Zhu Xiongying also felt a bit of a headache about being unable to leave the house and looking for salt mines on a larger scale.

Now this three-year-old's body really restricts himself too much, and he can't do many things in an open and honest manner.

But one day, Xu Jinghan's words just reminded him.

"In the past few days, Chongci will choose some new servant girls and servants to enter the mansion."

"New servant and maid?" Zhu Xiongying slapped his head violently.

"That's right, why didn't I expect that the servants who have been in the mansion for a long time will of course only listen to Dafu and Chongci. However, if they have just entered the mansion, as long as we give him some benefits, we will ask him to follow us in the future. Didn't you just listen to us?"

"So we can ask Chongci for a few maids and servants?" Xu Jinghan seemed to understand what Zhu Xiongying meant.

"That's right!"

Just do it, Zhu Xiongying immediately took Xu Jinghan and Xu Zhirong to the Duke's wife and asked for three personal servants.

The Duke's wife specially instructed the three of them that it is enough to listen to Zhu Xiongying's words in everything, and Zhu Xiongying must be the only one to obey.

Behind the scenes, Zhu Xiongying secretly ordered three servants to find out where there was a salt mine near the capital.

The three servants came back the next day and said that there was a salt mine in the Xu family's fief not far from the outskirts of the capital.

Now that the salt mine has been successfully found, the next step is to prepare the tools for making salt.

Zhu Xiongying consulted the books, and found that Zhiyan's tools are only a few, which is not difficult.

All you need is a large enough iron pot, an iron frame that can support the iron pot for easy ignition, and finally put the salt ore into the pot and add water.

In this way, Zhu Xiongying got to know the tools and steps needed for salt making and started to collect tools.

"Where can we get iron pots and iron racks?" Xu Zhirong asked with his head raised.

Zhu Xiongying rubbed his head: "We can't take things from the mansion, or people will find out. It seems that we can only buy them outside."

Although I am satisfied with the big iron pot in the Duke's Mansion for 10 minutes, that guy is superior at first glance, and is indeed worthy of the noble status of the Duke's Mansion, but if I really take the guy who everyone eats in the Duke's Mansion If Xu Da knew about boiling brine, he might be pissed off.

"If we go to buy it outside, we will definitely need money. We have spent a lot of money before, where can we find money now?" Xu Jinghan said worriedly.

Zhu Xiongying choked hard, realizing that he was indeed a bit "generous" before.

One stone cost 100 taels...

I was really dazzled by the victory, it seems that I have lived a comfortable life for too long.

Those who have been staying in the Duke's mansion with rich clothes and fine food, gradually forget that it is not easy to get money.

Although Xu Da would usually have pocket money as long as the children asked for it, but asking for it now would probably arouse suspicion, and it would be difficult at that time.

"That's right, I even sold my two hairpins, if Chongci finds out, maybe they will blame me." Xu Zhirong looked at his dress.

It was Zhu Xiongying who coaxed herself to sell those two hairpins before, and those two hairpins are worth a lot!

Zhu Xiongying smiled a little embarrassedly: "Haha, sister Rong, don't worry, when I grow up and earn money, I will definitely give you a lot of golden hairpins and silver hairpins!"

"Brother Huaiying is still coaxing people like the playboys outside?" Xu Zhirong smiled slightly.

Zhu Xiongying was taken aback for a moment, not only was he now recognized as a prodigal son, but he was also labeled as a playboy?
It's not very scientific!
She is obviously the heartthrob loved by others!
"I... I still have money." Xu Jinghan said hesitantly.

"You still have money, why didn't you say so earlier?" Zhu Xiongying patted him.

Xu Jinghan smiled embarrassingly: "When I was born, my father specially asked someone to give me a silver lock. I heard that it is very valuable. You can pawn it at a pawnshop first."

Zhu Xiongying was a little hesitant when he heard that: "It's the longevity lock on your bedside? It looks really valuable, but are you willing to pawn it?"

"Didn't you say that we can make a lot of money in the future? Then after we make money, we can just use the money to redeem him." Xu Jinghan replied.

It does seem to make sense...

"Okay, I will definitely redeem it for you in the future! I will do what I say!"

So, Zhu Xiongying asked his servants to secretly pawn Xu Jinghan's long-life lock, and asked someone to buy an iron pot and iron frame in exchange for silver taels.

After a while, the servant came back and ordered everything to be done.

Zhu Xiongying was overjoyed, now he only needs to plan how to find a suitable reason to leave the house.

ah!Zhu Xiongying seemed to see the dawn of victory!
"Now we have to find a way to get out of the house, this time we must go!" Zhu Xiongying looked at Xu Jinghan and Xu Zhirong and said that he could not refuse.

"But...how could Elder Father agree?" Xu Zhirong was still a little scared.

Zhu Xiongying simply did not do anything and continued: "Then let's not report to Father Zu and Chongci, the three of us will sneak out of the house by ourselves!"

"How can this be done! What if we are discovered?" Xu Zhirong clenched his little hands tightly.

"Since you two are afraid, then you two don't go, I'll go by myself!" Zhu Xiongying planned to use the aggressive method.

"Me! I'll go with you!" Xu Jinghan immediately said loudly.

"Good!" Then the two go together!Zhu Xiongying held Xu Jinghan's shoulder.

Although Xu Zhirong was still a little scared, he still followed.

The next day, Zhu Xiongying, Xu Jinghan, and Xu Zhirong came to the salt mine that the servants mentioned.

"Have you bought the iron rack and iron pot that I told you to buy?" Zhu Xiongying asked the three servants.

The three servants replied in unison: "Young master ordered, you guys don't dare to neglect, I bought the iron frame and iron pot yesterday!"

"Okay, then go and pick up some salt ore now!" Zhu Xiongying ordered again.

"Yes." After Zhu Xiongying finished giving orders, the three servants each carried a bamboo basket to mine salt ore.

After a while, the three servants came back with a basket of salt ore each on their backs.

"Reporting to the young master, the salt ore has been mined."

"Okay, now put the salt ore into the pot, set up the iron pot, pour some water into the pot, and start a fire."

The three of Zhu Xiongying's orders naturally did not dare to disobey, after all, all three of them knew how favored Zhu Xiongying was in the Duke's mansion, and even Wei Guogong and his wife had to give up three points.

When he was assigned to Zhu Xiongying that day, his superiors had already ordered him to obey Zhu Xiongying's orders in everything, and he must not be neglected.

"Yes." The three servants started to work after hearing the order.

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