Daming: What abandoned baby?That is the grandson of the old Zhu family!

Chapter 11 The Body of the Golden Crow, its Excellence

The Duke's wife tugged at Xu Zhiyu's sleeve, signaling her not to talk too much.

It was only then that Xu Zhiyu realized that he had said the wrong thing. Didn't this mean that Zhu Xiongying was like Zhu Yuanzhang's grandson...

But Zhu Yuanzhang didn't seem to care at all.

After eating, Zhu Yuanzhang took Zhu Xiongying to play for a long time before returning to the palace reluctantly.

When he left, he also rewarded the Xu family with a lot of things.

Time flies, and after a year, Zhu Xiongying gradually grew up.

In the Duke's Mansion, three children of about the same age were lively and lively all day long, and it seemed that the whole Duke's Mansion was full of vitality.

Xu Da has always raised Zhu Xiongying, his eldest grandson Xu Jinghan and youngest granddaughter Xu Zhirong together, and took good care of the three children.

Today, Xu Da has some things to leave the house.

Three children are playing in the yard.

"Master, miss, you have to be careful, don't knock over the flower pots in the yard." The nanny who was in charge of taking care of the three children on weekdays urged.

"Okay, we know..." Zhu Xiongying replied.

Both are more than two years old, but Zhu Xiongying seems to be smarter than the two brothers and sisters Xu Jinghan and Xu Pin. They have already begun to read and speak more clearly.

The nanny came over to tidy up Zhu Xiongying's clothes, and said dotingly: "Young master, you have to be good. After playing for half an hour, you have to take your brother and sister to the house to write, or the master will punish you." .”

"Don't worry, mother." Zhu Xiongying nodded.

Xu Jinghan also replied, "Nurse...Fang Xin..."

"Haha, don't worry, it's not Fang Xin." Zhu Xiongying took Xu Jinghan's hand and corrected, the little guy's face turned red all of a sudden.

Mammy looked at the three little guys lovingly, ordered some others and went back to cook.

"Brother Huaiying, I want...the flowers...on that tree." The little girl Xu Zhirong said coquettishly while grabbing Zhu Xiongying's arm.

Following the direction of Xu Pin's finger, Zhu Xiongying raised his head and glanced, the tree in the yard has bloomed now, the flowers are swaying with the wind, it looks very beautiful, the little girl likes it very much.

Zhu Xiongying nodded: "Okay, I'll pick it off for you right now."

With that said, get ready to climb up.

When Zhu Xiongying first transmigrated, he was born with not only the affinity buff, but also the body of the Golden Crow.

[Physical: Golden Crow body, invulnerable to all poisons, able to immunize and heal any injury and disease on its own, crushing peers in all directions with physical strength! 】

However, this affinity buff was manifested from the very beginning, and it helped him overcome obstacles all the way, and won the love of many people, but this Golden Crow Body only manifested as he grew up.

Because of this powerful function, his natural physical strength is far superior to that of ordinary people. Although he looks like a child of two or three years old, he can already do many things that a child of two or three years old cannot do.

"Small... Be careful..." Xu Jinghan and Xu Zhirong held their little hands tightly, watching Zhu Xiongying climb up slowly.

Zhu Xiongying waved his hand, this tree grows very low, and he can climb up it by himself.

"What are you doing?" Suddenly came out of the door and shouted.

The three children turned their heads and saw that Xu Da had come back at some time and was standing outside the door looking at them.

All three children were stunned and didn't know what to do next.

Xu Da walked over in three steps and took two steps, and hugged Zhu Xiongying from the tree.

"What are you going to do by climbing up the tree?" Xu Da was so angry that his face twitched.

Zhu Xiongying blocked Xu Jinghan and Xu Zhirong's two brothers and sisters behind him: "It's none of their business, I'm going to climb up by myself!"

Xu Da: "You're such a big fart, you just climb up a tree, what if you fall down and break your bones?"

"Father, don't... don't blame Brother Huaiying... Ping'er wants Hua Hua..." Xu Zhirong burst into tears.

Xu Jinghan hurriedly hugged his little sister.

Zhu Xiongying originally wanted to say some high-level words, but his vocabulary is limited now, so he could only try to explain: "No, no, I... I have my own sense of proportion... I won't fall!"

"Property?" Xu Da became even more angry, "They're all kids with big farts, what's the point? You guys start messing around when the adults are not at home. It seems that I spoil you too much!"

The two brothers and sisters Xu Jinghan and Xu Zhirong were terrified to see Xu Da like this. The two of them had never seen their elder father so fierce since they were born. The little guy was about to cry in fright.

Zhu Xiongying held Xu Zhirong in his arms with the good qualities of a hero saving the beauty: "Father wants to punish me, but you can't punish Ping'er!"

Xu Da snorted: "You three will be fined! Go, copy "Thousand Characters" for me ten times, and you won't be allowed to eat until you finish copying!"

The three children obediently went to the study room and started copying books.

Zhu Xiongying was a serious college student in his previous life, so he naturally knew a lot of characters. Although there are still some discrepancies between the characters of the Ming Dynasty and the modern characters, it is not difficult to learn.

So now Zhu Xiongying can write a lot of words.

After a while, the Duke's wife came in with two maids.

When Xu Zhirong saw his grandmother crying like pear blossoms and rain, Mrs. Guogong is a soft-hearted person, and when she saw her precious granddaughter crying like this, her heart ached terribly.

"Okay, let's eat first. Your elder father only punished you when he was angry. Next time, you will be fine."

Zhu Xiongying shook his head: "Since Elder Father has punished me, I will accept the punishment. I have already copied it once."

Mrs. Guo thought that Zhu Xiongying was joking, after all, it is almost impossible for a child under three years old to copy "Thousand Characters".

But when Zhu Xiongying put the copied "Thousand Characters" in front of her, Mrs. Guo was shocked.

Although the writing is not good-looking, but it can barely be recognized, every word is written correctly, I can't help but be surprised.

Looking at the words written by Xu Jinghan and Xu Zhirong's two brothers and sisters, it can be said to be appalling, in stark contrast to Zhu Xiongying.

Zhu Xiongying is less than three years old this year, since he is already so smart.

It seems that it is really different from ordinary people.

"Grandmother, how is your grandson writing?" Zhu Xiongying asked with some expectation.

"Huaiying is really smart. Okay, let's eat first, and I will take you to see your father later."

"Okay." The three little guys ate obediently.

When going to bed at night, Mrs. Guo told Xu Da about it.

"Really? This child Huaiying is indeed smarter than ordinary people." Xu Da was thoughtful.

"Yes, this child will definitely be a great general in the future." Mrs. Guo exclaimed in admiration.

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