Ying Zheng also has some understanding of the garrison system.

"A battalion of 60 soldiers is used to garrison the fields. While guarding, garrisoning the fields at the same time, developing food on the spot, and being self-sufficient."

After speaking, Ying Zheng observed the expressions of the two people below.

Li Si hurriedly said: "This move can not only fill the national treasury, but also reduce military expenditures. It is really a wise move."

Wang Li also responded in agreement, with an excited expression.

As a general, he naturally saw the significance of this system to the army at a glance.

Ying Zheng nodded in satisfaction.

Li Si went on to say: "And this method can also be adopted by Meng Tian and Zhao Tuo. Now they are fighting against the Huns and South Vietnam, and they must need more food."

Wang Li and Li Si both looked joyful.

This garrison system solved their most troubled problem.

If there is sufficient food and grass, it is only a matter of time before the Xiongnu and Nanyue are taken down.

However, Ying Zheng shook his head and said, "This method is not something I came up with alone."

After that, he remembered the appearance of the boy holding the umbrella.

For some reason, I always felt as if I had seen him somewhere.

Thinking about it now, there was an inexplicable sense of intimacy in that boy.

Li Si and Wang Li looked astonished.

Didn't His Majesty come up with it?

Li Si hurriedly asked: "Your Majesty, who is it that came up with the idea of ​​the garrison system?"

Wang Li also said excitedly: "To be able to come up with this method, this person must be a talent."

Ying Zheng was moved slightly, maybe he could be recruited to the palace, so he said: "It's a folk boy that Gu met by chance."

The two people below were extremely shocked, and they both felt that they couldn't hold back their faces.

They are full of civil and military affairs, and each of them is full of poetry and books, which even they can't think of.

Now, was it thought of by a country boy?


Wang Li said with a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, maybe this person is my great Qin nobleman!"

Ying Zheng smiled, quite happy in his heart.

After thinking about it, the boy seemed to have mentioned the matter of military service, planning to avoid military service.

If there is another conscription, I am afraid that the young man may be forced to leave Xianyang.

At that time, he will be hard to find.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng couldn't help but ordered.

"Pass down the order to suspend military service around Xianyang City immediately."

Li Si nodded in agreement, ready to deliver the order after leaving the palace.

Just as he was about to say something, Zhao Gao walked in suddenly.

He lowered his head and glanced at Li Si and Wang Li.

"Your Majesty, Sang Xu, the Imperial Commander of the Young Mansion, has something to report."

Ying Zheng thought of the umbrella that was given to him, and his heart skipped a beat.

Could it be that he has already made that umbrella?
He quickly stood up and said, "Quickly pass him in."

Seeing this, Zhao Gao felt a little strange.

On weekdays, His Majesty has never had such a big mood swing.

He also heard a little bit about His Majesty asking Sang Xu to do the umbrella before.

But it's just an umbrella, so you shouldn't be so eager, right?
Just as Zhao Gao was thinking, Sang Xu, the imperial magistrate, walked in quickly, holding the wooden umbrella, and knelt down on the ground tremblingly.

"Your Majesty, the craftsmanship of this umbrella is really ingenious.

The entire umbrella, from the handle to the umbrella body to the umbrella tail, is seamless and smooth, and the umbrella surface is very flat and strong.

The fabric of the umbrella surface is also very particular. Chen has already done the test, and the water drops will slip off in an instant.

Such craftsmanship made Wei Chen amazed. "

After Sang Xu took the umbrella back to study, he found that it was more difficult to make than he imagined.

Just for the layer of fabric pasted on the umbrella, he searched through many ancient books but couldn't find the corresponding item.

After hearing what he said, Ying Zheng was also slightly shocked.

At that time, I just thought that the craftsmanship of this umbrella was excellent.

Unexpectedly, even the skilled craftsmen in the palace couldn't make it?

This umbrella actually has such knowledge?

It seems that I really saw the boy right.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng also secretly strengthened his determination to recruit him into the palace.

Sang Xu continued: "Your Majesty, can you introduce this person as a minister? Regarding this umbrella, I have many questions to ask him."

This is the purpose of his coming today.

How can such a talent not be recruited to their Shaofu?
Sang Xu could already imagine it.

If he came to their Shaofu, this person would definitely be able to accomplish a lot.

Li Si and Wang Li on the side both looked at the umbrella curiously.

Is it really as powerful as it says?

Ying Zheng noticed the expressions of the two of them and said to them.

"You can try it too."

Li Si picked up the umbrella and looked it over.

The umbrellas he used on weekdays seemed to be okay.

But compared with this umbrella, the previous umbrella is ugly in appearance alone.

He opened the umbrella, it was silky smooth and light in his hand.

After closing the umbrella, Li Si said, "Your Majesty, this umbrella is indeed a good umbrella."

Wang Li picked up the umbrella and looked at it, and he was also full of admiration.

He suddenly remembered the young man His Majesty mentioned just now.

Looking at His Majesty's eyes again, he had a rough guess in his heart and asked tentatively.

"Your Majesty, the umbrella was invented by that boy, right?"

Ying Zheng laughed and said, "That's a good guess, he did indeed make this umbrella."

Sang Xu listened at the side and was confused.

But the word "youth" can be heard clearly.

This umbrella was made by a young man?

With such a skill, in his imagination, this person should already be gray-haired.

How could it be a young boy.

Ying Zheng looked back at him and said, "Take this umbrella down and study it carefully. You must make something similar to it."

Sang Xu quickly agreed and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

If they can't even make an umbrella, then what's the use of them.

He stepped forward to pick up the umbrella, turned and left.

After he left, Li Si and Wang Li still had surprised expressions on their faces.

This person not only understands state affairs and can put forward his own unique insights, but also is top-notch in terms of craftsmanship.

Li Si and Li Si hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, I also want to meet this folk boy."

"Tomorrow, Gu will take the two of you to meet that young man."

After hearing so much from them, Ying Zheng couldn't help but want to find the boy.

The two were overjoyed and hurriedly said: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

After a few people left, Ying Zheng called Zhao Gao.

"His Majesty."

Ying Zheng said to Zhao Gao seriously: "Gu, there is one thing that needs you to do."

Zhao Gao saluted slightly.

"Gu sent you to investigate a young man who lives outside Xianyang City. You must find out his details, and check who he contacts on weekdays."

Zhao Gao was slightly taken aback.

The scope of this target is also too large, I only know that he is a young man who lives outside Xianyang City.

But he still responded repeatedly: "Yes, I will definitely handle it well."

The reason why Zhao Gao was asked to investigate this matter was because Ying Zheng was also afraid that the young man was sent by someone with malicious intentions.

Only by finding out his details can Ying Zheng rest assured.

Just as Zhao Gao was about to leave, Ying Zheng's heart moved and he stopped him again.

"During the investigation, we must also check out his parents' household registration."

Zhao Gao was a little puzzled, but he didn't say much, and left under orders.

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