Lan Yu's eyes widened, and she looked at Zhu Xiongying, who was a small man in front of her, with a big mouth.

Zhu Xiongying was puzzled, where did the strange Shushu come from?
Is he so cute that he can stun a big man?

"Excuse me, who are you two looking for?" Zhu Xiongying saw that the two people outside the door kept silent, so he had to ask first.

Sapphire shook her head again and again, and said in her mouth, "Like! It's so similar! How could it be so similar! How is it possible? Is there really such a coincidence in this world?"

Zhu Xiongying was at a loss, why is this person so strange?
Who do you look like?do i know him

Lan Polu is no better than Zhu Xiongying, looking at Lan Yu's appearance, he is also very confused: "Master? Master? What are you talking about? What does it look like?"

Lan Yu patted Lan Polu's hand off: "Don't worry about it!"

Zhu Xiongying pursed his mouth, why does this person look a little abnormal.

"I... I'm here to visit your father..." Sapphire swallowed nervously.

"Little baby, let me ask you... where did you come from? Do you remember?" Lan Yu knelt down and looked at Zhu Xiongying.

Zhu Xiongying was speechless, her life experience must have been no secret in this capital for a long time.

Back then, Zhu Yuanzhang swaggered and took him back to the capital by himself, and then let Wei Guogong Xu Da adopt him. No matter who it is, he has heard a few gossips.

Besides, according to the normal growth rate, I was just a baby in my infancy at that time, who still remembers where I came from!
Looking at the clothes and attire of this person in front of him, he doesn't look like an ordinary countryman, and didn't this person say he came to visit Xu Da?He should also be an official in the court and a colleague of Xu Da.

But she is also a polite child, although Zhu Xiongying thought this person was strange, she still answered him patiently.

"Of course I was born in my mother's womb." Zhu Xiongying said solemnly.

Lan Yu choked, what they said was indeed true.

I was too anxious.

"My elder father said that today he will go back to the mansion early, and he should be back soon. Do you want to come in for a cup of tea?" Zhu Xiongying politely wanted to invite Lan Yu and Lan Polu into the mansion.

At this moment, Xu Da just came back.

As soon as Lan Yu saw Xu Da, she immediately stepped forward and said anxiously: "Lan Yu has met Wei Guogong, but if I don't know Wei Guogong, please speak further!"

Xu Da glanced at Zhu Xiongying who was standing behind, and then at Lan Yu with a deep expression, and he knew what was the reason.

"General Lan, please follow me." Xu Da entered the house with his hands behind his back, carrying Lan Yu.

Xu Da sat on the chair, seeing Lan Yu's uncontrollable excitement and panic, and felt a little funny in his heart.

"It's just you and me now, Lan Yu has some questions in his heart, please ask Wei Guogong to answer for me." Lan Yu said first, "What is the identity of that child!"

Of course Xu Da could have expected that Lan Yu would probably ask him straight to the point about Zhu Xiongying's identity.

Zhu Xiongying's appearance now looks very similar to the prince Zhu Biao's when he was a child, and there is an innate emperor's appearance between his brows, which is not surprising for Lan Yu to see.

But Xu Da couldn't say.

"General Lan, you and I are both officials in the court, and it is inconvenient to say some things clearly. I believe you understand, too." Xu Da said slowly.

Lan Yu naturally knew this truth, but she still couldn't bear it: "The life and death of this child is definitely not that simple! Your Majesty is hiding something."

Xu Da nodded, but did not answer directly: "Your Majesty named this child "Huaiying", does General Lan understand?"

"Huaiying!" Lan Yu was shocked, and when she said this, Lan Yu was not an idiot, so she naturally understood the deep meaning of this.

Why is it named after "Huaiying"?

Zhu Yuanzhang's move is by no means pure, and there is definitely some kind of hint in it.

Why did Zhu Yuanzhang insist on bringing this child back to the capital regardless of the opinions of civil and military officials?

It seems that the identity of this child is definitely not that simple!As for Zhu Yuanzhang's various behaviors, Lan Yu can almost confirm that this is the missing emperor's grandson Zhu Xiongying!

In this way, the Huaixi military generals group regained a strong bargaining chip!

According to seniority, Lan Yu is Zhu Xiongying's direct uncle, and already occupies a very favorable position in terms of family relationship!
It seems that God is helping!

This battle of emperors has always been the most critical thing about standing in line.

Since the prince Zhu Biao lost his eldest son Zhu Xiongying, this lineage began to decline, and Lan Yu and the entire Huaixi military generals group, as members of this camp, were naturally dragged down.

Then, the emperor's grandson Zhu Xiongying and Zhu Yunqi had automatically divided into two factions.

The Huaixi generals group represented by Lan Yu naturally supported Zhu Xiongying, but Zhu Xiongying disappeared for no reason.The entire Huaixi military generals group was like a sailboat sailing in the sea, suddenly lost the backbone of sailing.

Now the entire Huaixi military generals group is facing serious problems. On the one hand, the entire Huaixi generals group is in urgent need of a strong and excellent leader, and on the other hand, it must be wary of Zhu Yunqi's calculations.

If it weren't for the support of Xu Da and Lan Yu as the leaders of the generals group, the entire generals group would have already collapsed.

In the future, if Zhu Yunqi succeeds in coming to power in time, none of them will escape.

This battle for the throne has always been undercurrents and perilous. Once you stand on the wrong team, you will be smashed to pieces if you fall off.

But now, the emperor's grandson Zhu Xiongying, as the eldest son of the prince Zhu Biao, is the most suitable candidate to inherit the throne no matter in terms of age or background. His appearance now brings hope to the entire Huaixi military general group.

No matter what, I must seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!This child is the most useful bargaining chip!
Xu Da glanced at him: "General Lan is a sensible person, so I don't need to say more about what to do next."

"Lan Yu understands that this matter will never be made public, please rest assured Duke Wei." Lan Yu cupped her hands.

Xu Da nodded: "General Lan is a sensible person, so the old man can rest assured."

"Since Lan Yu already knows the existence of this child, he will naturally do his best to protect this child." Lan Yu continued, "Your Majesty has worked so hard to protect this child. Do your best to share your worries."

Xu Da nodded: "General Lan said so, the old man is at ease."

Sapphire smiled: "I want to go and see that child..."

Of course Xu Da understood Lan Yu's desire to see his nephew, so he nodded and let him go.

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