For a while, Zhu Xiongying didn't understand why Zhu Yuanzhang's sudden 180-degree change in attitude was, and he was stunned for a while and couldn't answer.

Xu Da, who had been listening with gusto, panicked. It could be said that ten thousand mud horses galloped past his heart!

What is Zhu Yuanzhang doing?Can't you see it yourself?It's clearly a test!

No matter how smart Xu Huaiying was, he was just a four-year-old child?For a child of this age, if someone with a heart wants to tell him what to do or say, it is not difficult.Zhu Yuanzhang just suspected that who taught Zhu Xiongying to say these words.

These words were said by Zhu Xiongying himself and others taught him to say, the impact is completely different!Zhu Yuanzhang is very suspicious. He will definitely suspect that the person with a heart is deliberately interfering in the government affairs. What's more serious is that he even used Zhu Xiongying as a shield!

A fine layer of cold sweat had already appeared on Xu Da's head.

If Xu Huaiying answered this wrong, would she go to the prison for a three-day tour?
Looking at Zhu Yuanzhang's suspicious eyes, Zhu Xiongying also slowly reacted.

I have to say that it is recorded in history that Zhu Yuanzhang was very suspicious, and what he said was really good.

"No one has ever taught Huaiying. Huaiying read it from the book." Zhu Xiongying felt that this answer should be credible.

"Huh? Those books? Huaiying told Grandpa Huang to listen to them." Zhu Yuanzhang had a great insistence on breaking the casserole and asking the end.

Zhu Xiongying felt helpless and had no choice but to start making up things.

"First of all, let's start from the sea transportation, which is not new for a long time. At the same time, it is recorded in the ancient book "Wu Yuan": "The Suiren clan used to throw (gourds) to save water, and the Fuxi clan began to take captives (rafts)" .As early as thousands of years ago, our ancestors had already tried sea exploration."

Zhu Xiongying remembers that according to some relevant ancient myths and the analysis of some modern cultural relics unearthed in China, it is speculated that as early as the late Paleolithic Age in the old century, my country's nautical activities had already appeared in its infancy, and marine life was even found in the Longgushan site in Zhoukoudian, Beijing. of fossils.

So this should be certain.

It's just that it's still in the Ming Dynasty, so we can't present these facts and data, but there are still records in ancient books.

"A few days ago, the teacher took me to read "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" and "The Biography of Mu Tianzi". From these books, Huaiying also saw some maritime geography knowledge of the sea recorded by the ancient sages and sages.".

"Furthermore, in "Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals", the northeast is called the Yanfeng, the east is called the torrential wind, the southeast is called the smoked wind, the south is called the giant wind, the southwest is called the cold wind, the west is called the right wind, the northwest is called the severe wind, and the north is called the cold wind. They are all recorded by the ancestors at sea."

Zhu Xiongying is now a person who has read a lot of books
Best at giving examples.

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded.

Zhu Xiongying made persistent efforts: "In addition, during the Xia, Shang and Western Zhou Dynasties, productivity continued to develop and progress, and the overall economy began to gradually prosper. Therefore, the maritime industry has already started. Especially in the Western Zhou Dynasty, the maritime industry has almost been formed. There is already a precedent for this sea transportation, so it is reasonable for me to open sea transportation again in the Ming Dynasty."

"Moreover, those dynasties that are powerful in shipping are naturally powerful countries that cannot be underestimated. This shows that shipping has indeed had a great impact on the entire dynasty."

"That's right, in this way, I am following the example of my ancestors in opening the sea." Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Xiongying with a smile on his face.

"It's not just that, the most important thing about this shipping is to take out the money illicitly transferred from the hands of corrupt officials of the aristocratic family to benefit the common people. This is the original intention of shipping."

Zhu Xiongying said that now he has started to make up his mind!

This wave of discussion will end perfectly!
"Huaiying remembers that "A Fang Gong Fu" once described the prosperity of the Qin Palace in this way: Star Yingying, the makeup mirror is opened; Pepper orchid. The thunder is startled, and the palace carriages pass by; the wheel is heard from a distance, and I don’t know where it is. One muscle and one face, the posture is extremely beautiful, the man stands farsighted, and looks lucky; there are those who cannot be seen, 36 years .”

Zhu Xiongying supported his forehead with a look of deep hatred: "The first emperor of Qin exploited the people and built such a magnificent palace, but what was the result in exchange? It was lit by a fire and burned for three days and three nights , The fire is endless, this is a bloody example!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was startled by Zhu Xiongying's impassioned.

"Grandpa Huang, Huaiying studied and learned the most famous sayings of the ancestors, and she wanted to learn to distinguish right from wrong. Now the opening of the sea is to benefit the people."

Zhu Xiongying walked over and took Zhu Yuanzhang's hand again: "Huaiying knows that Grandpa Huang has been working hard for the country and the people. Presumably, the opening of the sea freight has also made Grandpa Huang very difficult. Huaiying also knows that Grandpa Huang must be thinking about it. I want to open the sea to make my Ming people rich and the country strong."

Zhu Yuanzhang was a little moved, but he didn't expect Zhu Xiongying to understand his difficulties.

As the king of a country, he seems to have unlimited scenery and aloofness, but in fact he is constrained everywhere, and he often has to face situations where he has no choice but to compromise.

Now that Zhu Xiongying is able to know her difficulty, she feels extremely relieved.

"Huaiying outside the palace often hears the people in the streets and alleys praising the merits of the emperor's grandpa, thanking the emperor for knowing the sufferings of the people, and always trying to find ways to benefit the people. "

Zhu Xiongying began to "praise and kill".

To make a person agree with one's point of view, one needs to affirm his ability first, let him have confidence in his heart, and then let him agree with himself. This psychological tactic is perfect!
Zhu Yuanzhang was a little sentimental: "Grandpa Huang really wants to build my Ming Dynasty, and really wants to let the people live and work in peace and contentment, so that everyone can have food, clothing and health, but Grandpa Huang has more than enough heart and power..."

"Grandpa Huang can't say that. In the hearts of countless people and in Huaiying's heart, Grandpa Huang has done a very good job!" Zhu Xiongying began to play a qualified supporter. If the common people can eat and earn money, then the problem of food and clothing will be solved, and when the country is really rich, the people are strong and the army is strong, then Grandpa Huang has done a major event that can be recorded in history!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was elated when he heard it.

Zhu Xiongying's words are indeed reasonable, and after a series of quotations, the words are seamless and tight.

Zhu Xiongying couldn't help applauding herself warmly. Sure enough, it's not the same with a little ink in her stomach. Even pretending to be coercive has a strong theoretical basis!

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