After Zhu Yunxuan had lunch with Zhu Yuanzhang, he thought of the child Zhu Yunxi. He was so busy during this time that he had no time to take care of the child. Now that Zhu Biao is dead, the child has no last support in the East Palace. I'm afraid life will be difficult.

"I'm going to see Xun'er." Zhu Yuanzhang left after saying this.

Zhu Yunxuan was in a hurry: "Mother and Concubine, why did Grandpa Huang leave! Why did he still go to see that Zhu Yunxi!"

Concubine Lu comforted her son to be safe and calm: "Calm down, be careful what you say, the most important thing now is to act as a qualified heir in front of your grandpa, you can't be so arrogant!"

"Hmph, I just can't get angry!"

"Okay, don't worry, who can compete with you now? In the future, the throne will definitely belong to my son! What is that Zhu Yunxie!" Concubine Lu said.

Zhu Yunwen nuzzled: "Of course!"

Zhu Yuanzhang came to Zhu Yunxi Palace.

This child Zhu Yunxi is small in stature, he seems to be more than seven years old, and he looks like a little radish, squatting on the ground so that people can't help but love him.


"Grandpa Huang!" Zhu Yunxi looked up and saw Zhu Yuanzhang, stood up and threw himself into Zhu Yuanzhang's arms happily, "Grandson pays respects to Grandpa Huang."

Zhu Yuanzhang scratched Zhu Yunxi's nose: "You little cunning."

"Hee hee." Zhu Yunxi smiled coquettishly.

This child Zhu Yunxi is cute, well-behaved and clingy, he can't compare to Zhu Xiongying, Zhu Yunqi is mature and sensible, and his aptitude is average in all aspects, Zhu Yuanzhang has long since never listed this child as an heir.

I just want to be an idle prince in the future.

"What have you been studying recently?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked.

Zhu Yunxi has never been a good person, so he said whatever he had: "My grandson thinks the school is too boring, so I didn't go today."

"You child!" Zhu Yuanzhang didn't scold him sincerely, but just blamed him casually.

The child Zhu Yunxi has always been innocent, and he must not realize what kind of situation he fell into when Zhu Biao died. He still plays happily all day long, but the palms and backs of his hands are full of meat, so Zhu Yuanzhang naturally wants to find a grandson for him. rely on.

"Xian'er, Grandpa Huang wants to ask you something, you have to tell Grandpa Huang the truth."

"What does Grandpa Huang want to ask his grandson?"

"Xiao' you still remember your elder brother?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked after pondering for a long time.

Zhu Yunxi did not hesitate at all: "Xiao'er naturally remembers that both the father and the queen have mentioned it to Xing'er."

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, as long as Zhu Yunxi still remembers.

As long as one day it can be proved that Zhu Xiongying's child is the eldest grandson of his own direct relative, then Zhu Xiongying and Zhu Yunxie are blood brothers of the first-born compatriots. As long as Zhu Xiongying protects Zhu Yunxie, he can be regarded as worthy of Zhu Biao, and he can go there with peace of mind.

"Have you ever missed your elder brother?"

Zhu Yunxi restrained the smile on his face, and had a rare sad look: "I think about it, Xing'er often dreams of big brother in dreams, although Xing'er has never seen big brother since he was born, but Xing'er knows that big brother must be very powerful He is well-versed in both civil and military affairs, well-read, decent, and an out-and-out man."

Zhu Yuanzhang felt relieved: "Why is Xi'er so sure? You have never met your elder brother?"

Zhu Yunxi raised his chin: "Xiao'er just knows that when my mother was alive, she said that my eldest brother and I are brothers whose blood is thicker than water, and this is a family relationship that we will never give up. Even if I see my eldest brother again now, Xing'er You must be able to recognize it!"

Zhu Yuanzhang stood up with an imperceptible smile on his face.

It just so happened that at this time, the Liao brothers came back to the palace twice to report on their duties, but they found Zhu Yuanzhang instead.

Zhu Lide took Liao Yong and Liao Yue to the palace where Zhu Yunxi lived.

Seeing Zhu Yunxie present, Liao Yong and Liao Yue were hesitating whether to speak, but Zhu Yuanzhang had no intention of avoiding it.

Zhu Yunxi didn't understand anything, and Zhu Yuanzhang usually walked away when he dealt with the affairs of the court.

After all, "the harem is not allowed to interfere in politics"!
"Let's talk." Zhu Yuanzhang sat down and put his hands on his temples to see if that kid Zhu Yunxi was listening to him.

Zhu Yuanzhang intended to let him listen to a little bit, so he didn't care.

After Liao Yong and Liao Yue finished reporting, they were about to leave the palace. When they walked about ten meters away from the gate of the palace, Liao Yong turned his head.

Seeing Zhu Yunxi dragging his personal eunuch Duofu to follow behind him step by step.

"Little Highness, you should go back, or His Majesty will punish you if you catch him."

Zhu Yunxi nuzzled: "It's fine if you don't say no to Grandpa Huang, and no one will find out!"

This simple grandson of the third emperor thought that his tracking skills were superb.

"This is not acceptable. If His Majesty blames him, the humble post cannot afford it."

Zhu Yunxi: "No, I just want to follow you today! I heard what you two just said to Grandpa Huang. I must go and see the legendary grandson of the Xu family and see how powerful he is!"

Liao Yong wanted to say more, but was held back by Liao Yue: "The grandson of the third emperor is allowed by His Majesty to leave the palace, we don't need to stop it."

"Ah? When will Your Majesty say for sure?" Liao Yong asked doubtfully.

Liao Yue had no choice but to say, "It's true that you are a stickler. Just now, His Majesty didn't avoid His Highness. You don't understand what that means?"

Liao Yong suddenly understood: "Yes! Why am I so stupid!"

Liao Yue: You are not like this on the first day.

"Your Highness, be careful later, hide behind the two of us, and don't be discovered by the guards at the palace gate." Liao Yue knelt down and said to Zhu Yunxi.

Zhu Yunxi excitedly said: "Okay!"

The three came to the gate of Duke Wei's mansion.

Liao Yue: "Your Highness, it is inconvenient for us two brothers to show up, so we can only go by ourselves."

"Okay, it's okay, I won't blame you!" Zhu Yunxi thought this was very interesting, and felt like a dark spy.

Liao Yue was amused by Zhu Yunxi's cute appearance, touched Zhu Yunxi's head and hid with Liao Yong.

Zhu Yunxi took Duofu to knock on the door.

After knocking for a long time, no one came to open the door.

"Huh? Why don't you open the door?" Zhu Yunxi crouched on the door and looked inside with a wrinkled smile.

"What are you doing?" A voice came from beside him.

Zhu Yunxi turned around and saw a boy who was half a head taller than him looking at him angrily.

It was Xu Jinghan.

From afar, I saw a little carrot head lying on the door of his house and looking in.

Zhu Yunxi: "I..." Just as he was about to explain, he saw another person behind Xu Jinghan.

Zhu Yunxi pushed Xu Jinghan away and rushed to the man.

Xu Jinghan: "..." What is this person doing?

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