Inside the East Palace.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough..." Zhu Biao leaned on the bed and coughed feebly, holding a memorial in his hand.

"Your Highness, it's time to take medicine." Eunuch Duo Lu brought up a bowl of medicine.

"Let's put it there first." Zhu Biao said without raising his head.

Duo Lu felt sorry for his master, so he persuaded: "Your Highness, the imperial doctor said that you need to rest, so you don't have to do these things yourself, don't be so tired."

Zhu Biao shook his head: "No matter what I say, how can the current crown prince of Ming Dynasty ignore these state affairs?"

Duolu was so distressed: "But His Highness's body is like this now, how can we continue like this?"

Zhu Biao smiled, and there was no anger on his pale face: "I know you are worried, but if you don't do something more for the country and the father now, I'm afraid it will be too late..."

Zhu Biao knew that he might not be able to survive for a few years in this body,

The imperial physicians in the imperial hospital dare not tell the truth, but can he not know his own body?
Duolu: "Your Highness has great blessings and will surely live a long life, but you can't say that!"

Zhu Biao smiled helplessly.

Fortunately, there are still one or two caring people around.

"Your Majesty is here."

Zhu Yuanzhang entered the door and walked to Zhu Biao's bed: "You don't need to salute if you are sick."

Zhu Biao smiled: "Thank you, Father."

"You all go down first." Zhu Yuanzhang dismissed the people around him.

All the maids and eunuchs around went down.

"How do you feel about your body recently?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked Zhu Biao.

Zhu Biao was helpless: "Don't the emperor know about my son's body? That's all, but I'm just relying on the medicinal food to hang my breath."

Zhu Yuanzhang was heartbroken: "Don't give up so quickly, Father will definitely find a famous doctor for you."

"Cough, cough, cough..." Zhu Biao shook his head, "Father has done too much for my son, and my son is already very ashamed, so I don't need to spend so much time on my son..."

"You are my own son. As a father, naturally he will save his son at all costs!" Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help blurting out.

Obviously the person in front of him is still angry, and he can talk to him very well, but what the two said really feels like parting from life and death.

But Zhu Yuanzhang still couldn't help but feel heartbroken. How could he not know how Zhu Biao's body was, but he still didn't want to believe it.

"Son, don't worry, father will save you..." Zhu Yuanzhang really didn't know what to say at this moment, so he could only say this feebly.

Zhu Biao smiled, and the smile made his face look a little better: "I heard that my son came in, and the father has been running outside the palace, what is the so-called..."

Zhu Yuanzhang was taken aback for a moment, he still didn't know how to explain Zhu Xiongying's matter.

After all, it is still uncertain whether Zhu Xiongying is the eldest grandson of the emperor, and no one can tell the fairy.

Seeing that Zhu Yuanzhang was silent, Zhu Biao sighed and shook his head, and said, "Even if the father doesn't say anything, the ministers can guess one or two. The father is still looking for Xiongying..."

Zhu Yuanzhang was surprised, but still did not speak.

"I know that my father really loves that child..." Zhu Biao had a sad and gloomy expression on his face, "Why not, this is my first child..."

Zhu Biao's mind gradually recalled the scene when Zhu Xiongying was born, holding the child. The child seemed to be very close to him as a father. Every time he saw him, he smiled happily...

"But maybe it was really destined by the heavens. The son and the child were destined to have no fate. They couldn't be a father and son for a long time in this life, so they asked someone to take him away..." Zhu Biao recalled that when the palace servants came back When reporting Zhu Xiongying's disappearance, the Crown Princess Chang cried in his arms until her heart broke.

Zhu Yuanzhang Longyan was furious, and ordered the whole country to search for the emperor's eldest grandson, Zhu Xiongying. I don't know how much manpower, material and financial resources were spent.

However, he heard some gossip in the palace not long ago, saying that Zhu Yuanzhang often ran out of the palace. He guessed that he still refused to let go of his obsession, so he wanted to comfort him.

"Father works day and night for state affairs, and now that he is old, why bother about it?" Zhu Biaoyu said earnestly, "It has been so long, that child may have passed away long ago, and death cannot be brought back to life , father, stop torturing yourself for this matter, let go of the obsession in your heart."

Zhu Yuanzhang closed his eyes and shook his head: "The child was born with auspicious auspiciousness. I believe that the child will be destined for great wealth in this life. It cannot be like this."

"Father...cough cough cough..." Zhu Biao coughed again, his face flushed, "This matter has come to pass, I still want to persuade Father to stop here. If you are dissatisfied, why bother..."

Zhu Yuanzhang: "If I can really find that child!"

Almost blurted out, Zhu Yuanzhang really wanted to see Zhu Biao's reaction.

Who knew that Zhu Biao just shook his head helplessly: "The sky and the earth are big, where is the father going to find it?"

"Besides, even if the father can really find the child, what if he brings him back? Can the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty easily believe that the child is indeed the lost grandson of the emperor?" Zhu Biao asked, "Even if the father At that time, the emperor was able to protect the child by himself and let the child recognize his ancestors, but how could the rumors of civil and military officials in the court be easily blocked?"

The look on Zhu Yuanzhang's face became more and more ugly.

Zhu Biao: "After such a long time, the child has probably grown to five years old. Even if the father can get it back again, will he be able to ensure that he is safe and sound? Even if the emperor has the ability to save the child's life, how many eyes will be fixed on the child at that time? Not to mention that he will inherit the throne in the future. Why go against the sky..."

"If the heavens have eyes, I can really let that child be picked up by kind people to live this life safely, and my son will be satisfied... I really dare not ask for too much... Cough cough cough" Zhu Biao's chaotic eyes have accumulated full of tears.

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't know how to speak for a long time, he just spread his hands and looked at his palms.

What Zhu Biao said is indeed true, the throne looks glorious, but it is actually surrounded by enemies. Even if Zhu Xiongying really comes back, how can he fight for it without a foundation?

Can I really guarantee that nothing will go wrong?Even if the child really sits on the throne, what about after a hundred years?

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