Zhu Yuanzhang felt sad, but he couldn't think of any solution to this matter for a while.

The Ming Dynasty had a vast territory and abundant resources, and the local disasters caused a huge number of refugees. It was absolutely impossible to cope with it if they relied on the court's aid. Moreover, the Ming treasury has been empty for these years, and the country is in a state of being unable to make ends meet.

On the one hand, there is a huge number of refugees. Once the number cannot be curbed, the refugees will rebel. At that time, the government will have to step forward and cannot help them.

Once it cannot be suppressed, it will inevitably cause greater disputes, which is the last thing Zhu Yuanzhang wants to see.

On the other hand, the imperial court really couldn't help these refugees.Are you going to let him let it go and turn a blind eye?No, he, Zhu Yuanzhang, was determined to be a sage emperor, so naturally he couldn't do so.

This is really another problem for Zhu Yuanzhang, it's really annoying.

Looking at Zhu Yuanzhang's eyebrows that were about to twist into twists, Zhu Xiongying knew that Zhu Yuanzhang was stumped again. Looking at the little beggars around him, Zhu Xiongying knew it.

"Grandpa Huang is worried about this refugee?" Zhu Xiongying blinked and looked at Zhu Yuanzhang with his head tilted.

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled wryly: "Yes, Grandpa Huang felt very uncomfortable. Looking at these refugees, thinking that under my rule, there are still so many people who are homeless, displaced, and even unable to eat enough. Sad."

Zhu Xiongying nodded: "Grandpa Huang feels sorry for the poor life of the people, Huaiying understands in her heart, in fact, Huaiying has a way to solve the problem of refugees."

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes lit up immediately: "Oh? Huaiying really has a solution? Tell Grandpa Huang!"

Zhu Yuanzhang could hardly hold back his excited heart and trembling hands. After the shipping incident, Zhu Yuanzhang had no doubts about Zhu Xiongying's ability. He firmly believed that Zhu Xiongying would be able to help him solve the refugee issue.

"Huaiying is just my humble opinion. If you say something bad, don't blame the emperor." Zhu Xiongying always remembers to maintain his humble personality.

Zhu Yuanzhang said softly: "But it's okay, when did you see the emperor blame you?"

Zhu Xiongying sat upright, and said: "The teacher once taught Huaiying a word, that is, it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish. It means that I will give you a fish so that you can fill your stomach, otherwise I will give you a fish. I entrust the ability to you, so that you can catch fish by yourself, and with this ability, you will not be hungry."

Zhu Xiongying paused, and then continued: "The disaster in this place will inevitably cause a large number of refugees. If these huge numbers of refugees have to rely on the imperial court to help them, I'm afraid it won't work, and the imperial court really doesn't have much money right now. "

To put it simply, there is no money, and it is impossible to spend any more money to support these refugees.

"That's why Huaiying thought that we could use work as relief to help the refugees." Zhu Xiongying said word by word.

In fact, I also borrowed the wisdom of others. The current situation that the Ming Dynasty is facing can indeed use the method of labor relief to tide over the difficulties.

Zhu Yuanzhang wondered: "Relief with work? What do you mean?"

"It is to hire these refugees as labor force for the construction of the court and pay a certain amount of silver, so that these refugees can also earn the silver they need to survive with their own craftsmanship. This can prevent these refugees from being lazy due to the blind support of the court. Labor can also help the imperial government reduce some financial expenditures on labor." Zhu Xiongying explained, "The imperial court has been prosperous in recent years, and there are many places that need to spend money. Since these refugees have a place to go, the imperial court can also reduce expenses. It’s the best of both worlds.”

Zhu Xiongying stood up and stood next to Zhu Yuanzhang.

"If it is really relying on the government's blind support, then these refugees will wait for the government to feed them. After a long time, they will become lazy. Besides, if things go on like this, they will only sit and eat, and the court will not be able to support them."

Those with family background dare not sit and eat, and those without family background are just looking for death?At that time, the northwest wind will not have to drink.

After all, Zhu Xiongying still knows these truths of life after experiencing some severe beatings in society.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the little guy, the love in his eyes was almost overflowing.

"Grandpa Huang, do you still remember the method of making salt from salt ore that Huaiying accidentally discovered when playing?"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded: "Of course I remember, Huaiying made great contributions!"

The last time Xu Da brought Zhu Xiongying to the palace to face the saint, he said that Zhu Xiongying made salt from the salt ore. He was shocked at the time, and he didn't want to believe it at first, but it did prove that Zhu Xiongying had indeed found a good salt maker. Method.

Zhu Xiongying said modestly: "Grandpa Huang is over-rewarded, Huaiying thinks that this salt mine can actually use refugees as labor force."

"It takes a lot of manpower and material resources to make salt from salt ore, and table salt is very important to the imperial court. More than half of the taxes come from it, so this salt production is very important."

Zhu Xiongying talked eloquently, without any panic, without the slightest immature appearance of a four-year-old child, as if he is now an emperor pointing out the country.

Zhu Yuanzhang stared at Zhu Xiongying with bated breath, as if afraid of missing any words.

But Zhu Xiongying went further and further on the road of pretending to be aggressive.

"The emperor's grandfather can issue an edict to announce to the world that these refugees can participate in salt production. As long as the labor force is improved, the production volume will increase. As long as the salt production volume increases, the taxes collected by the court will increase." It can be increased appropriately. In this way, the refugees can no longer suffer from hunger, cold and frostbite, can eat enough food, and have a place to settle down. This can be regarded as benefiting the people, and at the same time, it can solve the urgent needs of the court."

Zhu Xiongying simply admired his wit, and the method of working for relief is the most perfect solution right now.

After Zhu Yuanzhang heard it, he was stunned at first, and then slapped the table, saying: "It's wonderful, it's really wonderful! Why didn't I think of this method! Huaiying is so smart!"

"Yes, recruiting those refugees to mine salt ore to make salt! This is really a seamless plan!" Zhu Yuanzhang almost stood up excitedly, "Hahaha, Huaiying is really my lucky star! Without you, Grandpa Huang is probably going to die of sorrow!"

Zhu Xiongying hugged Zhu Yuanzhang's arm: "Grandpa Huang will live a long life! Huaiying will be filial to Grandpa Huang when she grows up!"

Zhu Yuanzhang almost cried bitterly: "Huaiying!"

It would be great if this was my own child!

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