After the dynasty, Li Shanchang was summoned alone by Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.

In the imperial study room, Zhu Yuanzhang was reading the memorials presented by the civil and military officials, but he couldn't help thinking about what happened in the court today.

When Li Shanchang arrived, he saluted: "My minister sees Your Majesty."

Zhu Yuanzhang raised his head: "Teacher, you don't need to be polite, I came to you to ask you something."

"Your Majesty, please tell me, I should know everything and say everything."

"I also have the same thought in my mind about the abolition of the sea ban that the Taifu said in the court today." Zhu Yuanzhang sighed again, "But you have also seen the Taifu. There are still many old stubborn people in the court. These old guys It’s really a different way to obstruct this shipping, I think it’s really not an easy thing to abolish the sea ban and implement shipping.”

Li Shanchang nodded: "Those aristocratic families have monopolized this benefit since the beginning of the sea transportation. Now if the order is issued to lift the sea ban and open the sea transportation, it means that everyone, whether it is ordinary people or merchants, can take part in this maritime affairs. , it is equivalent to letting others share their benefits, and they are naturally unwilling."

Zhu Yuanzhang and Li Shanchang, the monarch and his ministers, smiled wryly.

"It's really a bunch of stubborn old people. No matter how long the court keeps them, they will still cause harm. One day, I will wipe out all these harms." Zhu Yuanzhang said coldly.

Li Shanchang's heart skipped a beat. Zhu Yuanzhang has always been ruthless in his methods. Since he said it, he can naturally do it.

People who can't be of the same mind as today's Nine Five Supremes will be wiped out sooner or later.

This is also the rule of the ages.

"The Taifu has been working hard on state affairs recently, and he has to bother to teach the little prince of Wei Guogong's family. It is indeed hard work." Zhu Yuanzhang said in a relaxed tone.

When Li Shanchang mentioned Zhu Xiongying, he couldn't hold back his smile.

"It is the duty of a courtier to be able to share the worries for His Majesty, and the humble minister is happy."

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded: "I just heard the Taifu say in the hall that if the sea ban is to be implemented, the land system must be changed first. When it comes to the land reform, I haven't understood what it means exactly?"

"Oh, I haven't had time to discuss this matter with His Majesty." Li Shanchang only remembered this matter at this time.

It's because those old stubborn people were too difficult to deal with!
What an eyesore.

"This land is the foundation of the people's survival, and it is also the source of the country's taxes. If the crops on this land cannot be harvested and cannot earn money, then the people will not be able to pay the taxes, and the treasury will naturally be empty."

Li Shanchang said slowly.

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded: "Teacher is right, but what is the relationship between the land reform and the shipping issue? How should it be implemented?"

"Does Your Majesty know why those aristocratic families risked Long Yan's anger to stop the shipping?" Li Shanchang paused, and then replied, "Because the benefits from this land are far less than those from the shipping."

"In addition to paying taxes to the imperial court, the silver on this land is deducted layer by layer. The silver handed over to the imperial court is still indispensable, but the common people below cannot be forced too hard, otherwise the officials will force the people to rebel and cause riots. Sooner or later you will wake up."

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded.

Once the mob revolts, it will inevitably attract the attention of the imperial court. When the time comes to investigate, I am afraid that this fire will not be able to stop.

Zhu Yuanzhang has been investigating corrupt officials in recent years, and there are many bloody examples.

For a while, no one dared to touch the emperor's feet.

"Well, that's indeed the case, that's why these aristocratic families set their sights on shipping."

Li Shanchang nodded: "That's right, so the land reform has become the general trend. Firstly, it is to ensure that the people of Li can guarantee their own food and clothing, and it is also to help my Ming Dynasty make a lot of money."

"Hahaha, why did the Tai Tuo say so?" Zhu Yuanzhang was amused by Li Shanchang's financial obsession.

"Then according to the Taifu, how should the land be changed?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked again.

"Your Majesty, have you ever heard of redistribution?" Li Shanchang asked.

"Redistribution?" Zhu Yuanzhang frowned.

What word is this?Why never heard of it.

"Where did you hear the word Taifu? I've never heard it before." Zhu Yuanzhang said.

"I just heard about it not long ago." Li Shanchang laughed, "The meaning of redistribution is to reorganize something and then distribute it in a suitable way."

"It sounds interesting..." Zhu Yuanzhang touched his chin.

"Teacher, you mean to reorganize the land and redistribute it?"

"I think this should be the case." Li Shanchang paused, "But we should use another method to distribute the land, dividing it into mu, and collecting money according to the field, so that every piece of land can be taxed."

"Hmm..." Zhu Yuanzhang nodded, motioning for Li Shanchang to continue.

Li Shanchang straightened his back: "Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the national power has gradually become stronger, but with the increase of the population, the cost of money has also increased, and the contradiction between more people and less land gradually appeared. On top of that, there are still some gentry tyrants who use all means to forcibly seize and annex the land. These people are often the main reasons why the court cannot collect taxes."

"The stronger the annexation of this land, the more land is secretly hidden. The more land that is hidden, the more money the country is short of, so this place must be changed."

Li Shanchang remembered that when Zhu Xiongying analyzed the land for him, he was very logical, which really inspired him a lot.

"Yeah, I also saw these problems earlier, but I couldn't find a way to solve the problem. I didn't expect the Taifu to think of a place with me."

Zhu Yuanzhang felt as if the rain had passed and the sky cleared up. He didn't expect that the land problem that had plagued him for many years was suddenly solved by Li Shanchang black today.

Although this method is very difficult to implement, whether the government will really implement it is the first question.

But anyway, now there is a solution!
In any case, Li Shanchang's words really enlightened Zhu Yuanzhang, so he should be rewarded.

"The Grand Tutor has solved a great matter for me! I want to reward the Grand Tutor!" Zhu Yuanzhang said with a big laugh.

Li Shanchang would not do such things as stealing people's credit. This method was not thought up by Li Shanchang himself, so naturally he couldn't impersonate him.

"Your Majesty thinks too highly of me, I don't have this ability, these are taught to me by others."

Zhu Yuanzhang was surprised: "Teacher, don't be humble. Looking at the entire Ming Dynasty, who can be your teacher? Half of the capable people in the world will respectfully call Taifu a teacher."

"I dare not lie to Your Majesty, these are the teaching ministers of Young Master Huaiying from Duke Wei's Mansion."

Xu Huaiying!

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