Wang Yuan excitedly took some jugs of wine, and rushed in like flying.

Seeing him rushing in in a panic, Wang Jian put down the pen in his hand.

"Grandfather, Zhao Yang has introduced a new formula. This is the medicinal wine he made. Drinking it can strengthen the body. If there is any hidden disease, it is said that it can be cured."
Wang Yuan talked excitedly about the benefits of medicinal wine.

When he drank the wine just now, he still felt a little hot in his body.

"Is this so amazing?"
Wang Jian had a look of disbelief, he had never heard of this so-called medicinal wine.

Seeing that he didn't believe it, Wang Yuan quickly poured him a bowl.

"Grandfather, hurry up and try it. I asked him specifically to come here. I have tried it before, and it is indeed effective."
Wang Yuan knew that his grandfather had some old problems left over from before.

This time I brought medicinal wine back to help my grandfather solve the problem.

Unable to resist his kindness, Wang Jian picked up the bowl suspiciously and tried to take a sip.

After drinking a bowl of wine, I just feel that the taste is the same as before.

"Don't be in a hurry, just wait a bit and it will work."
Wang Yuan had an expectant expression on his face.

As soon as the words fell, Wang Jian only felt that his whole body began to heat up.

He picked it up and smelled it carefully, and there really was a scent of medicinal herbs in the wine.

I had been exposed to the cold on the battlefield before, and I often felt migraines for many years.

And the most obvious thing is that the little finger has been trembling.

Although you can't tell if you don't look carefully, Wang Jian's own feelings are the deepest.

After drinking this wine, the problem of trembling fingers seems to be much better.

Wang Jian moved his fingers, and said with surprise: "It seems that this wine really has a miraculous effect."
Unexpectedly, Zhao Yang developed a new trick in such a short period of time.

"Hurry up and send this wine over there to sell it. If there are other stocks in stock, bring back some more."

As soon as Wang Yuan heard this, he knew that his grandfather must also feel the effect of the medicine.

He picked up the wine in his hand and prepared to go to the winery.

Wang Jian waved to him and said, "Wait a minute, leave me two jugs of this wine."
Wang Yuan hurriedly put two pots on the table.

He almost forgot about it in a hurry.

Before leaving, he warned: "Grandfather, why don't you keep drinking this wine, maybe the old problems from before can be eradicated."
Wang Jian felt very pleased with Wang Yuan's filial piety.

As long as he sends out the order, Wang Yuan can do it, and he never asks him why.

This is also what Wang Jian likes most about him.

"Don't worry, grandpa has written it down."
Wang Jian hid the two jugs of wine, and he planned to find another chance to send another jug ​​to His Majesty.

After putting it away, Wang Jian couldn't help thinking in his heart.

How many good things did Zhao Yang have not brought out?
Zhao Yang can come up with something unexpected every time.

Wang Jian is really looking forward to his future performance more and more.

On the streets of Xianyang City.

Apart from Shuiyunfang, the most lively place is Wangjia Winery.

There was already a long queue at the entrance of the winery.

A tall and thick man stood up and said loudly: "Although the taste here is really good, the price is really too expensive."
Guys are used to it, people here complain every day anyway.

Another customer also stood up and said: "And the most important thing is that they still have limited quantities here, and sometimes they can't buy it at all after queuing for a whole day. I was here for a whole day yesterday."
"Yes, yes, who isn't?"
"The price is expensive, and we have to wait in line. Can't your Wang family give us a little bit more benefits? How about lowering the price."
"Even if you don't lower the price, or give us more wine."
All of a sudden, mourning sounded again and again.

The manager of the winery also had a troubled expression on his face.

They're not going to drop any prices, or give a little more wine, anyway.

If this rule is really broken, it will be more difficult for them to sell their wine in the future.

Seeing that the wine seller ignored them, many people couldn't stand the tone and left one after another.

Almost all of them spent a lot of money buying wine here, but they still had to wait.

With this little money, they can eat a few dishes in the restaurant!
Before leaving, some people felt uneasy and cursed at the entrance of the winery.

"I think your Wang family is trying to whet our appetite."
"I can't believe it. Such a big wine shop doesn't even have such a small amount of wine in stock. Who can drink it if you can only buy such a sip at a time?"
There were even drunkards who were so angry that they kicked their stalls a few times.

There was another circle of onlookers at the door.

The manager saw that everyone had left one after another, and hurriedly came out to apologize.

"Everyone, I'm really sorry, we mishandled this matter, but there is indeed no wine!"
This is the first time the manager has encountered such a situation after doing business for so many years.

He also wanted to make more money to get the wine out, but there was indeed no extra wine now.

Only by controlling the daily limited sales can we ensure that most people can buy it.

All the guests naturally didn't believe his rhetoric, thinking that the Wang family asked him to come out to deceive people.

"How could there be no stock, do you really think we don't know how to do business?"
"Shuiyunfang did this before, and now it seems that they have learned how to be good. In the end, you are just a wine seller. It's okay to set the price so high, and you dare to do this kind of thing."
"I think you are doing this to increase the price."

The scene is getting more and more out of control, and the person in charge can only let the guys go forward to stop it.

As a result, the more restrained it was, the more excited everyone became.

After queuing for so long in so many days, everyone was in a very bad mood.

I feel that the Wang family is simply playing with them like monkeys.

At this moment, a shout suddenly came from behind the crowd.

"Everyone, give way, the wine is here!"
Behind Wang Yuan was a group of Wang family guards.

In order to transport these wines, he spent a lot of effort.

It was sent from Zhao Yang's house, but it can't be bumped.

Wang Yuan was so tired from running this trip that he was covered in sweat.

As soon as he got here, seeing everyone gathered together, Wang Yuan knew there must be trouble again.

These days, every few days, there will be a few people looking for trouble.

Wang Yuan has already gotten used to it.

Now I just hope that the winery will be opened as soon as possible, otherwise it will definitely have a great impact if there are too many times like this.

When the manager saw him, he breathed a sigh of relief and hurried up.

"You are here."
Seeing that his hair was all messed up by people, Wang Yuan knew how uncontrollable the scene just now was.

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