each other again.

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