Xu Jinghan nodded, and followed Zhu Xiongying and Xu Da out of the house.

Xu Da didn't let anyone follow him on purpose, and the three of them just walked on the street like this.

"Father, what are we doing?" Xu Jinghan asked.

Zhu Xiongying pulled him: "We'll go buy some food later."

"Huh? Are we going out to buy delicious food to take back? Then why don't the servants come to buy it?" Xu Jinghan felt a little strange, so he asked.

Before Zhu Xiongying could speak, Xu Da turned his head angrily: "Eat, eat, eat, you know what to eat. The old man brought you out today to gather the refugees to collect salt. Did you come to eat?"

Xu Jinghan was stunned.

Zhu Xiongying patted him on the shoulder: "It's okay, you just need to do what I tell you later."

Xu Jinghan let out an "oh" and touched his nose resentfully.

Xu Da brought Zhu Xiongying and Xu Jinghan to buy a lot of steamed buns and some pastries, and came to the street, where he saw a beggar rummaging through the trash.

Zhu Xiongying walked over and handed the beggar a bun: "Don't look for it, this is for you."

The beggar raised his head in disbelief, looked at the small Zhu Xiongying in front of him, then turned his head to look at Xu Da, and finally his eyes fell on the bun.

Zhu Xiongying was not in a hurry, and stretched out the hand holding the bun: "It's for you, eat it at ease!"

The beggar finally nodded in confidence, grabbed the bun and started to gobble it up.

After the beggar finished eating, Zhu Xiongying asked: "I can give you all the buns in my hand, but you have to do one thing for me."

"What..." The beggar stared at the remaining buns in Zhu Xiongying's hand, and swallowed greedily.

"You take us to find refugees elsewhere." Zhu Xiongying said.

"You..." The beggar looked at Zhu Xiongying, seemingly hesitant.

Xu Da came up at this time: "Brother, to tell you the truth, my family happens to have some property, and I want to find some servants to do some labor. This time, we just want to find other refugees and see if there are any. What a suitable candidate."

The beggar looked at Xu Da without speaking, as if he was thinking about something.

"I can take you there, but that bun..." The beggar glanced at the remaining buns in Zhu Xiongying's hand, as if he still didn't dare to covet the ones in Xu Da's hand.

Zhu Xiongying said: "After these things are done, they are all yours alone."

Xu Jinghan stepped forward and pulled Zhu Xiongying's sleeve, and muttered softly: "Why do I feel that there is something wrong with this beggar, please be careful."

Zhu Xiongying didn't understand what he meant.

Xu Jinghan shook his head helplessly and said nothing.

The beggar led the three of them across the street and into a small alley.

Suddenly, taking advantage of Zhu Xiongying and Xu Da not paying attention, the beggar snorted and took all the buns from Zhu Xiongying's hand.

Then he ran away without a trace.

That speed was comparable to that of the world sprint champion.

At least that's what Zhu Xiongying thought. With his hands empty, the moment he lowered his head and looked up, he couldn't find the beggar at all.

Zhu Xiongying: ...

"Really! I just said, that beggar has no good intentions at all! He ran away after taking advantage of it!" Xu Jinghan was furious, "Don't bother your ancestors, I will catch him again! Otherwise, he must look good!"

Xu Da sighed, how could he not know the hardships of the people's livelihood, but when he saw the beggar with his own eyes who was hungry and his eyes were shining when he saw a bun, it still hurt him deeply.

Zhu Xiongying felt something was wrong.

Why did the beggar run away?Is it because you are afraid of them?But why be afraid of them?I and Xu Jinghan are just two four-year-old children, so naturally it is impossible to pose any threat to the beggar. Then the beggar is only afraid of Xu Da, but why is he afraid of Xu Da?

Although Xu Da was a martial arts practitioner, he was born with an intimidating temperament, but his face was still kind, and he spoke in a calm manner, with a gentle attitude, that beggar wouldn't be so afraid .

Zhu Xiongying intuitively told him that there must be something strange in it.

"Father, don't you think that beggar is strange?" Zhu Xiongying looked up at Xu Da.

"Well, the eldest father also saw it."

Xu Jinghan puffed his cheeks: "Isn't he just a poor beggar who snatches things? I really don't know how to repay my kindness at all. I'm so mad at you!"

Xu Da was not angry at the beggar just now, but at his own grandson.

"You bastard, what are you talking about? Can you think seriously about something in your mind? You can't even see such a simple question? You have eaten all your usual meals!"

It turns out that only one Xu Jinghan is needed to ignite the powder keg in Xu Da's body.

Zhu Xiongying said that he has long been accustomed to this.

"Father, calm down first. The most urgent thing now is to find out the reason. Let's talk about Jing Han's matter when we get back home." Zhu Xiongying has consciously assumed the role of peacemaker.

"I guess that beggar thinks that the eldest father is from the government. They are not praising us, they are afraid of the government." Zhu Xiongying said slowly.

"That's right, why are you so afraid of people from the government?" Xu Da rubbed his chin, "It must be that some officials did something to stop us!"

Zhu Xiongying nodded.

Ever since Zhu Yuanzhang ordered Xu Da to supervise the salt production in the name of Duke Wei, Zhu Xiongying had already guessed that things would not go on so smoothly. After all, this matter would touch the cake in the hands of those aristocratic families. It is impossible to hand over, especially those aristocratic families who only recognize money and only care about their own interests. If you want them to hand over the money in their hands, it may be more difficult than climbing the sky.

Therefore, I am afraid that this refugee labor matter has already been intervened.

Xu Da naturally understood that he was fighting openly and secretly in the officialdom, and he was not afraid at all, but he didn't expect that those aristocratic families could move so fast and still beat them long ago.

Zhu Xiongying: "It seems that the government has already expelled or suppressed these refugees before we came. When those who leave their names to fear the government, as long as they don't trust the people in the government, it is impossible for these refugees to cooperate with us."

"Then what should we do next..." Xu Jinghan popped up to speak from time to time.

"Naturally, we face the difficulties. Since Grandpa Huang has entrusted this matter to Eldest Father, Eldest Father will naturally do it, and it will be tight." Zhu Xiongying looked at Xu Da.

As a minister of the Ming Dynasty, to put it bluntly, he is an employee of Zhu Yuanzhang.

And the boss's most important thing is the ability of the employees.

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